July Ministry Update
July 5, 2014 Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No CommentsEncouraging Music!
I hope your 4th of July weekend has been a relaxing one! June has flown by but has been a good start to the summer. The National Worship Leader Conference was such a blessing as this is the first time they came to San Jose (June 17-19). It was great to see a number of my guitar students there. The picture above was taken Tuesday night with Israel Houghton and band. It was a refreshing night of worship. I led music for Community Presbyterian Church‘s Vacation Bible School a week ago which was a total success. Two graduates from Valley Christian High School joined the band with me, Christian Kolb on keys, and Alyssa McCoy leading vocals and hand motions. We had a blast! There were over 425 kids and over 250 volunteers to help make it a fantastic experience for the kids. Sarah Scott did a wonderful job putting together the whole event. Many kids grew closer to Jesus!
July 6 (Sunday), I’ll be Leading worship at Bridges Community Church in Los Altos for their contemporary service, 10:45am.
I hope to see you at one of my concerts this week! I’ll be introducing a new song, Abundant Sunshine, which is going to be on my new instrumental album. I’ll be in Los Altos July 7 (Mon), Felton July 9 (Wed), and San Jose July 13 (Sun)..Looking forward to seeing you there! (see below).
I’ll be teaching summer guitar lessons this week only which is great for anyone who would like a one-time inspirational lesson. (see below).
Concerts This Week
I will be performing a series of concerts throughout the Bay Area this week. Entertaining guitar work with looping and effects, meaningful lyrics/stories both humorous and challenging, and clear vocal tapestry add to the evening of encouraging music. The first one will be in Los Altos at Bridges Community Church, July 7 (Mon), 7:00pm. The second one will be in the Santa Cruz area at Felton Bible Church, July 9 (Wed), 7:00pm. The third one will be in San Jose at San Jose Christian Reformed Church, July 13 (Sun), 7:00pm. Hope to see you at one of these!
Discounted Guitar Lessons
This week, I will be teaching one-time discounted lessons throughout the Bay Area July 7-13 (Mon-Sun). All the available lessons are found on the Heartfelt Music Smart Events site. Sign up now to spur you on to greater ability and skill. I’ll be teaching in Los Altos both Monday (Bridges Community Church), at my home in Mount Hemon on Thursday (20 Pine Ave.), and in San Jose on Sunday (Valley Christian High School). Each lesson is 40 minutes long for $50.00 (usually 30 minutes). More than a “shot-in-the-arm,” these lessons are a shot-in-both-arms!
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