July Update 2024

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments

Point of Grace Concert Disneyland Fun with Family40th Wedding Anniversary

Ministry & Family

I hope you’re having a great summer and making time to get renewed and refreshed. It’s so important to balance ministry endeavors with family priorities. Navigating through them can be very hard sometimes. I want to balance doing God’s work with others and keeping family relationships strong.
As far as ministry, the Mount Hermon Concert Series has been inspiring hundreds of people every weekend this summer. Last weekend, we had such a meaningful time with Phillips Craig & Dean. This weekend is Nichole Nordeman and next weekend the series closes with Point of Grace. Tickets are still available, so if you’re in the area we’d love to have you attend! I am leading worship for churches like San Jose Christian Church and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Keeping my creativity flowing, I’m writing a new guitar instrumental called Partly Cloudy. I’m also preparing for my classes to begin again in a few weeks at Valley Christian School.
Family has been a main focus recently. Some difficult things have happened this summer like my brother, Steve, passing away from a courageous battle with cancer. Also, after 8 1/2 years, we had to put our sweet dog to sleep. Many of you can empathize with these difficult circumstances. On a happier note, our boys, their wives and our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter went to Disneyland and Universal Studios. We had a blast! Also, Sherri and I look forward to celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary this summer. What a wonderful journey with the love of my life!
I’m so thankful that there are people all over the world opening my newsletter. And shout out to Massachusetts! I notice that there are a number of people opening my eNewsletters in Massachusetts! I’m thrilled and maybe should set up a concert with you! 🙂


The Heartfelt Music Executive Board and I are so grateful for your continued involvement with Heartfelt Music. You can greatly underscore and support this ministry with a financial gift. PayPal Giving Fund will give you tax exemption and not take out any fees. Your generous donations are such a practical way to help. Thank you!


Upcoming Events

July 21 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am and you’re welcome to join us. https://www.sjcrc.org/
August 4 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. It is located at 121 South White Rd, San Jose CA 95127, (408) 729-7563. The service is at 10:00am and you’re welcome to join us. https://www.gdlcsj.com/


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June Update 2024

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Music in the Redwoods

This Saturday begins the Worship in the Redwoods Mount Hermon Christian Conference Summer Concert Series with popular and encouraging artists over six consecutive Saturdays. This Saturday is with Buddy Greene and friends! The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets. Each concert is at 6:30pm with indoor and outdoor seating. The Phillips, Craig & Dean concert is sold out, but there is room at all the other concerts. Visit the Mount Hermon concert website for more information. Here’s the line-up:

  • June 22 – Buddy Greene, Jeff Taylor, and Dave Dillard
  • June 29 – Steve Green and Dick Tunney
  • July 6 – Doyle Dykes
  • July 13 – Phillips, Craig and Dean
  • July 20 – Nichole Nordeman
  • July 27 – Point of Grace

Thoughtful Prayers & Support

I am so grateful for your prayers and support for Heartfelt Music. Giving to Heartfelt Music is easy. PayPal Giving Fund will give you tax exemption and not take out any fees. Thank you for your thoughtful donations!

May Update 2024

Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments


Anticipating Summer

Summer is here and both the weather and upcoming events are bringing in the season with warm anticipation. I just finished an amazing year at Valley Christian School and will now have time to work on exciting Heartfelt Music® projects like new online guitar lessons and training events.

Join the music in the Redwoods this summer at Mount Hermon with popular and encouraging artists over six consecutive Saturdays. The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets. Each concert is at 6:30pm with indoor and outdoor seating. Visit the Mount Hermon concert website for more information. Here’s the line-up:

  • June 22 – Buddy Greene, Jeff Taylor, and Dave Dillard
  • June 29 – Steve Green and Dick Tunney
  • July 6 – Doyle Dykes
  • July 13 – Phillips, Craig and Dean
  • July 20 – Nicole Nordeman
  • July 27 – Point of Grace


I am so grateful for your prayers and encouraging comments as I work with Heartfelt Music® Ministry to draw others closer to Christ! If you would like to help support Heartfelt Music, you can contribute with confidence knowing your funds are being used for ministry purposes. PayPal Giving Fund will give you tax exemption and not take out any fees. Thank you for your support!


Year’s End at Valley Christian

May 31 is the last day of Valley Christian School for 2023/2024. It’s been a year full of ministry and music, teaching and mentoring junior high and high school students in significant ways.


Mount Hermon Summer Concerts

This summer, Mount Hermon Conference Center will hold six Saturdays filled with amazing music artists. The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets.


Hear Reggie’s Music for Free

It’s easy to hear my music on eight of my albums including Encore at HearNow.com. There are links to Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube and more.


Upcoming Events

July 21 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am and you’re welcome to join us. https://www.sjcrc.org/

April Update 2024

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More Meaningful Music

True to our name, Heartfelt Music Ministry is bringing you more meaningful music in many ways. I’ll be doing a concert this Sunday at 5:00pm through Facebook Live. For guitarists, I’ll be sharing some favorite songs, alternate tunings, multiple capos, a 12-string Taylor guitar, and a variety of strums, fingerstyle, and crazy chords. I’ll also be sharing stories and lyrics that evoke a stronger faith in Christ. I’d love to have you be there!

All year I’ve been organizing the summer concerts at Mount Hermon Conference Center and we’re now letting others know. The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets. Each concert is at 6:30pm with indoor and outdoor seating. Visit the Mount Hermon website for more information. Here’s the line-up:

  • June 22 – Buddy Greene, Jeff Taylor, and Dave Dillard
  • June 29 – Steve Green and Dick Tunney
  • July 6 – Doyle Dykes
  • July 13 – Phillips, Craig and Dean
  • July 20 – Nicole Nordeman
  • July 27 – Point of Grace

My heart is continually inspired because of you and your encouragement! Thank you for your faithful support for Heartfelt Music Ministry.


Reggie’s Facebook Live Concert

Experience my 16th live streaming concert this Sunday, April 14, at 5:00pm, I’ll be doing another live online concert from my home. Here’s the Facebook Live link: https://fb.me/e/6efYK8XQo


Mount Hermon Summer Concerts

This summer, Mount Hermon Conference Center will hold six Saturdays filled with amazing music artists. The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets.


Hear Reggie’s Music for Free

It’s easy to hear my music on eight of my albums including Encore at HearNow.com. There are links to Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube and more.


Upcoming Events

April 14 (Sun)
I’ll be doing a live online concert from my home on Sunday, April 14, at 5:00pm. Here is the Facebook Live link: https://fb.me/e/6efYK8XQo

March Update 2024

Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments


MH Easter SunriseBob TharalsonThanks for Giving

God’s Priority

As we approach the wonderful season of refletion on Jesus enduring the cross and raising from the dead…for all of us! In fact, everything Jesus did was because God’s priority is on people. “For God so loved the world (the people) that He sent His only Son..” (John 3:16a).
I was rehearsing at church before leading worship that morning, and in walked a guy I didn’t recognize at first. I asked if I could help him. He said he was looking for Reggie Coates. When he spoke, I recognized it was Bob Tharalson, the youth pastor who led me to Christ when I was 12 years old. He knew I was going to be leading that morning because of my newsletter and wanted to show up to encourage me. What a surprise…what a blessing! I’m so glad Bob took time to love me when I was in Jr. High. We continue to keep in touch and pray for each other.
Jesus put an amazing emphasis on loving people. This has been so important to me throughout my life. From the inception of Heartfelt Music Ministry, our Mission Statement has been to lead others toward intimacy with God and toward excellence in artistry. We’re all about encouraging people in Christ. Also, I love my family so much and keep them as a high priority.
Thank you for your continued support for Heartfelt Music Ministry! May God infuse you with his love and resurrection power!

The Man Who Led Me to Christ

When I was 12 years old, Bob Tharalson was my youth pastor. It’s because of him I gave my life to Christ. I saw Jesus in him and that gave me the faith to ask Jesus into my heart. I received an undeniable joy and my life has never been the same.

Easter Sunrise at Mount Hermon

For those who are local, the annual Easter Sunrise Service is at the summit of Mount Hermon’s 440-acre conference center in Mount Hermon, Sunday, March 31, 6:30am, with inspiring worship and message. Click here for more info.

Your Donations Are Empowering

The Heartfelt Music Ministry Executive Board (John, Mike, Willie, Bryan and I) want to thank those who have graciously given financially to this ministry. Your donations and encouragement have greatly helped us inspire others in Christ.

Up-Coming Events

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November Update 2023

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Renew My Heart Today

Songwriting is deeply personal. Though most of the songs I write are meant to encourage others, they are written out of my own experience and often come around to lift my spirits time and time again. The song Hold Me, from my new album Encore, has been a powerful prayer for me recently. I thought I’d share it with you.
Hold Me
(Verse 1)
Early in the morning
I turn my thoughts to You
Empower me to follow in Your ways
You know all the hard things
I’m facing to get through
Revive my soul to trust in You today
Caring for the world that You love
Sharing with them healing from above
Hold me, Hold me
Create in me a clean heart O God
Renew my heart today
Give it a listen on YouTube or use your favorite music app (like Spotify). You can purchase a digital copy of my Encore album at Gumroad.com.

The photo above is a recent picture of the VCS high school Introduction to Guitar and Electric Bass class. I’m so proud of them and I’m grateful to be working with them.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support! My you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. There’s so much to be thankful for!


Coming Events

November 19 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. This is my last Sunday as their interim Worship Pastor. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am. https://www.sjcrc.org/


My Music on CDs and Streaming

Listen to my music for free on my YouTube channel. To purchase physical albums or CDs, go to our website at HeartfeltMusic.org. To purchase digital albums or CDs, go to my page at Gumroad.com. Also, HearNow.com will point to other listening options like Spotify.


Thanksgiving & Gratitude

May this Thanksgiving season be filled with celebration and gratitude for all that God is doing in your life! I am so thankful for my family, for Heartfelt Music Ministry, and for you! I appreciate the many years you have been following me and this ministry. Thank you!


Contributions to Enhance Ministry

Would you consider a year-end gift to enhance the impact or our ministry? We are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit ministry (for your tax write-off purposes). You can donate to Heartfelt Music® Ministry through Pay Pal Giving Fund with no fees taken out.

October Update 2023

Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments

God’s Desire for You

There are many helpful verses in the Bible that clearly spell out what God’s will is for our lives. One of my favorite sections is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” What an important reminder of all the blessings God brings our way and rejoice in them; keep a constant and open dialogue with God about everything we do and everyone who crosses our path; and maintain an attitude of gratitude, being thankful in the midst of all our circumstances. We need to rely on God’s Spirit to live in “His will” moment by moment. May you experience His joy this week!
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!


My Music on CDs and Streaming

Listen to my music for free on my YouTube channel. To purchase digital albums or CDs, go to our website at HeartfeltMusic.org. Also, HearNow.com will point to other listening options like Spotify.


Leading Worship in the Bay Area

An aspect I love with Heartfelt Music is training musicians to lead worship in their churches. I have been working recently with three churches in Santa Clara, San Ramon, and San Jose.


Creating VCS Devotional Videos

One of my responsibilities at Valley Christian School is to create devotions for faculty who can’t make the in-person meetings. You may find these encouraging as well! Here’s the Playlist.


Up-Coming Events

October 22 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship and training at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am.

July Update 2023

Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events 1 Comment


Living a Balanced Life

Here we are in the middle of summer and it sure is flying by. I’m continuing to lead worship at various churches in the Bay Area and weekly train musicians and worship leaders in-person and through Zoom. I’m so grateful to help others excel in their musical and ministry endeavors.

There are four Saturdays left of the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series. All the concerts are free, but you must register through iTickets. Veritas had to move to July 29, with Michael O’Brien, because of a family emergency. Here’s the new line-up:

I did a Summer Home Concert through Facebook Live which is now available on my YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/dpx16y_XN6o. I played all the songs on my latest album, Encore, and wrapped it up with My Prayer for You. I hope it encourages you!

I’ve been hearing recently that more and more people are experiencing anxiety, emptiness, and despair. More pastors are feeling lonely; care workers are feeling discouraged; and teachers are feeling less valued. One way to personally work through this disheartening trend is by living a balanced life. How are we doing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Stephen Covey, in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, gives 4 personal habits for us to keep in mind to help us stay balanced and victorious in life. These have been very inspiring for me.

1)  Be Proactive [Habit 1]
Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.
2)  Begin with the End in Mind [Habit 2]
Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.
3)  Put First Things First [Habit 3]
Prioritize your life. Make sure you put the important things in your life before the many little things that can keep you from what matters most.
4)  Sharpen the Saw [Habit 7]
Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. Make regular time to reload physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our relationship with God is vital in maintaining a balanced life: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). God loves us deeply and wants us to enjoy an abundant life! May you experience intimacy with Jesus in a fresh way this summer!

Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers and support for Heartfelt Music® Ministry. We couldn’t do this ministry without you.


Upcoming Events

  • July 16 & 30 (Sundays)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am.
  • July 23 (Sunday)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Ramon Presbyterian Church. It is located at 12700 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583, (925) 543-7772. The service is at 9:00am.
  • August 3 (Thursday)
    I’ll be playing instrumental guitar music during an Ice Cream Social at Saratoga Retirement Community, 14500 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA  95070, 6:30pm-8:00pm.


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June Update 2023

Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments

Joy and Hope through Music

I pray your summer is off to good start! This Saturday begins the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series, June 24, at 6:30pm, with Buddy Greene and two of his talented friends Jeff Taylor and Dave Dillard. All the concerts are free, but you must register through iTickets. Here’s the line-up:

This Sunday, June 25, I will be performing live online with a Summer Home Concert at 5:00pm, through Facebook Live. I’ll be doing songs from my new album, Encore, and special requests. Let me know what songs you’d like to hear beforehand so I can be ready (email me at [email protected]. Visit the HearNow.com website to hear the songs on Encore. All my products are available at the Heartfelt Music Ministry website. Hope you can join me on Sunday.

Summer Begins

Fortunately, I’ve had a break for a couple of weeks between Valley Christian School and the Summer Concert Series with Mount Hermon. Lessons and worship leading are continuing throughout the summer.


MH Concert Series

Buddy’s beautiful songwriting, singing, guitar playing, and harmonica playing will be enhanced by his multi-talented friends Jeff Taylor and Dave Dillard. They are an incredibly talented and hilarious trio.


Encore Concert

Join me for a Summer Home Concert Sunday, June 25, at 5:00pm, with songs from my new album, Encore, and special requests. You can hear clips of each song on the album Encore at HearNow.com.


Upcoming Events

  • June 25 (Sunday)
    I’ll be doing a Home Concert June 25 at 5:00pm through Facebook Live sharing songs from the new album Encore and playing some songs by special request.
  • July 2, 16, 30 (Sundays)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am.
  • July 23 (Sunday)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Ramon Presbyterian Church. It is located at 12700 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583, (925) 543-7772. The service is at 9:00am.


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May Update 2023

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Brandon's website VCS ConservatorySummer Home Concert

Spring into Action

This Spring has been marked by action – eternally significant action! It has been busier than usual, but so fulfilling seeing God renew and transform lives because of our ministry. I have been leading worship for San Jose Christian Reformed Church and San Ramon Presbyterian Church and will continue in the coming months. Valley Christian Schools has been coming to a crescendo this last week and is wrapping up this coming week (The photo above is of my Intro to Guitar and Electric Bass class). I will be teaching private music lessons in-person and through Zoom this summer beginning June 22 on Thursday afternoons. Let me know if you are interested.


I will be performing live with a Summer Home Concert Sunday, June 25, at 5:00pm, with songs from my new album, Encore, and special requests. Let me know what songs you’d like to hear. Visit the HearNow.com website to hear the songs on Encore and access links to Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, etc. Check out all my products available at the Heartfelt Music Ministry website. May you be refreshed and drawn closer to God through these songs!


I’ve been preparing and producing the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series, which will begin Saturday, June 24, at 6:30pm. All the concerts are free, but you must register for a ticket with iTickets. We’ll have seven amazing concerts this summer.


I am so grateful for you! Let me know what would encourage you and how I can craft ministry to help you. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.


Memorial Day Encouragement

My dad, George Coates, fought in WWII at Wake Island and was taken as a POW for 4 years. My son, Brandon Coates, painted a creative image of the WWII Memorial in Washington DC while working at Sledghammer Games on their Call of Duty: WWII Game. May it honor veterans and remember their service for our freedom.


Valley Christian School Final Push

The VCS Guitar II & III classes, as well as the Worship Team, went busking on Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz last month…such a good experience! All of my classes have been working toward the climax of this last week. It’s been fun teaching guitar for HS and video for JH. I’ve enjoyed developing devotional videos for the faculty this year.


Summer Home Encore Concert

It’s been a while since I have done a live home concert. Join me for a Summer Home Concert Sunday, June 25, at 5:00pm, with songs from my new album, Encore, and special requests. Let me know what songs you’d like to hear by emailing me at [email protected]. You can hear clips of each song on the album Encore at HearNow.com.


Upcoming Events

  • June 4 (Sunday)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am.
  • June 18 (Sunday)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Ramon Presbyterian Church. It is located at 12700 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583, (925) 543-7772. The service is at 9:00am.
  • June 25 (Sunday)
    I’ll be doing another Home Concert June 25 at 5:00pm through Facebook Live sharing songs from the new album Encore.

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