Spiritual maturity and strength is of utmost importance at a time when there is so much confusion and uncertainty. Many of God’s biblical truths are being twisted and ignored. Growing in biblical understanding and spiritual wisdom is a practical way to get grounded in truth. Valley Christian School (VCS) gives each faculty member an incentive to learn more about biblical and relational truths by requiring us to earn Bible and Educational unit credits. Last month, I watched three video series on The Book of Job by Francis Chan, The Book of Romans by J.D. Greear, and Winning With People by John Maxwell. Each of these were so encouraging and motivational for me. Other avenues I have for personal spiritual growth is daily reading the Bible and creating devotionals for the Conservatory of the Arts department at VCS (see below). Are you taking time to nurture your faith and ground yourself in God’s Word? .
A noteworthy event is happening this Sunday through my YouTube Channel. I’ve been working on an inspirational video which includes a performance at my home of nine significant songs with meaningful introductions to each song filmed at the Mount Hermon creek close to my house. Join me at 5:00pm to watch this new Home Concert Video and share comments with real-time interaction. If you can’t make it Sunday, once it opens at 5:00pm, you can watch it anytime after that. My goal is to enrich your relationship with Jesus and inspire you to live confidently in Him.
Home Concert Sunday, March 16
I am sharing significant songs of mine through a Home Concert Video at Mount Hermon, Sunday, March 16, beginning at 5:00pm through my YouTube channel. One new song is called Partly Cloudy reflecting on how life doesn’t always bring us sunshine.
VCS Encouraging Devotionals
One of the online devotions used to inspire the faculty at Valley Christian School is a short message by Francis Chan on having Jesus as the center of our life. I encourage you to watch it! He explains how a Christian is not just someone who goes to church.
Help Support Heartfelt Music
You can contribute to Heartfelt Music Ministry through Pay Pal Giving Fund with no fees taken out. We are a Non-Profit 501(c)3, which gives you a tax write off. You can give a one-time gift or a monthly reoccurring gift helping us with ongoing ministry. Thank you for your support!
Heartfelt Music Ministry has been investing in people for over 25 years. We’ve been touching lives through conferences, workshops, concerts, worship leading, private lessons, songbooks, recordings, and more. A recent emphasis has been on mentoring young people through guitar training and outreach classes. I teach Introduction to Guitar and Electric Bass, Guitar 2, and Guitar 3 classes at Valley Christian Schools in their Conservatory of the Arts program. I get to guide these amazing students toward intimacy with God and excellence in their music artistry. I also teach a junior high class called Community Outreach Fellowship, which is a wonderful opportunity for 26 students to go off campus to minister and help other organization. I’ve really enjoyed teaching this year and being able to encourage and influence students on a weekly basis.
We would love to have you join hands with us in ministry through your prayers and contributions. You can donate to Heartfelt Music Ministry through Pay Pal Giving Fund with no fees taken out. We are a Non-Profit 501(c)3, which gives you a tax write off. Thank you for your support!
Guitar Training Classes
Music and Guitar have been powerful tools to inspire young people to express their passions and faith! They are having so much fun learning worship songs, new chords, creative techniques, how to write songs, and play in front of their peers.
Community Outreach Classes
In the Community Outreach Fellowship class, the students become “the hands and feet of Jesus” by helping package food at Silicon Valley Second Harvest and Martha’s Kitchen in San Jose. They also work with elementary students to teach them computer coding.
Home Concert Sunday, March 16
I am sharing new songs and significant songs of mine through a Home Concert Sunday, March 16, at 5:00pm through my YouTube channel. One new song is called Partly Cloudy and is a reflection on how life doesn’t always bring us sunshine. I’ll add the link in the next newsletter.
Christmas is a beautiful time to reflect on Jesus and be encouraged through music, family, friends, with hopefully some time to relax a little. Last Sunday, I did a short concert to share some personal songs and familiar carols. The year before, I put together a Christmas sing-a-long for families to enjoy together with words on a screen. In 2020, I recorded a Christmas Album which is available on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, YouTube, etc. Visit https://reggiecoates.hearnow.com/i-wish-you-a-mary-christmas to find out more about this album (as well as my other 7 albums).
Home Concert – Christmas 2024 (22 Minutes)
Christmas Carol Sing with Reggie Coates (30 Minutes)
I hope you can join me this Sunday at 5:00pm during my Home Concert through my YouTube channel. I’ll be celebrating Christmas with a number of Christmas carols and some of the songs I’ve written that have encouraged me over the last few months.
Thank you to those who have generously donated to Heartfelt Music Ministry this last year! We appreciate you so much and definitely couldn’t do this ministry without you! Here we are at the end of 2024. Would you consider a contribution to enhance the impact of our ministry? You can donate to Heartfelt Music through Pay Pal Giving Fund with no fees taken out. If you buy anything on eBay.com with eBay GivingWorks (listing Heartfelt Music as your Charity), we receive a contribution at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!
The Heartfelt Music Ministry Board of Directors and I hope this Christmas is full of joy for you! May you feel refreshed and uplifted during this holiday season.
I Wish You a Mary Christmas
This is my Christmas album with familiar, joyful, meaningful, worshipful Christmas carols. Hear how it sounds and where it’s available – CLICK HERE. You can purchase it digitally through Gumroad – CLICK HERE. You can purchase a physical CD though our website – CLICK HERE..
Live Online Concert on Sunday
I am doing a concert this Sunday, December 15, at 5:00pm through my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/live/4uHKLEE70q0?si=Zzh_WUZZxKpo9vjD. Sing-a-long to Christmas carols and make a joyful noise!.
Donate to Heartfelt Music
If you would like to contribute to Heartfelt Music® to propel this ministry, click the image above or CLICK HERE. No fees will be taken out and your gift is tax-deductible since we are a nonprofit 501(c)3. This would be a wonderful End-of-the-Year contribution..
There’s a lot to be thankful for! Relationships are at the top of the list. I’m truly grateful for my family & friends! I’m glad to be influencing all ages through Heartfelt Music Ministry, working with the students and faculty at Valley Christian Schools, presenting talented artists to bless others at the Summer Concert Series at Mount Hermon Conference Center, and walking alongside the Mount Hermon Community for over 20 years.
The Thanksgiving holiday is right around the corner, but it’s never too early to be grateful. It does something to calm your soul and inspire joy. May this Thanksgiving be especially meaningful for you!
On behalf of the Heartfelt Music Board, we want to thank you so much for your prayers and support. We are so appreciative of your words of encouragement, generous contributions, and caring prayers. Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have a meaningful Thanksgiving this year! Take advantage of special gatherings of family and friends. Take nothing for granted. Let’s be truly grateful for what we have.
End of a Season at Mount Hermon
I just stepped off the Executive Board of the Mount Hermon Community after serving for 20 years. The people here are a joy to work with and I’m so glad for the new leaders who continue to care for this community.
The Mission Statement for Heartfelt Music Ministry is to lead others toward intimacy with God and toward excellence in artistry. Wherever I go, I share stories from my own life experiences to build faith in Christ and pass on significant lessons I’ve learned from life. I also want to train and coach others to be their best in serving the Lord through music. It’s been so fun to see students go from beginning to advanced in their music skill. One thing in common is that they want to keep getting better. Hearing of students progress brings a lot of joy, but seeing their motivation to use their talents to glorify God is so fulfilling! Here’s a letter I came across from Tyler Woodall, one of my guitar students who graduated from Valley Christian School a couple of years ago.
“Dear Mr. Coates, I’ve taken your class all four years of high school and it’s honestly been my favorite class and something I look forward to during the week. I’m so thankful for your teaching getting me to where I am today as a guitar player! I started as a freshman having never picked up a guitar before. But being able to learn simple songs in the class gave me a desire to want to keep getting better. All the exercises, techniques, and songs I’ve learned in your class have been so helpful in my development. But beyond the guitar, I really appreciate the life lessons you’ve incorporated and the positive energy you have every class. Thank you for the impact you’ve had on me and helping me to find one of my passions.”
My schedule has changed for this weekend and I will not be doing an online Home Concert this Sunday. I’m looking forward to doing an online concert in December.
On behalf of the Heartfelt Music Board, we want to thank you so much for your prayers and support. You really help us steadily care for and equip all the lives we touch!
Upcoming Events
• No online home concert this Sunday, October 13.
• December 15 (Sunday) I’ll be doing an online Home Concert through YouTube on Sunday, December 15, 5:00pm-6:00pm. I’ll be performing familiar Christmas carols and some of my songs to enhance your Christmas celebration.
It is wonderful to begin a new season with both familiarity and freshness. I’ve started my 14th year at Valley Christian School and really look forward to this coming year. The students are eager to learn and are having a blast playing guitar. I take seriously my responsibility and opportunity to influence these young students toward intimacy with God and toward excellence in artistry. .
I will be doing more Home Concerts online this Fall to share new songs and remind us of God’s miraculous work and changeless love. Just a couple of weeks ago, I made a video of my song Seasons. Ever feel overwhelmed with all the rebuilding, reorganizing, reshaping and changes going on? God is not taken by surprise and He will make a way for you. We can really enjoy life as we seek to stay close to the Lord in all we do. .
Thank you for your prayers and continued support. Your loving corroboration in ministry truly gives strength and inspiration to us.
Reggie’s Song, Seasons, on YouTube
Seasons is one of Reggie’s songs written as a prayer reminding us of God’s changeless love through the various seasons of life. Hope it lifts you up today!
Extend Our Reach
By donating to Heartfelt Music Ministry through PayPal Giving Fund, you are opening more opportunities to train and spiritually encourage those we minister to.
Valley Christian School Ministry
I’m teaching junior high and high school at Valley Christian Schools again this year: Guitar, Video, and driving for a Missions Outreach class.
I hope you’re having a great summer and making time to get renewed and refreshed. It’s so important to balance ministry endeavors with family priorities. Navigating through them can be very hard sometimes. I want to balance doing God’s work with others and keeping family relationships strong. .
As far as ministry, the Mount Hermon Concert Series has been inspiring hundreds of people every weekend this summer. Last weekend, we had such a meaningful time with Phillips Craig & Dean. This weekend is Nichole Nordeman and next weekend the series closes with Point of Grace. Tickets are still available, so if you’re in the area we’d love to have you attend! I am leading worship for churches like San Jose Christian Church and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Keeping my creativity flowing, I’m writing a new guitar instrumental called Partly Cloudy. I’m also preparing for my classes to begin again in a few weeks at Valley Christian School. .
Family has been a main focus recently. Some difficult things have happened this summer like my brother, Steve, passing away from a courageous battle with cancer. Also, after 8 1/2 years, we had to put our sweet dog to sleep. Many of you can empathize with these difficult circumstances. On a happier note, our boys, their wives and our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter went to Disneyland and Universal Studios. We had a blast! Also, Sherri and I look forward to celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary this summer. What a wonderful journey with the love of my life! .
I’m so thankful that there are people all over the world opening my newsletter. And shout out to Massachusetts! I notice that there are a number of people opening my eNewsletters in Massachusetts! I’m thrilled and maybe should set up a concert with you! 🙂
The Heartfelt Music Executive Board and I are so grateful for your continued involvement with Heartfelt Music. You can greatly underscore and support this ministry with a financial gift. PayPal Giving Fund will give you tax exemption and not take out any fees. Your generous donations are such a practical way to help. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
July 21 (Sunday) I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am and you’re welcome to join us. https://www.sjcrc.org/ . August 4 (Sunday) I’ll be leading worship at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. It is located at 121 South White Rd, San Jose CA 95127, (408) 729-7563. The service is at 10:00am and you’re welcome to join us. https://www.gdlcsj.com/
This Saturday begins the Worship in the Redwoods Mount Hermon Christian Conference Summer Concert Series with popular and encouraging artists over six consecutive Saturdays. This Saturday is with Buddy Greene and friends! The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets. Each concert is at 6:30pm with indoor and outdoor seating. The Phillips, Craig & Dean concert is sold out, but there is room at all the other concerts. Visit the Mount Hermon concert website for more information. Here’s the line-up:
June 22 – Buddy Greene, Jeff Taylor, and Dave Dillard
June 29 – Steve Green and Dick Tunney
July 6 – Doyle Dykes
July 13 – Phillips, Craig and Dean
July 20 – Nichole Nordeman
July 27 – Point of Grace .
Thoughtful Prayers & Support
I am so grateful for your prayers and support for Heartfelt Music. Giving to Heartfelt Music is easy. PayPal Giving Fund will give you tax exemption and not take out any fees. Thank you for your thoughtful donations!
Summer is here and both the weather and upcoming events are bringing in the season with warm anticipation. I just finished an amazing year at Valley Christian School and will now have time to work on exciting Heartfelt Music® projects like new online guitar lessons and training events.
Join the music in the Redwoods this summer at Mount Hermon with popular and encouraging artists over six consecutive Saturdays. The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets. Each concert is at 6:30pm with indoor and outdoor seating. Visit the Mount Hermon concert website for more information. Here’s the line-up:
June 22 – Buddy Greene, Jeff Taylor, and Dave Dillard
June 29 – Steve Green and Dick Tunney
July 6 – Doyle Dykes
July 13 – Phillips, Craig and Dean
July 20 – Nicole Nordeman
July 27 – Point of Grace
I am so grateful for your prayers and encouraging comments as I work with Heartfelt Music® Ministry to draw others closer to Christ! If you would like to help support Heartfelt Music, you can contribute with confidence knowing your funds are being used for ministry purposes. PayPal Giving Fund will give you tax exemption and not take out any fees. Thank you for your support!
Year’s End at Valley Christian
May 31 is the last day of Valley Christian School for 2023/2024. It’s been a year full of ministry and music, teaching and mentoring junior high and high school students in significant ways.
Mount Hermon Summer Concerts
This summer, Mount Hermon Conference Center will hold six Saturdays filled with amazing music artists. The concerts are free, but you’ll need to get tickets through iTickets.
Hear Reggie’s Music for Free
It’s easy to hear my music on eight of my albums including Encore at HearNow.com. There are links to Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube and more.
Upcoming Events
July 21 (Sunday) I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am and you’re welcome to join us. https://www.sjcrc.org/
This blog is a way to know the latest news from Heartfelt Music & Ministry. I’ll share what’s going on through our ministry journey and tell you of significant life changes and events to encourage you along the way. Click on your Really Simple Syndication (RSS) button to receive posts, pray for us, and even leave comments to dialogue with me and others. We welcome your involvement in this way.