
“Reggie Coates is one of the finest worship leaders in the United States.  He has the incredible ability to lead people toward a loving relationship with God through a humble and beautiful style of leadership.  Whether it is a concert, worship leading or training workshops, Reggie will surpass your expectations.  He is truly a most talented servant of God.”

Jim Burns,
National Conference Speaker & Author,
President of HomeWord Ministries


“Reggie Coates provides an atmosphere for young and old guitarists to be around other musicians, receive encouragement to be the best they can be, and experience their potential as musicians.  He encourages an atmosphere of anticipation and fun while each guitar player senses his significance as a musician.”
Phil Keaggy,
Concert and Recording Artist


“It is obvious that Reggie has a genuine ‘gift’ from the Lord, and I heartily recommend Reggie to any church who is looking for a Christ honoring concert.”
Richard Jenkins,
President of K-LOVE Radio


“Reggie Coates is an unsung hero of our faith. His uncompromising commitment to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture reverberates through his every song. Reggie is time-tested — a man who has, over the span of many years, devoted his considerable talents to the singular goal of bringing glory to God. He has significantly enriched my life in ways that it would take too long to tell. He will enrich yours as well, guaranteed!”
Rev. Dewey Bertolini,
National Conference Speaker & Author
Associate Pastor of Outreach and College Ministries
Bethel Baptist Church, McMinnville, OR


“Reggie’s style of ministry is as energetic and powerful as it is versatile and unique.  His love for Christ is revealed in his servanthood toward others.  Whether in a concert hall, college chapel, church service or Mexican prison, Christ shines through in a relevant way.”
Carolyn Koons,
Director of Institute of Outreach Ministries,
Azusa Pacific University


“Reggie came into a conflicted church fellowship and provided the kind of training, healing, encouragement and wisdom that resulted in a new energy and unity in worship throughout our congregation. He is extremely gifted, knowledgeable and loving in his dynamic ministry to worship leaders. His personal ministry with me was invaluable.”
Pastor Paul Cherry,

Fiddletown Community Church


“Reggie Coates came to Orchard Community Church at a time when the church had gone through a lot of upheaval. In the previous year our senior past had left, the person many thought would replace him had left and just prior to Reggie coming our music pastor had left. Many of the people on the worship team were having a hard time with all of these changes and were feeling drained. They were struggling to find the energy that it takes to lead worship. When Reggie arrived he came with a wonderful spirit of love and a desire to encourage our worship team with a gentle hand. Instead of driving the worship team he truly led them to a place where they could look forward again to leading worship at Orchard. Reggie also did a great job of preparing the worship team for the next transition. From the beginning of his time with Orchard it was understood that it was only temporary and Reggie prepared the team for the transition that would come when we finally hired a permanent worship leader. Looking at our team today I truly believe it would not be doing as well as it is if Reggie hadn’t been there to help.”
Tony Tolbert,
Associate Pastor, Orchard Community Church, Campbell, CA


“I have rarely come across anyone as gifted and talented as Reggie.  He is talented beyond most and uses his talent in music, writing, singing and teaching humbly to the glory of God.  I have seen Reggie work with small groups and large and no matter what the number, there is always a great response from the crowd.  Every age group seems to fall in love with Reggie’s style and ministry.  He is likable, compassionate, committed and a man of Biblical convictions.  He is outstanding in his field as one who can rightly divide the Word as well as owning the unique talent of communicating biblical truth through song.  I highly recommend him.”
Dr. Larry A. Vold,
Senior Pastor, Neighborhood Church, Castro Valley, CA


“Dear Mr. Coates, I’ve taken your class all four years of high school and it’s honestly been my favorite class and something I look forward to during the week. I’m so thankful for your teaching getting me to where I am today as a guitar player! I started as a freshman having never picked up a guitar before. But being able to learn simple songs in the class gave me a desire to want to keep getting better. All the exercises, techniques, and songs I’ve learned in your class have been so helpful in my development. But beyond the guitar, I really appreciate the life lessons you’ve incorporated and the positive energy you have every class. Thank you for the impact you’ve had on me and helping me to find one of my passions.”
Tyler Woodall,
High School Senior at Valley Christian Schools, San Jose, California


“I have been Reggie’s student for about 18 months. I had been playing guitar for years but I had hit a plateau in my growth. A friend of mine handed me one of Reggie’s CDs, and I decided to take lessons. I wanted to learn more right-hand techniques and chord voicings so I could play improvisationally and apply them in songwriting. Having Reggie as a teacher has helped me make the most out of a limited amount of practice time.  Reggie’s enthusiasm for teaching guitar has been constant long after our first impressions. Each lesson, after a robust greeting, we begin by reviewing a bit of my progress from last time. Often I’ve told him in advance where I’ve been struggling or what I’d like to learn next, so he has come well-equipped with handouts that aid in retention. He even sends me a downloadable video summary of each lesson so I can refer back to it weeks later. Reggie has taught at the collegiate level, but his teaching doesn’t get bogged down in theory. Instead he tailors lessons that move students toward the goals they’ve set, and fills in precepts of theory as they seem relevant. Reggie is a very skilled guitarist, an enthusiastic coach, and a businessman who structures things so they are very user-friendly. And his walk in Christ adds a dimension of fellowship to each class!  My wife says she has never seen me move around the fingerboard so much. And I feel more excited and confident in my playing than I’ve ever felt in my life.”
Ted Kroger,
Private Guitar student with Reggie in San Jose, California


“I have been involved with Reggie in ministry and in friendship over a period of the last 18 years.  Reggie has served as guest musician in settings where I have been the guest speaker.  I have also engaged Reggie’s musical ministry for worship leadership and for performance of his songs on over a dozen different occasions in recent years.  Reggie has a genuine heart of love for the Lord and for God’s people.  As people meet him they are impressed with how down-to-earth and real he is.  I believe it is this quality that has been the key to Reggie’s success through music ministry — endearing him and his songs to so many.  As an amateur song leader and guitarist, I and hundreds like myself look to Reggie as a musical mentor. His technical guitar ability is the best of anyone I know in the context of worship leading and worship music. His familiarity with worship music for youth and adults is incredible. His ability to gently draw an audience into participation and a spirit of praise is excellent.  Reggie’s song writing ability is well chronicled in his recorded music, however, there is a tremendous blessing for an audience of all ages to hear Reggie in concert. Combining powerful instrumental work on the guitar, lyrics that are Biblical and insightful, and a spirit of humility and submission to Christ makes Reggie’s concerts a time of joy and encouragement.  As I have followed Reggie’s life over these years I am proud to give witness to his integrity of character: faithful in marriage to his wife, Sherri; a committed father; submissive and accountable to discipleship and Godly counsel.  I hope my comments will assist you in strategically building Reggie’s unique gifts into your ministry.”
Carlo Walth,
Youth Pastor, Sunrise Community Church, Fair Oaks, CA


“Reggie’s ministry, through his God given and developed talent, has touched and will touch many lives for Christ.  As a wonderful role model, his personable genuineness and enthusiasm reminds us of the potential joy and praise in a society so full of pain and despair.”
Ronald W. Wiebe,
Clinical Social Worker/Marriage, Family and Child Counselor


“I would like to recommend my friend Reggie Coates.  He’s a nationally respected worship leader with excellent communication skills and genuine instrumental proficiency.  His years of experience as an instructor, coupled with a heart of integrity for the service of God, provide a unique blessing everywhere he goes.”
Jay Leach,
Concert and Recording Artist


“Reggie is one of the most sincere, caring and honest people I have ever met.  He is warm and has a minister’s heart both on and off stage.  He is an incredible musician, guitarist, and songwriter.  When he leads others in worship or ministers to a crowd through song, God’s Spirit speaks through him.  And he can reach the high school student as well as the mature adult.  Everyone responds well to his music and personality.”
Robin Spurlock,
Former Director of Ponderosa Lodge,
Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA


“When I listen to the music of Reggie, I sense fully that Jesus is alive!  His music is creative, loving, inspiring for the soul yet leaving me with a challenge to invite Jesus to express Himself and His love through me in all my daily relationships and circumstances.”
Ron R. Ritchie,
Pastor & National Speaker


“Reggie’s energy and heart for God has inspired our campers many times over through song and praise at God’s incredible lovingkindness and power.  A surrendered heart guides Reggie’s skill, creativity, and knowledge of God’s Word to lead people into worship with both mind and heart.  I am refreshed and energized in worship of God with Reggie’s guidance.”
Ron Taylor,
Redwood Camp Director,
Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA


“Reggie Coates is gifted in leading a group into worship.  His musical artistry amplifies the worship experience and never distracts from it.”
Roger E. Williams,
Executive Director,
Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA


“Reggie Coates has a true gift for leading people in worship.  His joy and excitement about the Lord are infectious.  Each time he has led us in worship, his music has ministered to adults and children alike.  His message is sincere, entertaining, and his testimonies point us to the One behind each song.  Our students look forward with anticipation to his concerts each year.”
Rick Oliver, Ph. D.,
Former Outdoor Science School Director,
Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA


“Dear Reggie Coates, I thought I would share the exciting news with you , after your concert in Glennallen, Alaska, on Friday Feb. 23, my friend accepted the Lord. She was deeply touched by the music and testimony and said she was searching for something real. She asked Christ into her heart ,and then asked, ‘Where can I get a Bible?’ I took her today and bought a Bible!! We are rejoicing. Thank you for your obedience in coming. Your sister in Christ, Luann Mullen.”
Luann Mullen,
Glennallen, Alaska


“I want to thank you for making the quick trip to Alaska this past weekend! My daughter and I attended the concert and the workshop, and both were encouraging. She came home and immediately sat down with her guitar and your new book of the 52 songs. What a great resource, along with the CD – I’m sure we will learn many new songs from this combo. God has given you a special gift in your music, so keep on glorifying Him with it! May God bless your family for sharing you with the Copper River Valley this past weekend. . .”
Ramona (and Karen) Henspeter,


“Hello Reggie Coates! My name is Jared Kirkwood. I am 18 years old and recently went to a youth retreat where you played the worship section of it. It was at Thousand Pines on the weekend of January 12-15th. I just wanted to say that your music was awesome! I am in a band myself and thanks to your music and a little prayer my band decided to become a Christian band. We are a bit of a faster, younger sound, but you get the point. Over that weekend I recommitted myself to Jesus Christ and two other band members accepted Jesus into their hearts for the first time. We honestly couldn’t have done it without you. I have to say that Ain’t Nobody is our churches favorite. In fact, with your permission I would greatly appreciate it if you would allow us to do a rendition of it to play at our worship. I know that our pastors and ministry would go crazy. Please get back to me whenever possible. Thanks sooo much and God bless you.”
Jared Kirkwood,



“Reggie, I received the Heartfelt Praise CD this week. Wow! It is truly phenomenal and a blessing. My initial impetus in tracking you down on the web and then purchasing this CD was my fond memories of you and Ain’t Nobody back from my Los Gatos Christian Church College group days when you were leading worship there. I wanted to introduce that song to some of the folks at my church here in Ohio. Since receiving the CD earlier this week I’ve been listening to it non-stop, and will be playing He is Ever Over Me to close a message I am giving to our College group this evening. It fits in perfectly (I’m teaching on Ps. 121). So the wonderful ministry you had in my life over a decade ago (!), and 2,500 miles away continues even today. Praise God! Thank you. With my next paycheck I am planning on ordering the accompanying music/devotional book.”
Jeffrey Cope,


“Reggie Coates was my mentor for the Worship and Worship Renewal class through Fuller Theological Seminary. We met with Reggie in a variety of settings, including watching him lead worship at a Mount Hermon retreat, sitting in his class on worship at San Jose Christian College, and a number of discussion meetings. I cannot imagine a better balance of activities than what Reggie arranged. I would have liked to see him leading worship more times though. The group became fairly intimate. It was surprising what topics in people’s lives came into the discussion. This was a really good experience for me, and I am very thankful that Reggie was willing to give up so much time for our sakes.”
Michael Eldridge,
San Jose, CA


“Hey Reggie, glad I found a link to you! I was at the guitarist conference in Castro valley last January. WOW! I’m just now coming down off of the high if you know what I mean. It was and is still difficult to get past the awesome gift that Phil Keaggy has been given. I certainly have been inspired. His music took me way back to when I first believed. There were tears welling up during the concert. I often took for granted my ministry as a church guitarist…So as a result of the conference I’d say that I have been refreshed and strengthened. I have even begun to try to improve my playing. I want to play skillfully, unto the Lord, right? So I went so far as to buy a Boomerang. What a great tool for practice. I have even worshipped alone while practicing, moved even to tears. What is happening? You know, I have played the same chord progressions for years, but now I realize that the guitar also functions when one utilizes that part of the neck where it attaches to the body! I always wondered why they put frets down there. They seemed so far away before. Well thanks for putting this together for everyone. Well I gotta go get ready for church, so God Bless you.”
George Murillo,
Conference Attendee, California


“Hi Reggie, my name is Trista Mahan.  I went to Mt. Gilead from July 9 through 15, 2000, and I wanted to let you know that I loved having you at camp to lead us in worship.  It was such a great time, and my fire for God will never fade away.  Thank you very much, and God bless you!!!!”
Trista Mahan,
High School Camper, Santa Rosa, CA


“Dear Reggie, I am writing to you because I have heard your name dozens of times since last Sunday. My husband, Jim Smith, and my son, Scott Smith, attended camp Sugarpine’s Father and Son Retreat last weekend. Scott is 6 years old and will be 7 in a few weeks. He was truly moved by your ministry and has not stopped talking about you! He really liked the song “Ain’t Nobody”. He continues to sing it all around the house. He and his sister are starting guitar lessons this week! Though, it was set in motion before his weekend with you. His incentive to work hard is to be a Christian musician when he grows up. Scott is a great kid with a heart for the Lord. He loves music, soccer, and rollercoasters! He just wanted to let you know that you were great this past weekend and he truly enjoyed listening to you. May the Lord continue to richly bless your ministry as you have blessed others! Thanks for your love of music and children.”
Amy Smith,
Mother of Camper, California


[I received the following email which was so uplifting. I became a Christian while in Jr. High and spent my high school and college years telling my peers about the wonderful love of God. You rarely hear how the Spirit uses you to further His Kingdom. However, this woman was a friend in High School who didn’t know Christ at that time, but 20 years later she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior! What an awesome God! – Reggie]

“I hope you are pleasantly surprised to hear from one of your Canta Nova classmates. My friend, Lori, and her husband, Jeff, are on your e-mail list and she forwarded to me a newsletter which included your e-mail address. This morning I was discussing with Lori a question in our Bible Study which was, “who was the first person in your life in whom you saw Christ?” After reviewing my life memories backward and forward, the memories stopped with you, Reggie Coates.  Having lived the last ten years in a growing relationship with our Lord, I know it can be frustrating to see friends and family turn their backs on His love and grace. We always hope that the seed that was planted will someday be nourished. So, the reason I am writing this note, Reggie, is just to let you know that I never forgot the knowledge of God that you passed on to me and I seemingly rejected. Your friendship and example, and that of several others, resulted in my giving my life to Christ in March of 1993. Practically twenty years later!”
High School friend, California


“Reggie Coates is an awesome guitar teacher. One thing that I really appreciated about him was his patience with everyone. He allowed us to ask questions, and showed us hands on how to play the thing he was teaching us and when someone wasn’t getting it, he would go over to them and put their fingers on the strings where they should be. He was great!”
Anonymous 2005 Worship Gathering Conference attendee, Arizona


“Reggie was outstanding. My impression is that he was a late addition. Probably one of the best decisions of the whole conference. Reggie is an amazingly accomplished musician AND an incredibly humble servant. He was adept at tailoring his sessions to our needs. In response to some of my questions, he went out of his way to offer an additional session early Sat morning on the theology, philosophy, and methodology of worship leading. He had so much to offer, and the participants couldn’t get enough. Each session seemed to fly by in just minutes. He could easily have carried the main sessions. It is unfortunate that he didn’t get any recognition.”
Anonymous 2005 Worship Gathering Conference attendee, Arizona


“Hi Reggie, it’s been a while, but I just wanted to express how much your music has meant to me. About ten years ago, I was a budding guitarist in high school, and I basically learned guitar by listening and imitating your CD A Heartfelt Celebration. I went to many of your concerts, including one you did for the Senior Class of my school back then, The King’s Academy. One time, I requested you to play Living in Jesus, which I was trying to figure out by ear at the time. Afterward, I could see that it was probably the hardest request that you’ve ever had, due to the dueling guitar parts on the recording. Thank you for playing that song, by the way! I was just listening to it this morning, and it brought me to tears. Back then, my brother and I constantly listened to A Heartfelt Celebration while we were rock climbing on a six-day route on El Capitan, and even I sent you a letter after we completed the climb, saying how inspirational your music was to us. God’s truth has an amazing power. I thank you for making your songs so filled with the Spirit and truth.  I am truly amazed how much your music and ministry has shaped me. I’ve heard it said that we don’t know the amazing impact that we have on people around us, well you have truly impacted my life, and I’m sure many others too. Although I studied meteorology in college, and even worked in that field for a few years, God called me to my true passion, music ministry & worship leading! My wife and I recently moved from California to Albany, New York to pursue music ministry in a new-start church. We don’t have many people yet, but we’re letting God lead us and direct us. The time we’ve spent here in Albany has been such an amazing time, with the deepening of my faith, and a new closeness in my relationship with Christ.  Thank you for your continued ministry, and I pray that God richly blesses you and your family!”
New York

“What struck me as soon as I started reading your newsletter is how faithful you have been over the years to teach and encourage young/old musicians. Guitar playing hasn’t been my focus, but I’m so grateful that you are building this skill with musicians. What a blessing you have been to many with your teaching and worship leading! May He continue to enlarge your ministry!”
San Francisco Bay Area


“Reggie, thank you so much for your time thus far in teaching Zyriz. it has been a blessing and a character builder. He has learned so much not just guitar but how to be a man of his word, sacrifice,and commitment. What a blessing. So may the LORD bless you and  strengthen you and may His face shine upon you and your family.”
Tiffany D.
Santa Cruz


“I’ve always loved your ministry knowing what a powerful medium music is for communicating the gospel. It’s encouraging to see you proliferating that in others. You are such an encouraging person making a difference. The You Tube video version of Celebrate is awesome….I’m off to watch your other You Tube videos.”
Russ J.


Reggie, I met you at the Rose Parade in 1981 or 1982 and I was a beginner guitar player, which I brought to the Parade with me.  We met in the streets & You taught me a few things and I played for awhile with you and a lot of other people (Christian Songs) in the streets.  Anyway it was one of the Best Music times I’ve ever had in my Life, a whole lot of fun!! After the Parade we exchanged numbers and addresses and you sent me your Cassette “Living in Jesus”.  I Love that tape!!  You Helped me through a tough time in my life as a teenager and brought Christian music into my Life and truly changed my world!!  Thank you.  I was putting up Christmas stuff tonight and ran across your tape, so I thought I would see if I could find you on Face Book and I did!!  I love your music and I think your pretty Great!!!  I went to the parade with my friend & her family. I was saved right after I met you and love the Lord with all my heart and soul!!  I still play guitar, not that great, but I have the love in my heart!  Sorry for the book but I just wanted to say hello and let you know I LOVE your music!!”
Patty T.


“I’m a Pastor’s wife in Portland OR and 17 years ago my big sister had your tape in her car, I was a rebellious teenager falling away from the LORD and your music (Isaiah 12:2 and a song Tammy) completely ministered to me.  I’m since returned to the LORD but those songs (esp. Isaiah 12:2) still resonates in my soul and I know will be lullabies to future grandchildren.  It is amazing how powerful worship is.  Thank you for your ministry.”
Briana B.


I just wanted to thank you for your part in the worship conference I attended last weekend at Trail Christian Fellowship.  I appreciate you sharing your expertise to help others play skillfully unto the Lord.  Thanks for the chord charts and finger exercises.  I am very motivated to practice now and hopefully I can establish a good habit of regular practice to improve my skill, not just prepare a set of songs for the next Sunday.  Thank you, and keep doing what you do. Your role is extremely important to the Body of Christ!  God Bless You!”
 Jim R.


My son has been learning how to play the guitar from Reggie for the past 2 years.  Reggie has taught him a various range of music.  He is an amazing teacher with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and love for music and the guitar.  His knowledge is vast.  He is so good with kids.  My son loves Reggie and waits for his class.  Thank you Reggie for all your hard work and helping him to improve his skill.
Nadiya M.
San Jose



Reggie is an outstandig guitar instructor!  His own guitar skills are impressive, of course, but his teaching ability has such depth.  He excels in being able to communicate clearly by breaking complex skills into manageable segments to bring about progress.  He not only takes my music preferences and goals into account, but also challenges me to strive for more than I think I can achieve.  His passion for playing guitar, especially for leading in worship, is contagious, and spurs me on musically.  Reggie is an exceptional guitar instructor!
Sharon H.
Los Altos


Reggie is a really awesome guitar teacher!  I enjoy every lesson with him and I am also improving after each lesson.  He is not only a great teacher, but also a loving brother in Christ!
Christopher H.
Los Altos


Mr. Coates is teaching me guitar at an easy yet educated level.  I learn at least one song a week and techniques like hammer-ons, pull-offs, and sliding.  I know so many chords that he taught me at a level that was right for me.
Mustafa N.
San Jose


Reggie is very thorough, caring, and does a great job customizing each lesson to your pace and skill level.  He is very intuitive, skilled and encouraging, while at the same time being supportive, understanding and low-pressure.  He also is great at introducing you to new pieces and exercises according to your tastes and skill level.
Brian J.
Santa Cruz




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