January 10, 2011
Ministry Journal
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This year looks very promising as Heartfelt Music Ministry will be doing more training, concerts, and worship leading throughout the Bay Area and nationally. Two new CDs are in the works: A new solo album with songs never recorded and a new instrumental album with various guitar styles. Next month, I’ll begin concerts with the band Cede which I’ve been recording with (their new CD has two of my songs on it Ain’t Nobody and Getting Stronger which you can check out at ReverbNation.com).
I just began ministering with Open Door Church in Mountain View part-time as Interim Worship Leader. This church is an extension of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church which I have been on Staff with before. I just finished up a fantastic four months with First Presbyterian Church of Hayward as Interim Worship Director. What a positive experience!
Let me know if I can be of service to you this coming year through encouraging music (8 CDs available), private lessons (still teaching in San Jose, Los Altos, Danville, and Mount Hermon), speaking or worship leading (services, retreats, and special events), or a concert (even with band).
Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Your contributions make a huge difference in keeping us moving forward. If you’d like to be a part of what I’m up to, following me and Heartfelt Music Ministry’s activities on any of these Networks, join the “conversation” by clicking on an icon below to jump in.
![reggie on youtube](https://heartfeltmusic.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/youtube_logo-300x109.png)
![facebook logo](https://heartfeltmusic.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/facebook-logo1-300x120.jpg)
Looking to Jesus (Col. 3:2),
December 31, 2010
Reggie's Journey
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I can’t believe it’s the last day of 2010. God has shown Himself so alive this year through some of the most memorable times both good and bad. Watching God work around me and experiencing God work through me is faith-building and incredibly encouraging. “Thank you, Lord, for your presence and care throughout 2010!”
This year has had its ups and downs. The poor economy has affected me and my family in significant ways. At the same time, we are amazed at people’s generosity and care. Friendships are such an encouragement in tough times. Thank you for your prayers for us and inspirational notes along the way.
![Brandon & Austin - 2010](https://heartfeltmusic.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Brandon-Austin-2010-150x150.jpg)
We have grown closer as a family also which has given us a stronger platform to minister to others. We had the scare of health issues which turned out to be nothing. I lost my job in June which launched me back into a Bay Area wide ministry. My sons are growing up with such maturity for their age, making great decisions. They have really enjoyed school this year. Now 16 and 18, they are both into driving. Sherri had a blast being involved with the Mount Hermon Christmas Crafts Boutique this month and will be involved with crafts more this year.
I’ve been doing well spiritually, physically, and mentally. I know it’s not an accident as it takes work (or should I say God compels me to be disciplined?). I’m still daily reading Scripture and regularly study God’s Word which gives me perspective, direction, and nurtures/renews my spirit. I’m thankful to a handful of guys that meet with me monthly to hold me accountable and faithfully pray for specific needs in my life. Time alone in the car traveling has given me hours of prayer time to grow more intimate with God. Physically, I’m daily exercising and keeping in shape. I just performed a demonstration of Tae Kwon Do, Korean sword fighting and nun-chucks for about 100 children at a church in Martinez…very fun! And I’m staying sharp mentally as I work with so many people, helping them on their journey, encouraging teamwork and leading them toward intimacy with God.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
December 14, 2010
Ministry Journal
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![8 CD Bundle of Reggie](https://heartfeltmusic.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/CIMG4441-300x225.jpg)
I now have eight of my recordings available on CDs. People have been asking me to put my first 3 recordings on CD since they were created on cassettes only. Now they are available! Also, Confidence and Intimacy have been out of print for some time now, but they are available now. You can even pick an 8 CD Bundle of all my CDs available for a fantastic discount. The CDs included are:
~ Here To Worship
~ Heartfelt Praise (Disc 1)
~ Confidence
~ Intimacy
~ Heartfelt Celebration
~ Take It To Heart
~ No Greater Love
~ Living In Jesus
Click here to go to our updated “Products Page” and order some. You’ll hear songs such as All For You and Peace which are award winning songs recorded only on these early collections.
I have accepted a new position as Interim Worship Leader with Open Door Church in Mountain View as I continue ministering with Heartfelt Music Ministry as well. Thank you for your prayers during this decision of which position to take and continue to pray for this new adventure starting the end of December. I’ll be finishing up as the Interim First Service Worship Director of First Presbyterian Church of Hayward at the end of this month. It has been such a good experience and I have grown in love with the people.
Private lessons are one of the most fulfilling things I do. Training and coaching musicians to thrive in their skill and use it to glorify the Lord. I am teaching in Danville, San Jose, Los Altos, and Mount Hermon. If you know of anyone who would like private lessons, let me know. [click here to find out more about lessons]
December sometimes means an end-of-the-year giving for businesses and individuals. However, this year is pretty tight for everyone. As you know, Heartfelt Music Ministry is partially supported by contributions, so if you feel led to give at this time, we would appreciate it so much. We are behind this month and could use some extra help. Thank you for your generous support! Each gift is tax-deductible [click here to read more about donations].
November 22, 2010
Think About It
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Marty Nemko was speaking on KGO radio last night (he’s the Career/Education/Life Advice guy) and brought up the issue of a lack of ethics in society and the workplace. Since I was driving home from a concert in Santa Rosa, I gave him a call. I agree that we need to teach our youth about ethics and train parents to pass it on to their children. But training in ethics should be more than merely identifying good and bad behavior. We should include “consequences,” “resolve,” and “hedges.” If we can somehow give people a vision of the consequences of their actions (such as the destruction it would cause), it would help motivate them to make a resolve to act with integrity (such as “I will never cheat on my wife, but will reserve my romance for only her”). Then, we can think of what “hedges” to place around us to protect us from bad behavior (such as accountability with friends). Unfortunately, there is a lack of ethics in the church as well. What do you think?
November 14, 2010
Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events
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John Fisher & Noel Paul Stookey Concert - Reggie on Guitar
This autumn has been filled with God-designed-moments for encouraging and training others. I was able to play guitar for the John Fisher and Noel Paul Stookey concert. Also, I’m doing a series of concerts in the Bay Area which has been great to see old friends and magnify the Lord through my music and testimony. I’ve been recording with a band called Cede who has recently recorded my song Ain’t Nobody with a very “hot” gospel arrangement. You can hear it at http://www.reverbnation.com/cedewest.
I’m teaching 20 private guitar lessons in San Jose, Los Altos, Mount Hermon, and Danville. Do you know anyone who would like to be empowered as guitarists and go to the next level? Here’s a quote from last week: “Reggie, Thank you so much for your time thus far in teaching my son. It has been a blessing and a character builder. He has learned so much, not just guitar, but how to be a man of his word, sacrifice, and commitment. What a blessing! So may the LORD bless you and strengthen you and may His face shine upon you and your family.” ~ Tiffany D.
Coming Events
I’ll be doing three concerts coming up, so I hope you can make one of them (see the events below or go to Events online). I’ll be sharing about my faith journey as well as encouraging you in Christ.
Mark your calendars to pray for the following events and come if you can. Here’s what’s coming:
- Concert in Los Altos
November 14 (Sun) – Bridges Community Church (formerly known as First Baptist Church of Los Altos), CA. Family worship and concert. Reggie will be sharing in concert at 7:00pm.
- Concert in Santa Rosa
November 21 (Sun) – Spring Hills Community Church, Santa Rosa, CA. Family worship and concert. Reggie will be sharing in concert at 6:00pm.
- Choir Christmas Concert with special guest David Talbot in Hayward December 5 (Sun) – First Presbyterian Church of Hayward, CA. Reggie will be directing the choir in a music presentation called “God with Us.” Special guest David Talbot will be sharing his organ/piano tapestry during the evening. The Christmas presentation will begin at 7:00pm.
- Concert in Castro Valley
December 12 (Sun) – New Life Christian Church, Castro Valley, CA. Family worship and concert. Reggie will be sharing in concert at 6:00pm.
Support Status
In September, The Heartfelt Music Board of Directors sent an invitation for support toward me and my family to minister with Heartfelt Music Ministry in a larger capacity. The hope was to raise $2,000 a month of support and right now it’s at $750. What a blessing to have this support! “Thank you” to all who are investing in this ministry. We are short this month and could use some help. If you would like to make a donation, simply click here. If you know of a business that would like to make a donation to a non-profit organization, let me know. Thanks so much.
November 13, 2010
Reggie's Journey
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![Family 2010](https://heartfeltmusic.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Family-20101-300x199.jpg)
The Coates family is doing well. I’ve been very busy, but make it a priority to spend quality time with family. Sherri is gearing up for Mount Hermon’s Christmas Boutique as she will be selling some crafts there. Brandon and Austin are enjoying school which is a breath of fresh air for us. We appreciate your prayers. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as you think of the many things to be thankful for!
November 3, 2010
Ministry Journal
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October was such a rewarding month for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. I’m continuing to touch over 60 students a week through instruction and coaching. The National Worship Leader Conference in Pennsylvania was my third time with them encouraging over 150 worship leaders to play skillfully on both electric and acoustic guitars. Heartfelt Music Ministry came to First Presbyterian Church in Richmond and with 6 instructors to train and equip in Effective Worship Leading. It went very well and ended with me giving a concert (which some songs made it to YouTube.com through a student’s phone camera). Also, I’ve been recording with a talented band called Cede headed up by Scott Metcalf and they have recorded two of my songs with a Gospel flavor that rocks (Getting Stronger and Ain’t Nobody). Hopefully a CD will be out soon.
October 26, 2010
Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey
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I have received some very encouraging emails lately and wanted to share some of them. Thank you so much for words that spur me on!
“What struck me as soon as I started reading your newsletter is how faithful you have been over the years to teach and encourage young/old musicians. Guitar playing hasn’t been my focus, but I’m so grateful that you are building this skill with musicians. What a blessing you have been to many with your teaching and worship leading! May He continue to enlarge your ministry!” ~ Wanda P.
“I have been thinking lately about people who have a great idea and do something about it. You are one of those people! As I was dwelling on that idea, you came to the very front of my mind and I could not shake the feeling that you could use some encouragement. MANY times when I have my guitar in hand I remember the training and good times I had at the Christian Guitar and Bass Conferences. All of that great teaching and encouragement in one place! What an awesome thing!!! I know that it had to take its toll on you and your family (to whom I am also grateful ) but you did it. I’m sure you would say not without the Lords help, but someone had to be the hands and feet for it. I am glad it was you! I have enjoyed your company and gentle spirit every time that I had the opportunity. So I just want to say thank you for “getting out of the shower, drying off and doing something about the great idea that you had” for the CGBC. May God continue to bless your endeavors and your great ideas in the future!! Thanks again.” ~ Jeff C.
“Enjoyed your teaching at National Worship Leader Conference East. We could surely tell that as much as your formal training is in voice, your love is playing guitar. Thank you for the cords and techniques to work with. May God bless you as you encourage others to glorify Jesus with their best skills.” ~ David B.
“Reggie is the amazing triple play, fabulous musician, inspirational leader, and fantastic teacher. To find all these qualities in one person is rare, to find them in a person as humble as Reggie is astounding. I’m extremely grateful for Reggie’s mentoring, he has helped my playing and worship leading immensely. I’m proud to count Reggie as a friend.” ~ Steve M.