April 25, 2011
Ministry Journal
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Heartfelt Music Ministry is in full swing, continuing to lead others toward intimacy with God. There’s a new welcome video on our homepage and some updates to the website you may like (CDs are now only $5 each with a special deal on the 8 CD bundle). I’m teaching more private lessons and I’m accepting new students who are motivated and passionate to learn. I led worship at Sugarpine Christian Conference Center’s “Mountain Men” Father/Son retreat. Austin joined with me and we did some worship leading together which was really fun (there was snow too!). Next weekend is Sugarpine’s second Father/Son retreat and I’ll be leading worship for that as well. Right after that, next Sunday night, May 1, will be the Cede concert (see below).

Come enjoy the band I’m in called Cede. We will be performing in Milpitas for our debut CD release party. I’ll be opening with another vocalist with worship songs. Then comes the concert with outstanding songs by Scott Metcalf and myself. You will be pleasantly surprised by these professional musicians united in glorifying God with outstanding music. Admission is FREE, but call Rocket Dog Music to reserve seats 510-432-4540. It will be from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at Park Victoria Baptist Church, 875 South Park Victoria Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035. We have hit #1 on the Reverb Nation Christian/Gospel charts. Check out the site at http://www.reverbnation.com/cedewest.

After a slew of rain, slides and fallen trees here at Mount Hermon, we’re now enjoying the sun and the warmth of Spring. Isn’t that like life? We plow through the unexpected twists in the road and inconvenient surprises, sometimes devastating circumstances. Then comes the beauty of the sun, which was there all along but hidden by bad weather. It’s like the beauty of the risen Son, who is there all along but hidden by trials and tough times. May you experience the newness and joy of life in Christ today (even through your troubles-James 1:2-4)!

Keep your ears open and spread the word that Heartfelt Music can enhance and help others in their ministry endeavors. What can we do? Here’s a partial list of ways we can help:
- Worship leading for church services, events and retreats
- Motivational speaking for church services, chapels, events and retreats
- Training through conferences, workshops, courses, mentoring tours, and private lessons
- Concert artistry to motivate and encourage through stories, humor, and quality music.
- Performing at weddings and other events
- Disc Jockey events like wedding receptions, parties, and other events
- Recording your music and producing your songs
- Consulting on worship, music, team building, and leadership.
Leading worship Sunday mornings stays pretty filled up but there is one Sunday open May 8th for me to come minister with your church. The next free Sunday is not until July 3rd. Let me know if I can come to your church to help out.
May God keep you strong, walking confidently in His resurrection power.
Isaiah 12:2,
Reggie Coates
Executive Director,
Heartfelt Music Ministry
PO Box 3
Mount Hermon, CA 95041
(925) 206-9895
[email protected]
April 3, 2011
Ministry Journal
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March was full of ministry opportunities throughout the Bay Area. Thank you for your prayers and support all along the way. You are a valuable part of the effective work of Heartfelt Music!
BASS Convention in Castro Valley
In early March, I was the Keynote Speaker for the Music & Worship portion of the 2011 BASS Convention giving multiple workshops and playing guitar in the conference band with Nashville artist Don Moen. There was one workshop with multiple instructors called Worship Band Interactive where participants played along and interacted with the band members experiencing what works and what doesn’t work in leading worship as a band. I was a joy to work with such quality instructors and musicians.Visit the site at http://www.bassconvention.org/.
Helping the Body of Christ
At the beginning of March, I worked with Cedar Grove Bible Church in Livermore with worship leading and coaching. Just last weekend, I worked with Stockton Covenant Church with a training workshop for those folks involved in the services on Sunday mornings. I’m continuing to minister with Open Door Church Mountain View. I am holding training events and Round Table discussion groups to help them advance in their worship experience. The people have been a joy to work with.
Be Encouraged
I am available to encourage you and your team. It has been a blessing to have 8 of my recordings now available on CDs (8 CDs available). I am offering cutting-edge private or semi-private lessons in four different locations throughout the Bay Area (San Jose, Los Altos, Danville, and Mount Hermon). I am scheduling events in speaking or worship leading (services, retreats, and special events), or a concert artistry (with or without band). Let me know how I can serve you or your church [(925) 206-9895 or [email protected]].
November 3, 2010
Ministry Journal
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October was such a rewarding month for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. I’m continuing to touch over 60 students a week through instruction and coaching. The National Worship Leader Conference in Pennsylvania was my third time with them encouraging over 150 worship leaders to play skillfully on both electric and acoustic guitars. Heartfelt Music Ministry came to First Presbyterian Church in Richmond and with 6 instructors to train and equip in Effective Worship Leading. It went very well and ended with me giving a concert (which some songs made it to YouTube.com through a student’s phone camera). Also, I’ve been recording with a talented band called Cede headed up by Scott Metcalf and they have recorded two of my songs with a Gospel flavor that rocks (Getting Stronger and Ain’t Nobody). Hopefully a CD will be out soon.
October 1, 2010
Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events
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Picture of Reggie by Bryan Morrison
As Executive Director of Heartfelt Music, I am training and encouraging Christians throughout the country. But locally, I’m teaching music to over 55 students between private lessons and group courses at four different Christian Schools as well as Guitar Showcase in San Jose. Ten hours a week, I’m ministering with First Presbyterian Church in Hayward as their Choir Director and Traditional Service Director. Next week, I’ll be teaching guitar workshops at the National Worship Leader Conference in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Later this month, I’ll be leading worship for the Mount Hermon Men’s Retreat (Oct. 22-24). It’s been a busy month, but it’s a joy to daily be used by God in significant ways continuing to have a high impact on many lives.
I’ll be doing two concerts in the next couple of months, so I hope you can make one of them (see the events below or go to Events online). I’ll be sharing about my faith journey as well as encouraging you in Christ. Hope to see you there!
- Concert & Training in Richmond
October 16 (Saturday) – First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, CA. Family worship and concert. Reggie will be sharing in concert at 7:00pm. There will also be a Leading Worship Effectively & Team Building workshop Saturday, October 16 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm with breakout sessions from 4:00pm to 5:00pm on Voice, Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, and Sound. The cost is only $10.00 and includes dinner from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. You can make a whole day of it. For more information contact the church office at (510) 234-0954.
- Concert in Los Altos
November 14 (Sunday) – Bridges Church (formerly known as First Baptist Church of Los Altos), CA. Family worship and concert. Reggie will be sharing in concert at 7:00pm. For more information contact the church office at (650) 948-5698.
August 21, 2010
Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events
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Boy Scout Jamboree Band - Austin, Reggie, Dean & Brandon
I hope your summer has been a good one overall. Mine has gone by so fast, but it has been great! I can’t believe there’s only a couple of weeks left. I took the family to Washington DC for two weeks and we had a rich time together as well as some memorable ministry events. I am now lining up all kinds of events for September doing what I love: encouraging others through leadership, music, and training. [click here to see a list of coming events]
I’ll be doing two concerts this weekend, so I hope you can make one of them (Felton Bible Church Saturday night and Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday night). I’ll be sharing what’s new with me as well as encouraging you in Christ (see below).
This is a new season for Heartfelt Music Ministry where, in order for more ministry to take place, I will need to raise support. I will be raising $2,000 a month as I will be serving with Heartfelt Music Ministry full-time now. Would you pray about supporting me and the Coates family as we devote ourselves to the Lords work in this vibrant ministry? I will be sending another letter in a couple of days explaining it more and asking for your help. Thank you for your consideration. [click here to read more about donations]
I’ll be teaching a number of 8 week music courses throughout the Bay Area starting in September. These are mostly for children and youth, yet there are a couple of beginning guitar classes for adults. I’ll teach in Danville (band and guitar at San Ramon Valley Christian Academy), San Jose (guitar with Valley Christian Schools and Showcase Music Institute), Los Altos (voice with Los Altos Christian School), and Scotts Valley (guitar with Baymonte Christian School). [click here to find out more about the courses offered]
Mark your calendars to pray for the following events and come if you can. You’re welcome to get involved with any of these events. Your prayers are so much appreciated. Here’s what’s coming:
- August 22 (Sun) – Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church, CA [http://www.mhpc.org/]. Family worship and concert. Reggie will be sharing in concert at 7:00pm.
- August 29 (Sun) – First Baptist Church Watsonville, CA [http://www.fbcwatsonville.com/]. Reggie will be leading worship and sharing in concert for their special 10:30am service at Koinonia Christian Conference Center [http://gotocamp.org/].
- August 30-September 2 (Mon-Thu) – Christian Songwriters Conference, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA [http://mounthermon.org/adult/professionals/songwriters]. Reggie will be teaching songwriting workshops and judging for the songwriting competition at the conference. He will share in concert Monday night.
- October 22-24 (Fri-Sun) – Fall Men’s Retreat, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA [http://mounthermon.org]. Reggie will be leading worship throughout the weekend.
There will be a special concert with Phil Keaggy in Monterey on Thursday, September 16th at 7:00pm. The concert is in honor of a recent double lung transplant for Justin Mompean. Phil and other friends are doing the concert to help with the medical costs. Tickets are $20.00 in advance and $25.00 at the door. [click here for more info and tickets]
July 22, 2010
Ministry Journal
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Tenth Avenue North leading worship
What a powerful time of worship renewal, refreshment, training, and fellowship with over 1,000 worship leaders. I taught both acoustic guitar workshops and electric guitar workshops with over 70 in each class. It was so fun to help guitarists understand the technical ways to be more expressive and make it easier to lead worship on guitar. The worship nights were rich times full of energy with Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Tenth Avenue North, Phil Wickham, Israel Houghton, Starfield, and even teaching by Luis Gigleo. I was particularly blessed to see the freshness of the worship wave that is flowing over the church today. God is on the move and I’m glad to be on the wave with Him! Of course what makes it truly relevant is what’s happening in my heart (and your heart). It’s fun worshiping together with a huge group of worship leaders. Yet, God’s looking at each of our hearts and that’s how He reaches the world. As I sit here alone in my hotel room, I’m filled with awe of the One who loves me so much. Jesus deserves all our worship. He is worthy of all our praise!
July 5, 2010
Ministry Journal
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Concert at Hillview Baptist Church
Things are picking up for Heartfelt Music Ministry! Had a wonderful time at the Hillview Baptist Church concert last week. After a fantastic week teaching at the National Worship Leader Conference in New Mexico, they asked me to teach at their main one in Kansas mid-July. I’ll be leading worship at Felton Bible Church a couple of times this month. Also, tomorrow night I’ll be teaching a workshop at Guitar Showcase on Chords and Progressions for anyone interested. I was in the studio recording an acoustic guitar part for a band called Cede (here the finished song Shades of Grey at http://www.reverbnation.com/cedewest) and next week we will be recording my song Getting Stronger with their band.
Pray with me and my family as I explore how the Lord would have me minister now that I’m no longer with Creekside. I will be teaching more private guitar lessons, leading worship in churches, holding more training workshops, and doing more concerts. Let me know if you have any ideas (as some of you have been). I am on Facebook and that is a good way to keep connected too.
Join the fun
- July 6 (Tuesday, 7:00pm-8:00pm) – Guitar Showcase [http://guitarshowcase.com/], Showcase Music Institute presents Reggie Coates Chords & Progressions workshop for students and guests, $20.00 for guests).
- July 19-22 (Mon-Thu) – The National Worship Leader Conference, Church of the Resurrection, Kansas City, KS [http://www.nationalworshipleaderconference.com/home]. Reggie will be teaching both the Electric Guitar and Acoustic Guitar training workshops.
May 31, 2010
Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events
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Right in the middle of this month, a dear friend died of cancer. Ron Miller’s example and testimony was such an example of God’s mercy and love. He maintained such a sweet attitude throughout his life and even at the end in the last weeks. He, and his wife Carol, were adult leaders while I was a Youth Pastor 20 years ago. We’ve been at Creekside Community Church together for the last two years. We will miss him greatly.
My Heartfelt Music Ministry activities have mostly been teaching private music lessons this month, but beginning in June I’ll be doing a lot more workshops, concerts, and worship leading across the nation. Mark your calendars to pray for the following events and come if you can. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. Here’s some of the events & workshops coming up:
May 31 – Jun 11 (Mon+) – Beginning Strumming and Finger-Picking, Music Dojo .com online courses [https://www.musicdojo.com/main.asp]. Reggie will be teaching 5 beginning strumming patterns and 5 beginning finger-picking patterns over this two week course. These are affordable lessons with email interaction with Reggie tailored to your schedule.
August 1 (Sun) – Boy Scouts of America 100 Year National Jamboree, A.P. Hill, VA [http://www.bsajamboree.org/]. Reggie will be leading worship for the Protestant Sunday Service in the middle of their week-long conference.
August 30-September 2 (Mon-Thu) – Christian Songwriters Conference, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA [http://mounthermon.org/adult/professionals/songwriters]. Reggie will be teaching songwriting workshops and judging for the songwriting competition at the conference.
April 6, 2010
Ministry Journal
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March has been a full month with the Church Workers BASS Convention at the beginning of the month and the three events at the end of the month (Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday). I sang in the BASS Vocal Ensemble with Tommy Walker and band. It was good to help the Music and Worship workshop section improve by organizing the courses and instructors. One participant had an encouraging word, “Reggie, I just wanted to tell you that my sister, Kelly Thrift, and I attended work amazing and informative workshop on Band Interactive. We absolutely loved it. I got so much good information and ideas out of that workshop. Just wanted to thank you for your time and the energy you put into the workshop. Respectfully, Terrie” The whole conference was a success and had a great turn out.

I began a group guitar course for beginning guitarists (grades 4-8) called Fun Guitar Class 2. It is a continuation of the Fun Guitar Class 1 which just ended. I’m continuing private guitar lessons in Alamo, San Jose, and Los Altos. I performed and taught at San Ramon Valley Christian Academy’s middle school chapel the end of March. It was received well and the students were so encouraging.
I grouped Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter into a three part emphasis called “Reliving Resurrection.” On Palm Sunday we focused on Receiving Christ with the Jesus saying “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). On Good Friday we focused on Remembering Christ with Jesus saying “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). On Easter, we focused on Rejoicing in Christ with Jesus saying “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). Jesus is all about life! May you daily live in His resurrection power.
March 1, 2010
Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events
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I want to thank the many of you who are praying for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. The Spirit is moving in and through a number of people I’m coaching and discipling. It is very fulfilling to be used in a local way through Creekside Community Church in the Worship & Arts Ministry and working with the High School Minister, Middle School Minister, and Student Ministry’s Worship Intern. It’s also fulfilling to have a broader ministry in training musicians through lessons and encouraging churches through Worship Leading and training workshops.
I’ve started two beginning classes for young guitarists during February in San Jose and Alamo. I’m also continuing private lessons in Alamo, San Jose, and Los Altos. I am proud of my students who take seriously their skill advancement and spiritual maturing.
This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I will be teaching worskshops and singing in the Vocal Ensemble at the BASS Convention. This conference is for anyone who ministers in a church. Luis Palau and John Ortberg are two of the main speakers. There will be 13 classes in the Music & Worship section which are both practical and inspirational (for drums, bass guitar, guitar, keyboard, voice, worship leading, songwriting, and putting together a worship ministry). Come bring your whole team!
A new music book was published this last month called Reggie Coates – A Compilation of Compositions. It has 25 of my songs written out in tab for guitar and voice. Some have been written out through the computer and others by hand. It’s been coming in handy with my students as they learn my songs with a variety of guitar technique. https://heartfeltmusic.org/products.