October Update 2022

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments


New Album and You

Encore is my new album! This last summer, I wanted to write new songs and a couple of medleys that focus on God’s love and the amazing presence of Jesus in us. Encore is a French word that means “more” or “again.” It’s known for a reappearance or additional performance demanded by an audience. The idea is that after 85 songs written throughout my life there are more songs coming out. On the Encore album, there’s a new worship song, an instrumental, songs for my son and grand-daughter, an intimate prayer, two medleys of my popular songs, and a song about working through conflicts at work.


  • I’ll Worship with My Life
  • God’s Love Medley (No Greater Love, All for You, Happy in Your Love)
  • You Pick Me Up
  • Hold Me
  • You Will Make a Way
  • Let’s Work it Out
  • Jesus in Me Medley (Christ Only Always, Living in Jesus, Jesus Lives in Me)
  • Time With You


We need $500 for cover art, worldwide streaming through CD baby, about 50 CDs through Disk Makers, copyright registration, and digital distribution through Gumroad. We will receive the amount donated even if we don’t reach the goal (some fees will be taken out). Because I am a ProTools certified instructor through Avid (ACI), I will be able to record at home at no cost.


The songs are of the same genre as my previous recordings with me singing and playing acoustic, electric and bass guitars. You will experience the same honesty and encouragement in Christ. Your donation will greatly help finish this project and influence others toward Christ through music. Visit the Indiegogo.com website to contribute.

New Album Entitled Encore

I’ve been writing songs this summer for a new album called Encore. I just finished the songwriting and arrangements, but now I need to record them and get them ready for publication. Hope to have it ready in time for Christmas.


Donate toward the Encore Album – Indiegogo

You can help complete the Encore album by donating through Indiegogo. All contributions go to Heartfelt Music Ministry toward the new album. Click on the thumbnail picture above and read all the details. Thank you for considering!

Singing to My Grand-Daughter

In September, Sherri and I visited our grand-daughter in Oregon as we helped my son and his wife move. It was so fun to sing to her the song I wrote for her using my son’s guitar. It’s called You Pick Me Up. The song will be on the Encore album.

Upcoming Events


October 30 (Sun)
Leading worship with the Valley Christian High School Worship Team at San Jose Christian Reformed Church, 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose Ca 95124. Service begins at 10:00am if you’d like to come.

November 6 (Sun)
Leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church, 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose Ca 95124. Service begins at 10:00am if you’d like to come.

August Update 2022

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments

Private LessonsRomans 12:1 San Jose Christian Reformed Church

I’ll Worship with My Life

Since the beginning of August, I’ve hit the road running! This summer has been a respite and refresher in many ways, but now life and ministry gets pretty full. It’s a joy serving the Lord through Valley Christian Schools and the worship teams are gearing up to lead worship in more Chapels this year. Mount Hermon summer concerts went very well and I’m meeting with leaders this week to select next year’s artists. I’ll be leading worship once a month at San Jose Christian Reformed Church and you can join the service online at http://www.sjcrc.org/videos. I’m continuing to teach private lessons through Zoom and in person this Fall, which is very fulfilling to invest in their growth skillfully and spiritually. I’ll continue helping with the leadership of the Mount Hermon Community group.


This summer, I’ve been working on a new album and the opening song is an upbeat proclamation of my resolve to worship God with my whole life. The chorus is:


I’ll worship with my life
To be a living sacrifice
An instrument to magnify You
I’ll worship with my life
More than all the words I say
I’ll follow You in every way
And love You with my life.


Romans 12:1 is my inspiration: “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.


God deserves our worship and love! May we fully take on our spiritual service of worship and completely surrender our lives to Him. I pray that God would bless you this Fall, bringing encouragement and a sense of newness to everything that comes your way.

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October Newsletter 2021

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In-Person Worship and Gifts

This Sunday, October 24, at 9:30am, I’ll be leading worship at Grace Hill Church in Morgan Hill (16970 Dewitt Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037), formerly known as Morgan Hill Presbyterian Church. They are an encouraging and loving group. “We’re Grace Hill Church. A place of fun, laughter, growth and excitement in South Santa Clara Valley right here in Morgan Hill, CA.” If you’re not attending another church fellowship, come join me for the morning!

It’s not too early to think about Christmas gifts for your friends, family and loved ones. Go to our products page and order physical products or digital products. There are CDs and music fully written out in music notation and tab. You can hear how each song sounds at a special page with HearNow.com and these pages will point you to a number of streaming platforms that carry my albums.


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Worship Leading this Sunday

It’s been over a year since I have led worship in-person at a church. This Sunday, October 24, at 9:30am, I’ll be leading worship at Grace Hill Church in Morgan Hill. I’ll be doing some favorite worship songs and an upbeat hymn to celebrate the power in Jesus’ name. The message is Prayer, so it’s appropriate for me to share Keith & Melody Green’s song Make My Life a Prayer to You.


Hear the songs on each album

You can hear what’s on each album at the special HearNow.com pages:

Instrumental Guitar – Vol. II – 10 instrumental songs
Heartfelt Worship – 17 of Reggie’s worship songs with band
I Wish You a Mary Christmas – 10 Christmas songs, originals and familiar carols
Here & Now – 10 songs both new and familiar with 2 meaningful cover songs
Instrumental Guitar – Vol. I – 10 instrumental songs
Intimacy – 20 original songs on relationships
Heartfelt Celebration – 20 of Reggie’s popular original songs

April Update 2021

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Jesus Is Alive!

I hope this weekend is meaningful and empowering for you as you reflect on the cross and resurrection of Jesus. He is alive and fills us with his life to live abundantly and encourage others! Allowing Jesus to live through us in all we do really gives us strength and perspective through the difficult times we are facing today.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Heartfelt Music® is bursting with ministry through live worship leading April 4 Easter Sunrise at Mount Hermon; a new recording being released May 1; online concert May 2 with Facebook Live; one-on-one training with 10 private guitar students; mentoring high school students at Valley Christian Schools; and organizing the live 2021 Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon (Phil Keaggy, Phillips Craig & Dean, Point of Grace, Veritas, Nichole Nordeman, Steve Green and Dick Tunney, and Buddy Green & Jeff Taylor).

Please, continue to pray for us to be effective in building the body of Christ and helping others use their talents to glorify God. If you would like to make a donation to Heartfelt Music Ministry and significantly help us to move forward in ministry, visit our website at https://heartfeltmusic.org/about/support/


VCS Worship Team Performs

The Valley Christian High School worship team has not been able to perform together because of COVID19 until last month. Fortunately, we have been able to perform three times in March and we look forward to performing three more times before the end of the year as restrictions have made it possible to add singing with masks.


Easter Sunrise at Mount Hermon

Join me for this resurrection celebration at the summit of Mount Hermon. A 24-foot-high cross marks the location for the sunrise service, just up the hill from Mount Hermon’s Ponderosa Lodge. The view over Scotts Valley and San Lorenzo Valley is spectacular! Danny Wallen is the speaker and Ron Taylor is the host.


Concert with Reggie on FB Live

Sunday, May 2 – 5:00pm – I’ll be doing a CD release online concert sharing songs from my new Instrumental Guitar, Vol. 2 album. This album is scheduled to be released and available by May 2nd. The concert will be on the Heartfelt Music® Facebook page. You can view my last concert by clicking here.


Upcoming Events

April 4 (Sunday) – 6:30am
Leading worship for Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center’s Easter Sunrise Service at the cross.

May 2 (Sunday) – 5:00pm
Online concert. Join me as I release the new Instrumental Guitar – Volume II album, on Facebook LIVE. Click here to check out our Heartfelt Music Page on Facebook.


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April Update 2020

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Jesus Is Alive!

We just celebrated Jesus’ resurrection on Easter, but I hope everyday is a celebration of our Lord being alive and in control of life itself! On Easter, I recorded me singing the song He’s Alive! CLICK HERE and hear the story of Peter as he witnesses Jesus being alive from the dead. I hope you are encouraged!

This is a very unique season with the COVID19 pandemic. Of course, we’re doing everything from home. I’m glad we’ve had some family at our home for a month playing games, watching movies, and eating well. May you stay healthy and spiritually strong!

On April 26, 5:00pm, I’ll be leading an informal worship hour from my home. This will be my first time offering an online music/worship experience! Join me in lifting up Jesus and giving glory to God’s character and presence. My Facebook account is at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1

Facebook LIVE Worship 4/26/20

April 26 (Sunday) – 5:00pm-6:00pm
Online music/worship experience with Facebook Live. This will be my first time offering an online music/worship experience! Join me in lifting up Jesus. My Facebook account is at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1

Training and Streaming Services

I’ve been producing a worship band training video using the Gilroy Presbyterian Church Worship Team. I also was involved with the Facebook LIVE streaming of our GPC Sunday services.

Online Lessons with Zoom

I’m teaching private lessons and classes with Valley Christian School through Zoom, which is going very well. If you are interested in private guitar lessons, email me at [email protected].

March Update 2020

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Hope You’re Doing Well!

What a crazy time. We at Heartfelt Music® hope you are doing well amidst this COVID19 pandemic. I was helping stream services at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, but now feel the necessity do something from home. Would you be interested in me streaming a music worship time some evening through Facebook Live? So many musicians are offering this as an option. Email me and let me know what you think would be encouraging for you. Since Heartfelt Music® has a streaming license, I can sing through some current songs and you can sing along at home.

March has been a fulfilling month with the BASS Conference (before the Shelter-in-Place order), performing two live concerts (Gilroy and Los Altos), and learning to teach through Zoom online. Quite a few changes, but we’re doing well.


Reggie’s Concert

I sure enjoyed the two live concerts at Gilroy Presbyterian Church and Bridges Community Church in Los Altos. This was before the Shelter-in-Place order was in place.


BASS Convention

I had over 75 enthusiastic people for my vocal workshop at the BASS Convention and around 30 for the guitar workshop. Over 1,000 attended the convention!


Zoom Lessons

I’m teaching classes with Valley Christian School through Zoom, which is surprisingly going very well. I’m also teaching private lessons through Zoom and have about 10 students.


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November Update 2019

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A Heart of Gratitude

I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.” 2 Corinthians 2:14
Happy Thanksgiving!
As a high school and junior high teacher, I train and invest my time in the lives of these growing young men and women. One of the best resources I’ve found is a weekly eNewsletter called The Culture Translator by a ministry named Axis. Today they sent this encouragement on the Gift of Gratitude.

“According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 out of every 3 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 will experience an anxiety disorder. Whether the culprit is social media, lack of sleep, increased scholastic pressure, or screen time, the verdict is simple: Our kids need help.

“Thankfully, emerging evidence reveals an organic way to combat anxiety and depression: Gratitude. According to author Jerusha Clark, ‘Gratitude and anxiety are mutually exclusive neural pathways. You physiologically cannot be grateful and anxious at the same time.’ One way to foster gratitude is to simply pay attention to your life. Be fully present in every single tiny moment, and remember that life itself is a gift. So, in a world filled with darkness, we’re choosing to see the light, to be grateful for the good.” Let’s experience victory through Christ with hearts of gratitude and a joy that is like a sweet perfume in this world.

Thank you for your prayers and continued encouragement toward Heartfelt Music@ Ministry. I hope you will consider one of the following avenues to help us touch the lives of thousands of people affected by our ministry. God has allowed me to have influence on 2300 students at Valley Christian School, hundreds of those who fellowship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, thousands of people coming to the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series, and hundreds of folks who listen to my music and learn guitar through the resources Heartfelt Music® has created (See Gumroad.com). I feel honored to have these opportunities. Your donations to Heartfelt Music® greatly help this ministry make a powerful impact. Click here to learn more.


Contributions One-Time or Monthly

“I thank my God for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now” (Phil 1:3 & 5). Please consider a one-time gift or regular contribution to Heartfelt Music Ministry which is tax-deductible. Choose us as your ministry/missions organization in giving regular financial support.


Donate with PayPal Giving Fund

PayPal Giving Fund is another way to donate to Heartfelt Music® Ministry and receive a tax deduction, as we are an official non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

Click here to learn more about giving to Heartfelt Music® Ministry.


AmazonSmile Donates to us

Many people shop through Amazon.com, but don’t realize that it’s sister organization AmazonSmile helps non profit organizations earn money. At no extra cost to you, Amazon will donate a portion of whatever you spend at Smile.Amazon.com to our ministry. What a deal! Support us every time you shop!


Upcoming Events

~ December 1 (Sunday)
I am leading worship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church as we celebrate Advent and the birth of Jesus, 10:00am. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. The African Choir will be performing.

~ December 8 (Sunday)
I am leading worship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church as we celebrate Advent and the birth of Jesus, 10:00am. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. The children will be performing a short Christmas pageant.

~ December 15 (Sunday)
I am leading worship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church as we celebrate Advent and the birth of Jesus, 10:00am. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. The GPC Choir will be performing.

~ December 22 (Sunday)
I am leading worship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church as we celebrate Advent and the birth of Jesus, 10:00am. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. The African Choir and the GPC Choir will be performing.

~ December 24 (Tuesday)
I am leading the special Christmas Eve service at Gilroy Presbyterian Church as we celebrate Advent and the birth of Jesus, 5:00pm. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. The GPC Choir will be performing and student brass players from the local high school will be performing.


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October Update

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments


The Unpredictability of Life

“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9

So much life has happened since my last eNewsletter both personally and in ministry. Some things are planned, but other things just happen and surprisingly change our course. Nothing has been too drastic, but it’s the uncertainty of life that keeps us on our toes and keeps us turning to Jesus. I love Proverbs 16:9 because no matter how organized we are in looking ahead, it’s the Lord who guides us and creates our path.


The Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon went really well. Heartfelt Music® is in charge of organizing these and is setting up the summer of 2020 now. July 28th Sherri and I celebrated our 35th Wedding Anniversary. What a joy! In August, I started teaching again at Valley Christian Schools with a new junior high class called Video Fun. We are creating all kinds of videos using an iPad and iMovie and it has truly been fun. I’ve been the Worship Arts Director with Gilroy Presbyterian Church for three years through Heartfelt Music®. They have skillful and enjoyable musicians and we’ve just starting another season of choir. I’ve been rebuilding a deck in our back yard, which has taking much longer than anticipated. Just recently, PG&E turned off our power for no reason and we had to do without internet and sleep apnea machines for a couple of days. Life is unpredictable, but God is in control! We experience His love and faithfulness every day.


Thank you for your prayers and continued encouragement in Heartfelt Music@ ministry. May the gracious love of God fill you thoroughly as you “draw near to God, with a sincere heart, in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:22a


Summer Concerts

Inspiring Summer Concerts

The Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series was a such a ministry success! We ended with Phil Keaggy, Aaron Shust, and Point of Grace in July. We are already working on next summer and have a phenomenal line up including Phillips, Craig, and Dean.


35th Wedding Anniversary

35th Wedding Anniversary

Sherri and I have been married for 35 years! Right after the Point of Grace concert in July, we took our boys and their wives to Shadowbrook restaurant to celebrate. It’s so fulfilling to reflect on all the wonderful experiences God has brought us through.


Guitar Lessons

Teaching & Private Guitar Lessons

I’m continuing to teach full time at Valley Christian School as well as teach private guitar lessons. There are about 55 guitar students in the music program at VCS and I am mentoring about eight private students in Los Altos as well as Skype/FaceTime.


Upcoming Events

October 27 (Sundays)
I am regularly leading worship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church on Sundays, 10:00am. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020.


[I am not leading worship on Sunday, October 20, at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, and am open to leading at your church if needed.]

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June Update 2019

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Sanctus RealTraining with ReggieHere & Now Album

Summer is here!

I hope your summer is off to a great start! During May, there’s been a lively amount of ministry events with Heartfelt Music® one-on-one lessons; weekly leading worship at Gilroy Presbyterian Church; wrapping up the spring semester at Valley Christian Schools; teaching at the National Worship Leader Conference in Nashville; and gearing up for the free Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series.
Producing the seven concerts at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center is the biggest thing for me this summer. We begin this Saturday night, 6/15, with Sanctus Real (see below). Visit the Summer Concert Page for all the details and register for the yummy buffet dinner just before the concert. Here’s a list of who is coming:


This summer, I am working on podcasts, new recordings, training workshops and videos, writing out my music, and setting up concerts. I’m using the summer to get ready for the Fall.
I appreciate your faithful encouragement, continuing to uphold me and Heartfelt Music® in prayer. Also, I have to give a big “Thank You!” to those who are giving support financially. If you’d like to help in this way, visit our Support page at https://heartfeltmusic.org/about/support/. Also, you can turn your Father’s Day shopping into a force for good. As you shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/91-1987382, Amazon donates to Heartfelt Music and Ministry, Inc.


Sanctus Real in Concert

As a part of the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series, Sanctus Real will be in concert this Saturday, June 15, at 7:30pm in the main auditorium at the Mount Hermon Conference Center (37 Conference Drive, Mount Hermon. CA 95041). After 20 years of touring, 24 radio hits and full album sales exceeding 750,000, Sanctus Real cemented itself as a trusted brand in Christian music. Songs like Lead Me have influenced many over the years. The original members Mark Graalman and Chris Rohman have added Dustin Lolli, as Sanctus Real’s new lead singer and creative influence. With their new album Changed, the band communicates that nothing’s ever a lost cause in the kingdom of heaven. Listen to their new song on YouTube.com Unstoppable God.


Private Lessons This Summer

I will be teaching guitar this summer in Los Altos and Mount Hermon, and through Skype every week on Thursdays. I will tailor the lessons for each student and the schedule is customizable as well. When I’m not in your area, you can take lessons through Skype (or FaceTime) in order to make it weekly. Let me know what you’d like to do so I can plan ahead. Let me also know what time would work for you and if you’d like a 30 minute or 45 minute lesson. I will also be giving lessons in voice, bass guitar, recording music (ProTools), writing out music (Sibelius), and music theory. I’ll be in Los Altos at Bridges Community Church June 13, 27, July 11, 25, and August 8. I’ll be in Mount Hermon June 20, July 18, and August 1. Call me to set up lessons at 925-206-9895.


Download Albums and Written Music

You can download my digital product at Gumroad.com/Reggie. I have seven CDs available, music written out, three free singles (There Is Room, Flame, and Remember), and the results of a survey I took with worship leaders from the Bay Area. With some of the albums, I have stories behind each song and inspiration as to why I wrote them.
You can also purchase physical CDs or digital CDs at cdbaby.com.  I have three CDs available there: Here & Now, Instrumental Guitar Vol. I, and Heartfelt Celebration.
Another way to hear my music is on Spotify and other streaming services. The cool thing is that every time you stream my song on one of these platforms, I get paid a few cents for royalties. Thanks for listening to my music! That means a lot to me!


Upcoming Events

June 13 (Thursdays)
Summer private lessons starting up in Los Altos, Mount Hermon, and through Skype. Call 925-206-9895 for more info.
June 16, 23, 30 (Sundays)
I’ll be regularly leading worship at the Gilroy Presbyterian Church services on Sundays, 10:00am. 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020.
June 23 (Sunday)
I’ll be doing music for a special private wedding in the afternoon.
July 8-12 (Mon-Fri)
I’ll be leading worship at the Joni & Friends Retreat at Mission Springs in Scotts Valley, Monday through Friday. It’s a retreat for Special Needs families through Joni Erickson-Tada’s ministry. Visit their website for more information https://www.joniandfriends.org/ministries/family-retreats/


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April Update 2019

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Jesus is alive!

This is the season to celebrate what followers of Jesus enjoy everyday: The resurrected presence of Christ. May this Easter be filled with fun family times and rich reflection on the resurrection.

Heartfelt Music® has been equipping and training both young and old over the past months with the BASS Convention; one-on-one coaching in music, guitar, and voice; leading worship with Gilroy Presbyterian Church; teaching high school music at Valley Christian Schools – worship leading, guitar, recording (ProTools) and writing out music (Sibelius). This weekend I’ll be leading singing at Mount Hermon’s Easter Sunrise Service at the Ponderosa Lodge Cross and then celebrating Easter with choir, brass and band at Gilroy Presbyterian Church. Heartfelt Music® is also preparing “to lead others toward intimacy with God and excellence in artistry” at the National Worship Leader Conference in Nashville on May 20-21 and gearing up for the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series.

Thank you for your encouragement, prayers, and support, which inspires me and reinforces our ministry efforts.

Upcoming Events

April 21 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship for the Mount Hermon Easter Sunrise Service at the Ponderosa Lodge cross, 6:30am.

April 21, 28, (Sundays)
I’ll be regularly leading worship at the main service on Sundays, 10:00am.  Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. Easter Sunday is a special celebration with the choir, brass, and band.

May 20 & 21 (Monday & Tuesday)
I’ll be teaching workshops at the National Worship Leader Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Use the code FRIENDS25 when registering to get a 25% discount

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