June Ministry Update
June 8, 2013 Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments
Summer Is Here!
The weather is beautiful and summer is in the air. Barbeques, beach days, family fun, movies with friends, time to catch up on things, summer is an exciting time we’ve been looking forward to. I just finished up a year at Valley Christian School which was a tremendous ministry experience. Leading the Worship Bands for Jr. High & High School, Coordinating the Chapels, and teaching Music Technology and Cadet Band kept me busy. Now, it’s come to a screeching halt and I have some time to read, relax, record, and do things I’ve put off for some time. I hope your summer is off to a good start and you get extra time to be refreshed and renewed. For a personal update on my family, go to the Heartfelt Music Blog.
Check out what’s happening in the columns below which are significant events for June. I’m working on a new album which I wasn’t sure whether to call Flame or So Wonderful. I think I’ve settled on Here & Now which is a line in the song Wings to Fly: “Here and now I need You to live out Your life in me…” It refers to the new covenant lifestyle where Jesus empowers us to live life to the full as He lives through us. I will be sharing these songs in concerts throughout the Bay Area this summer. Let me know if you’d like me to set something up in your area. I’ll be in Morgan Hill Sunday June 30th and Brentwood Sunday August 4.
The album called Instrumental Guitar Volume 1 is out on iTunes, our product page, as well as other venues (like Rhapsody). It has a variety of styles with beautiful guitar techniques. You can listen to excerpts of each song at iTunes.com or CDBaby.com and purchase individual songs if you’d like. Or you can get the whole album at this link at a discount: Click this link to purchase & download
Instrumental Guitar Volume 1. The stories behind the songs are on the Heartfelt Music Blog.
Leading Worship at Redwood Chapel
This Sunday, I’ll be leading worship at Redwood Chapel Community Church in Castro Valley. I was on staff with them for a year ago as the Worship & Arts Director until I took the full-time position at Valley Christian School. It will be good to be back and see people again and encourage them in Christ. They are in a four week teaching series on the Holy Spirit. They are at 19300 Redwood Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94546 if you get a chance to come join me.
Music Training in Los Altos
On Saturday, June 22, I’ll be leading three intensive guitar workshops specifically developed for your skill level. Each workshop will be 2 hours long. You will receive the book The New Complete Guitarist and will be able to play “hands-on” for the whole time. On Saturday, June 29, I’ll be leading four intensive music workshops specifically developed for your interest. You are welcome to attend all of them. Each workshop will be 1 and 1/2 hours long. Creative Songwriting, Worship Infusion, Improving Your Singing, and Leading Worship Effectively. For details and more information, registration and cost for each workshop, click HERE. All these workshops will take place in the choir room at Bridges Community Church in Los Altos.
New Album
I am working on a new album that has both vocal and guitar on it. Songs that have not been recorded yet such as Worthy & So Wonderful (you can check it out on YouTube), Flame, Wings to Fly, You Are My God, and Sherri My Love. I will also have some songs that have shaped my life such as Make My Life a Prayer, Water Grave, and He Is Alive. Plus, there are two albums that will no longer be available Here to Worship and Confidence, so I will redo 4 of my songs from those albums. Pray that the recording, mixing, and mastering process will go as fast as it did for my instrumental album.