May Newsletter 2022

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A Summer Bursting with Music Ministry

Are you ready for summer? I’m excited about all the music endeavors through Heartfelt Music® Ministry available to encourage you spiritually and musically.
This week wraps up my year with Valley Christian Schools. It was a very productive year as the students learned about songwriting, recording, and being stretched toward excellence in musical technique and a strong character. Going through the book The Worshiping Artist by Rory Noland was particularly poignant in learning about worship leading. We had performances in chapels, leading worship for Los Altos Christian School, leading Christmas carols for the Mount Hermon Community dinner, and even busking in Santa Cruz. We had to make changes and flex with the many COVID-19 surprises, but we made it through with a sense of accomplishment. It was a fulfilling year for me as Heartfelt Music’s Mission Statement was in full swing: Leading others toward intimacy with God and excellence in artistry.
I’m excited about the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series, which I produce through Heartfelt Music Ministry. Each concert is on Saturday starting at 6:30pm in the Conference Center auditorium nestled in the beautiful 500 acres of the Redwood forest. The concerts are free, but you’ll need a ticket through iTickets to register and reserve a spot. Here’s the artist line up for this summer:


  • June 18 – Foto Sisters
  • June 25 – Buddy Greene and Jeff Taylor
  • July 2 – Point of Grace
  • July 9 – Veritas
  • July 16 – Michael O’Brien
  • July 23 – Captivating Keyboards
  • July 30 – Phillips, Craig & Dean

Come to one or come to all. You will be refreshed and encouraged! See the Promo Video Here.

Summer private lessons begin this Tuesday! So, if you want to excel in your music abilities, treat yourself and sign up for some coaching tailored specifically to you.
I’ll be doing another online FACEBOOK LIVE Home Concert Sunday, June 26, 5:00pm PST. I’ll be sharing a few songs from a coming new album of mine called Encore. It will be an uplifting hour with new songs and familiar requested songs as well. It will be on the Heartfelt Music® Facebook page at


Busking in Santa Cruz with VCHS

Busking is basically street performing in public. I took the Valley Christian High School Guitar 2 & 3 class as well as the Worship Team to Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz to perform on the street in front of those passing by. Stopping at Burger for lunch and a visit to the Boardwalk, we had a blast!


Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon

The Foto Sisters will begin the seven week concert series on Saturday, June 18th. Attendees can be inside with the artists, or relax on the mezzanine patio and take in the surrounding redwood forest while enjoying the beautiful music. All concert programs are open to the public without charge.


Music Training & Private Lessons

Would you like to improve your musical abilities? I will be starting summer private lessons on Tuesday, May 31. There are 10 sessions of training and coaching in guitar, singing, songwriting, music theory, performance practices, or any combination you’d like. Enhance your skills!


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July Update 2021

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God Is Doing Exciting Things

There are some amazing things that God is doing this summer through Heartfelt Music® Ministry! Encouraging people through music and drawing their hearts closer to Jesus is at the forefront.


My new Instrumental Guitar – Vol. 2 album is here and is available on all the streaming platforms (like Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, YouTube, etc.) The physical CDs are available on our website. I’m so excited how it turned out! You can hear how each song sounds at a special page with This page will point you to a number of streaming platforms that carry my albums.


The Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon are going great! This Saturday is Nichole Nordeman followed by Point of Grace the next week, Steve Green and Dick Tunney July 24th, and Phillips Craig and Dean July 31st. Phil Keaggy, Veritas, and Buddy Greene went very well with a good turn out for each. The series is called Worship in the Redwoods and is totally free. You will need to have a ticket because the seating is limited, but the tickets are free. Go to the Mount Hermon site and get a ticket.


Thank you for your prayers and continuing support. It’s been fun seeing many of you at the concerts! Definitely catch me and say hi if you attend. Besides doing the new album and producing the Mount Hermon concerts, I’ve been teaching private guitar lessons and getting back into kickboxing. It has also been a joy getting more time with family this summer. May God richly bless you and give you His joy in the coming weeks.


Instrumental Guitar Vol. 2 Is Here

You can get the new album by going to the Heartfelt Music website. Hear excerpts of each song at Watch four videos on our YouTube channel that explain fun facts about the album and each song:


Part 1 – Song Stories
Part 2 – Styles & Guitars
Part 3 – Keys & Capos
Part 4 – Art & Production


Enjoy the Free Concerts at Mount Hermon

Nichole Nordeman will be in concert at Mount Hermon this Saturday, July 10, at 6:30pm. Mark your calendar for the rest of this month as well: Point of Grace the next week, Steve Green and Dick Tunney July 24th, and Phillips Craig and Dean July 31st. CLICK HERE for more information.


Private Guitar Lessons this Summer

This summer I have ten private guitar students strumming new vibrations into their musical journey. We’re having fun through Zoom and starting back up with a few in-person lessons too. I will be open for new students in the fall. More info can be found at the COACHING page.


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May Update 2021

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New Summer Music

I’m working on the new Instrumental Guitar – Vol. 2 album and very excited about how it’s coming along. I’ve finished recording all ten songs and now mixing and mastering them. It’s a fun process, but it does take a lot of time. The new target date is mid-June to have it available.
Next week is the last week of the year for Valley Christian Schools. It’s been a crazy ride this year because of the pandemic, but the students and faculty weathered through it pretty well. Our worship team has one more performance this Thursday for the baccalaureate.
My oldest son and his wife will be visiting in person with us this weekend for the first time in months because of the pandemic. Also, my youngest son and his wife will be visiting with us in a few weeks for the first time in months as well. Sherri and I are so thankful for family and really look forward to finally getting together.
This summer, I’m organizing the live 2021 Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon with Phil Keaggy, Phillips Craig & Dean, Point of Grace, Veritas, Nichole Nordeman, Steve Green and Dick Tunney, and Buddy Greene & Jeff Taylor. The series is called Worship in the Redwoods and is totally free. You will need to have a ticket because he seating is limited, but the tickets are free through iTickets and there is seating inside the auditorium and outside (you’ll have to specify which one you’d like).
I’ll be teaching summer private lessons through Zoom on Thursday afternoons beginning June 10th and there are a few openings if you’re interested. Do you need a boost in your music endeavors? Private coaching is a great way to really kick into gear new motivations and disciplines to move forward in music journey.
Your prayers are appreciated so much! If not for the your support and others, we would not have as much impact through this ministry. Thank you! If you would like to make a donation to Heartfelt Music Ministry, visit our website at for the options available.
May your Memorial Day weekend be both fun and meaningful!


Instrumental Guitar – Vol. II Coming Album

This is my eighteenth album and it’s almost ready for distribution! It has such an interesting musical variety (easy rock, bluegrass, bossa nova, classical, light jazz). It’s primarily done with my Taylor 815CE acoustic guitar, but I also use an electric and nylon stringed guitars. There’s a story behind each of the songs and I’ll be giving more detail about all that in June.


Worship in the Redwoods at Mount Hermon

Two hours of encouraging music with some of your favorite Christian artists! Concert attendees can be with the artists inside with the artists or relax on the mezzanine patio and take in the night with beautiful music. Each program is free, but requires registration. The program begins at 6:30pm each Saturday evening. CLICK HERE for more information.


Getting Family Time This Summer

Sherri and I are excited to get together with our two sons and their wives after months of being careful about COVID19. All of us are feeling safer and the pandemic seems to be going in the right direction. We are looking forward to eating out, visiting local state parks, walking along the beach, and playing games in person.

April Update 2020

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Jesus Is Alive!

We just celebrated Jesus’ resurrection on Easter, but I hope everyday is a celebration of our Lord being alive and in control of life itself! On Easter, I recorded me singing the song He’s Alive! CLICK HERE and hear the story of Peter as he witnesses Jesus being alive from the dead. I hope you are encouraged!

This is a very unique season with the COVID19 pandemic. Of course, we’re doing everything from home. I’m glad we’ve had some family at our home for a month playing games, watching movies, and eating well. May you stay healthy and spiritually strong!

On April 26, 5:00pm, I’ll be leading an informal worship hour from my home. This will be my first time offering an online music/worship experience! Join me in lifting up Jesus and giving glory to God’s character and presence. My Facebook account is at

Facebook LIVE Worship 4/26/20

April 26 (Sunday) – 5:00pm-6:00pm
Online music/worship experience with Facebook Live. This will be my first time offering an online music/worship experience! Join me in lifting up Jesus. My Facebook account is at

Training and Streaming Services

I’ve been producing a worship band training video using the Gilroy Presbyterian Church Worship Team. I also was involved with the Facebook LIVE streaming of our GPC Sunday services.

Online Lessons with Zoom

I’m teaching private lessons and classes with Valley Christian School through Zoom, which is going very well. If you are interested in private guitar lessons, email me at [email protected].

March Update 2020

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Hope You’re Doing Well!

What a crazy time. We at Heartfelt Music® hope you are doing well amidst this COVID19 pandemic. I was helping stream services at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, but now feel the necessity do something from home. Would you be interested in me streaming a music worship time some evening through Facebook Live? So many musicians are offering this as an option. Email me and let me know what you think would be encouraging for you. Since Heartfelt Music® has a streaming license, I can sing through some current songs and you can sing along at home.

March has been a fulfilling month with the BASS Conference (before the Shelter-in-Place order), performing two live concerts (Gilroy and Los Altos), and learning to teach through Zoom online. Quite a few changes, but we’re doing well.


Reggie’s Concert

I sure enjoyed the two live concerts at Gilroy Presbyterian Church and Bridges Community Church in Los Altos. This was before the Shelter-in-Place order was in place.


BASS Convention

I had over 75 enthusiastic people for my vocal workshop at the BASS Convention and around 30 for the guitar workshop. Over 1,000 attended the convention!


Zoom Lessons

I’m teaching classes with Valley Christian School through Zoom, which is surprisingly going very well. I’m also teaching private lessons through Zoom and have about 10 students.


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January Update 2020

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Two Upcoming Concerts!

God has been doing some amazing things! I will be giving two concerts to encourage you with music and stories of my journey and God’s faithfulness. I’ll be in concert in Gilroy, Sunday night, March 1, 6:00pm, with Gilroy Presbyterian Church in the Worship Center and in Los Altos, Sunday night, March 8, 6:00pm, with Bridges Community Church in the Family Center.

On March 7th, I’ll be featuring two workshops at the BASS Convention under the Music Arts track, Improving Your Voice and Acoustic Guitar in Worship. It’s been a joy to be on the Board of Directors for the BASS Convention for 10 years and help empower so many volunteers in church leadership. It’s an affordable way to get quality training in every area of Church ministry. My good friend Peter Neumann will be the Keynote Speaker for the Music Arts track again this year.

I’m working on a new album with favorite songs written throughout my life. It’s going to be called Encore, which includes drums and bass guitar along with my guitar and voice. I’m also working on having all the songs written out in music notation and guitar tab. This project will cost about $1,000 through Heartfelt Music®, and we need help financially to get it out. If you would like to help, go to our Support page with a note that it’s for the Encore album.

Once a month, I’ll be training the worship leaders in the River of Life Community Church children’s program on Sunday afternoons. Our first time was last month with their two bands that lead the 5th graders. They did a great job in learning songs like Yes I Will, King of My Heart, and Good Good Father. They have a different theme every month and last month it was on God’s Goodness.

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Reggie in Concert

Come be encouraged in Christ as I share my life and music journey in a solo concert at two locations. I’d love to see you! I’ll be in Gilroy at Gilroy Presbyterian Church Sunday, March 1, 6:00pm, and Bridges Community Church Sunday, March 8 at 6:00pm


BASS Convention

Need training as a volunteer leader at church? The BASS Convention is a fantastic resource to improve. I’ll be teaching a guitar workshop and a vocal workshop Saturday morning on March 7. Peter Neumann will be the Keynote in Music Arts.


New Recording

I’m now working on my 17th album called Encore with Robert Rubino at Valley Christian School in their recording studio. It will be a full band sound accompanying my guitar and vocal work. The songs will be some favorites from throughout my life.


Upcoming Events

March Update 2019

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BASS Convention 2019

The BASS Convention

March 9, I led 2 training sessions for the BASS Convention. The training workshops I taught were Dynamic Guitar in Worship (both acoustic and electric), and Dynamic Bass Guitar in Worship (both acoustic and electric). The sessions were hands-on, so people brought your instrument! There were three general sessions and over 300 workshops for everyone involved in ministry at churches, both professionally and voluntarily.

National Worship Leader Conference

Worship leaders, musicians, songwriters, movers and shakers, theologians and scholars, all connected at the National Worship Leader Conference in Nashville, TN, May 20-21. This will be the fourth year I’ll be leading workshops for NWLC. I’ll be teaching on How to Record Your Own Music (ProTools), How to Write Out Your Music (Sibelius), and How to Read Music ( If you would like to come, you can come as my friend and use my 25% discount code: FRIENDS25.

Thank you for your support!

I really appreciate your prayers and support! There’s been so many significant aspects of ministry that would not have been the same without your uplifting prayers and encouragement. You empower us to fulfill our Mission Statement to Lead others toward intimacy with God and toward excellence in artistry. If you would like to help Heartfelt Music® financially, go to our website for more information by clicking HERE. Thank you so much!

November Ministry Update

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Amazing Ministry for Fall

The summer wrapped up beautifully after 8 concerts at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center. I’ll be the Concert Coordinator again next summer and have an amazing line-up: Sanctus Real (6/15), The King’s Brass (6/22), Fernando Ortega (6/29), Buddy Greene (7/6), Phil Keaggy (7/13), Aaron Shust (7/20), and Point of Grace (7/27). Mark your calendar for these wonderful free concerts!
We just finished our first quarter at Valley Christian School and it is so fulfilling to train and mentor these students. My Music Technology class is producing a free concert Friday with singer/songwriter Anja Kotar and guitarist Dimitri Morris. You can hear her songs on Apple Music HERE. We just finished our Spiritual Emphasis week where the faculty went to Mount Hermon for a day of spiritual renewal and the student body spent four days with inspiring chapels. Our worship team this year has students and adults playing on the same team, which has really raised the bar. I’m having fun with my four guitar classes. There is even a guitar club during lunch that I am advising.
My oldest son, Brandon, got married in September to Kristin and went to Whales for their honeymoon. Now both of my boys are married and enjoying their new adventures with their spouses. Sherri and I are now empty-nesters with a 120-pound Bernese Mountain Dog…having fun!
I’m still the Worship Arts Director with Gilroy Presbyterian Church and President of the Community Group at Mount Hermon. Life is full, but I’m doing what I love. Lots of ministry, lots of relational interconnection, and lots of teaching/training.
I appreciate your continued prayers and support! You inspires the things I do to have eternal results. God is doing a great work! If you would like to help Heartfelt Music® financially, click HERE.

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Brandon & Kristin Are Married!

Brandon & Kristin had a wonderful wedding on September 20 in Berkeley. I was able to do the officiating and felt so honored to help tie the knot. They went to Whales for their honeymoon and are happily employed in great companies. Brandon is working at Facebook with concept design for 3D art with Oculus. Kristin is working with animation at Lucas Film. Needless to say, I’m very proud of them! Brandon continues to paint and draw on his own time.

Anja Kotar in Concert at VCS

Anja Kotar (professional vocal artist) will be performing with Dimitri Morris (professional guitarist) at Valley Christian High School in the Conservatory Hall this Friday, November 2, at 7:00pm. Both of them are Valley Christian alumni. My Music Technology class is putting on this concert to learn how to produce concerts. All the details can be found by clicking HERE. She will be sharing from her album called Nomad and having a Listening Party at 5:00pm.

I’m Selling My Taylor 815CE

I am selling my Taylor 815CE guitar. It’s been a beautiful one-of-a-kind instrument and is still in mint condition. It has unique inlay on the fretboard and the bridge and has ebony tuning keys. The Florentine cut-a-way is striking and the tone is prestine.  Click the picture above or HERE to watch a video of me playing the guitar on my song Abundant Sunshine. I’m putting it on eBay this weekend with more pictures. I’m selling it for $4,000. Let me know if you’re interested.

Coming Events

Nov 2 (Friday)
Anja Kotar will be doing a free concert with Dimitri Morris this Friday, 7:00pm, at Valley Christian High School in the Conservatory Hall (100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA 95111).

Nov 11, 18, 25 (Sundays)
I’ll be leading worship at the main service on Sundays, 10:00am, at  Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. Come worship with us!

June Highlights

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Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series Kicks-Off with Phil Keaggy

Saturday, June 23, 7:30pm-9:00pm, will begin the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series. In just two weeks, Phil Keaggy will be our first featured artist! Phil is perhaps one of the most admired guitarists in music today. His fans range from those who aspire just to be able to play Keaggy’s mistakes, to professional musicians who have been strongly influenced by his style. And in between are those who don’t play guitar, yet find solace in his beautifully penned lyrics and memorable melodies. Phil will be teaching a guitar workshop, 3:00pm-4:30pm, in the main auditorium, $20 per person. Ticketed Buffet Dinner is from 5:00pm to 6:30pm, $25. Don’t enjoy driving Highway 17? You can even catch a luxery shuttle bus from Calvary Church in Los Gatos (see details below). All concerts are open to the public without charge, and all are on Saturdays at 7:30pm, in Mount Hermon’s main indoor/outdoor auditorium. There will be a free-will offering towards expenses. For more information, call 831-335-4466. Come be encouraged and inspired! Look forward to seeing you there!


Phil Keaggy Guitar Workshop

Phil will be giving a guitar workshop the same day as the concert, Saturday, June 23, 3:00pm-4:30pm ($20). Anyone who plays guitar, wants to get inspired, and improve their skill will love learning from Phil and gleaning from his years of experience. Bringing your guitar is optional.

Luxury Shuttle from Los Gatos/Buffet Dinner

There is a luxurious bus shuttle from Calvary Church in Los Gatos to the doorstep of Mount Hermon and back, so you can avoid the hassle of Highway 17 ($20 round trip). Click on the Buffet Dinner link to register. This is coupled with the Buffet Dinner option at 5:00pm ($25). Make it a wonderful day by enjoying the delicious buffet dinner and then priority seating for the evening concert.

March Ministry Update

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Worship Matters

I will be giving a concert at Gilroy Presbyterian Church this Sunday. It’s a musical three part series we’ve been having once a month to enhance our love for the Lord and express worship through music. The theme is Music in Faith and it starts at 6:30pm. I would love to see you!

The book Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin covers many relevant issues on worship. On the Heartfelt Music website, under the category of Worship Matters book, I summarize the book in four parts. Part 2 covers “The Task” of worship leading.  Bob beautifully gives a working definition of the purpose in worship leading with the following sentence:

A faithful worship leader
magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit
by skillfully combining God’s Word with music,
thereby motivating the gathered church
to proclaim the gospel,
to cherish God’s presence,
and to live for God’s glory.

May you be reminded to magnify the greatness of God and live for His glory in all you do!


Reggie in Concert at Gilroy Pres.

I will be doing a concert at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020, Sunday, March 18, at 6:30pm. This is the third of three monthly Sunday Evening Worship Series. This Music of Faith concert begins at 6:30pm. It will be just me with guitar and vocal tapestry. I’d love to see you!


Easter Sunrise Service at Mount Hermon

An Easter sunrise service, open to the public, will be conduced at the summit of Mount Hermon on Easter Sunday, April 1, at 6:30am. Reggie Coates will be leading a time of worship and Randal Kay will share an Easter message. Breakfast is served immediately following the service.


Praise & Worship

Heartfelt Music has me involved in many things lately, which takes a lot of time and energy. But, everything works together and overlaps in the area of praising and worshiping God. Leading worship in churches; training others to sing praises through private lessons; teaching at conferences; organizing summer concerts at Mount Hermon…I love what I do!


Coming Events

March 18 (Sunday)
Music of Faith Concert with Reggie at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. It begins at 6:30pm. It will be just me with guitar and vocal tapestry.

March 30 (Friday)
Good Friday Service at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. It begins at 7:00pm. I’ll be leading music at this meaningful time of reflecting on the cross of Christ.

April 1 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at Mount Hermon’s Easter Sunrise Service, at the cross near Ponderosa Lodge, 37 Conference Drive, Mount Hermon, CA 95041. Breakfast is served after the service.

April 1 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at the main service on Sunday, 10:00am.  Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020.


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