July Update 2021

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God Is Doing Exciting Things

There are some amazing things that God is doing this summer through Heartfelt Music® Ministry! Encouraging people through music and drawing their hearts closer to Jesus is at the forefront.


My new Instrumental Guitar – Vol. 2 album is here and is available on all the streaming platforms (like Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, YouTube, etc.) The physical CDs are available on our website. I’m so excited how it turned out! You can hear how each song sounds at a special page with HearNow.com. This page will point you to a number of streaming platforms that carry my albums.


The Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon are going great! This Saturday is Nichole Nordeman followed by Point of Grace the next week, Steve Green and Dick Tunney July 24th, and Phillips Craig and Dean July 31st. Phil Keaggy, Veritas, and Buddy Greene went very well with a good turn out for each. The series is called Worship in the Redwoods and is totally free. You will need to have a ticket because the seating is limited, but the tickets are free. Go to the Mount Hermon site and get a ticket.


Thank you for your prayers and continuing support. It’s been fun seeing many of you at the concerts! Definitely catch me and say hi if you attend. Besides doing the new album and producing the Mount Hermon concerts, I’ve been teaching private guitar lessons and getting back into kickboxing. It has also been a joy getting more time with family this summer. May God richly bless you and give you His joy in the coming weeks.


Instrumental Guitar Vol. 2 Is Here

You can get the new album by going to the Heartfelt Music website. Hear excerpts of each song at HearNow.com. Watch four videos on our YouTube channel that explain fun facts about the album and each song:


Part 1 – Song Stories
Part 2 – Styles & Guitars
Part 3 – Keys & Capos
Part 4 – Art & Production


Enjoy the Free Concerts at Mount Hermon

Nichole Nordeman will be in concert at Mount Hermon this Saturday, July 10, at 6:30pm. Mark your calendar for the rest of this month as well: Point of Grace the next week, Steve Green and Dick Tunney July 24th, and Phillips Craig and Dean July 31st. CLICK HERE for more information.


Private Guitar Lessons this Summer

This summer I have ten private guitar students strumming new vibrations into their musical journey. We’re having fun through Zoom and starting back up with a few in-person lessons too. I will be open for new students in the fall. More info can be found at the COACHING page.


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June Update 2021

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New Instrumental Album

My new Instrumental Guitar – Vol. 2 album has been shipped and the new CD release date will be July 1st, next week! My son Brandon Coates is a professional illustrator and concept artist. He created the artwork for the front cover, back cover and the CD itself. I’ve included a picture of the album cover below. I will be explaining more about this album on our website in the next few days in order to give some history and fun facts about the project.

This summer, I’m organizing the live 2021 Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon with Phil Keaggy coming tomorrow, Saturday, June 26, at 6:30pm. The series is called Worship in the Redwoods and is totally free. You will need to have a ticket because the seating is limited, but the tickets are free through iTickets and there is seating inside the auditorium and outside (you’ll have to specify which one you’d like).

I will be introducing this album with four videos on the Heartfelt Music website this week. Make sure you press the RSS tab at the top right of the website page in order to view these videos when they come out. I will share the stories behind each song, the variety of styles and guitars used, the capos and keys used, and a look behind the art and production of the album.


I really appreciate your encouragement and support for our ministry of leading others toward intimacy with God and excellence in artistry.


Phil Keaggy Performing at Mount Hermon

Phil Keaggy will be in concert at Mount Hermon this Saturday, June 26, at 6:30pm. As one of the best guitar players in the world, Phil’s dazzling abilities will leave you stunned! He is a multi-Dove Award winner. This will be his third year with us in person. You will be amazed and encouraged by his beautiful and creative musical tapestry. CLICK HERE for more information.


Music to Uplift and Encourage You

There are digital albums, music books, and free downloadable songs available at Gumroad.com. Visit our website Product page to get digital or physical products. You can also get my music through HearNow.com and listen on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music and other music platforms. Heartfelt Worship is the latest album out and Instrumental Guitar Vol. 2 will be available July 1st.


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May Update 2021

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments

New Summer Music

I’m working on the new Instrumental Guitar – Vol. 2 album and very excited about how it’s coming along. I’ve finished recording all ten songs and now mixing and mastering them. It’s a fun process, but it does take a lot of time. The new target date is mid-June to have it available.
Next week is the last week of the year for Valley Christian Schools. It’s been a crazy ride this year because of the pandemic, but the students and faculty weathered through it pretty well. Our worship team has one more performance this Thursday for the baccalaureate.
My oldest son and his wife will be visiting in person with us this weekend for the first time in months because of the pandemic. Also, my youngest son and his wife will be visiting with us in a few weeks for the first time in months as well. Sherri and I are so thankful for family and really look forward to finally getting together.
This summer, I’m organizing the live 2021 Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon with Phil Keaggy, Phillips Craig & Dean, Point of Grace, Veritas, Nichole Nordeman, Steve Green and Dick Tunney, and Buddy Greene & Jeff Taylor. The series is called Worship in the Redwoods and is totally free. You will need to have a ticket because he seating is limited, but the tickets are free through iTickets and there is seating inside the auditorium and outside (you’ll have to specify which one you’d like).
I’ll be teaching summer private lessons through Zoom on Thursday afternoons beginning June 10th and there are a few openings if you’re interested. Do you need a boost in your music endeavors? Private coaching is a great way to really kick into gear new motivations and disciplines to move forward in music journey.
Your prayers are appreciated so much! If not for the your support and others, we would not have as much impact through this ministry. Thank you! If you would like to make a donation to Heartfelt Music Ministry, visit our website at https://heartfeltmusic.org/about/support/ for the options available.
May your Memorial Day weekend be both fun and meaningful!


Instrumental Guitar – Vol. II Coming Album

This is my eighteenth album and it’s almost ready for distribution! It has such an interesting musical variety (easy rock, bluegrass, bossa nova, classical, light jazz). It’s primarily done with my Taylor 815CE acoustic guitar, but I also use an electric and nylon stringed guitars. There’s a story behind each of the songs and I’ll be giving more detail about all that in June.


Worship in the Redwoods at Mount Hermon

Two hours of encouraging music with some of your favorite Christian artists! Concert attendees can be with the artists inside with the artists or relax on the mezzanine patio and take in the night with beautiful music. Each program is free, but requires registration. The program begins at 6:30pm each Saturday evening. CLICK HERE for more information.


Getting Family Time This Summer

Sherri and I are excited to get together with our two sons and their wives after months of being careful about COVID19. All of us are feeling safer and the pandemic seems to be going in the right direction. We are looking forward to eating out, visiting local state parks, walking along the beach, and playing games in person.

March Update 2021

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Nurturing Faith, Hope and Love

God gives us such a positive perspective through His words. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” We daily need faith, hope and love to give us the strength to overcome our difficulties. Faith is such a strong resolve. It is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. Faith is believing, without a doubt, what God says is true. Hope is a confidence in God having His way, no matter how bleak it looks right now. The opposite of hope is despair. When we trust God and are filled with hope, there is no room for despair. But, the greatest thing we possess as Christians is God’s love. In fact, it’s because of his deep love for us that we can have faith and hope. God is love and those who know God experience a profound and immeasurable care and commitment unequal to anything else. May you feel His love for you at this moment! May faith, hope and love remain in your heart throughout each day!


Valley Christian Worship Team

This school year has been quite a challenge for the VCS Worship Team, which I direct and teach. We have not been able to lead worship at chapels because of COVID19. But, we have been offering worship through recording songs. Fortunately, next week, we are having our first performances for the school year!


New Songs & New Albums

Having more time at home means more time to write songs. I’m working on an Instrumental Guitar, Vol. 2 album and hope to get it out early May. Also, I’m working on a new vocal album with new songs. I’m excited, my son, Brandon, is creating the art for the instrumental album and my other son, Austin, will be working on the vocal album.


Concert with Reggie on FB Live

This Sunday, March 7 – 5:00pm PST, I’ll be doing another online concert sharing songs and stories to inspire faith, hope and love. I’ll be doing solo songs, worship songs, and taking requests as well. It will be on the Heartfelt Music® Facebook page. You can view my last concert by clicking here.


Upcoming Events

March 7 (Sunday) – 5:00pm
Online concert. Join me as I share songs, stories and take requests on Facebook LIVE. Click here to check out our Heartfelt Music Page on Facebook.


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February Update 2021

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Encouraging Impact & Productivity

Thank you so much for your prayers, involvement, and support for Heartfelt Music Ministry. We are moving full speed ahead to accomplish our goals. Here’s what we are striving towards:


  • Encourage Intimacy with God
  • Empower Excellence in Artistry
  • Express Truth through Positive Music
  • Increase an Optimistic Influence
  • Infuse a Christ-Centered World View


A young person who attended my Christmas concert online in December, sent me the most encouraging email. He stressed what an impact one line made for him in my song Mary Christmas, “Be still and know He is Lord,” from Psalm 46:10. In the wake of this global pandemic, national upheaval, crazy weather, and personal concerns, it is so refreshing to stop for a significant amount of time and reflect on how God is still Lord through it all.


We just released for worldwide distribution the new album Heartfelt Worship. I remastered 17 songs of mine with full band from the two discontinued albums Heartfelt Praise and Here To Worship. You can hear clips of each song at Heartfelt Worship on HearNow.com. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, and other sites. You can purchase physical CDs at our website. I’ll be doing a home concert this Sunday, on February 21st emphasizing the importance of being intimate with God and caring for others. Join me on Facebook LIVE at our Heartfelt Music Page on Facebook.


The New Heartfelt Worship Album

I’ve just released my newest album Heartfelt Worship. I remastered 17 songs of mine with full band from the two discontinued albums Heartfelt Praise and Here To Worship. You can hear clips of each song at Heartfelt Worship on HearNow.com. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, other sites. You can purchase physical CDs at our website.


New Instrumental Album

This week is Winter Break at Valley Christian Schools, which has given me time to write completely new guitar instrumental songs. It will be called Instrumental Guitar, Vol. 2. We’re aiming to get it out early May. There are easy listening fingerstyle songs, upbeat songs like Abundant Sunshine, and some jazzy songs. I’ll share one new song this Sunday called Ruminate on Grace.


Concert with Reggie Facebook LIVE

This Sunday, February 21 – 5:00pm PST, I’ll be doing another online concert sharing songs from the new Heartfelt Worship album and the re-released Intimacy album. It will be an uplifting hour with songs emphasizing “experiencing intimacy with God and others.” It will be on the Heartfelt Music® Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Heartfelt-Music-and-Ministry-Inc-104539881497468



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January Update 2021

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Intimacy Album Cover Heartfelt Worship Album Cover Reggie Performance Image

Experiencing Intimacy with God

As all of us have been experiencing tough times this last year, we do have the opportunity to connect with God more and sense His deep love for us and desire to be close to us. This is what gives me peace and joy knowing He loves me in the midst of unprecedented health risks, weather extremities, personal challenges, and national conflict. All these things are not outside of God’s purview and He will have His way. We can trust Him, cling to Him, and love Him with all our hearts. Be encouraged! He is working all things out for good (Romans 8:28).

I re-released for worldwide distribution the album Intimacy, which has 20 songs reflecting on relationships. Check this link for details: Intimacy on HearNow.com. I’ll be doing a home concert on February 21st emphasizing the importance of being intimate with God and caring for others. Join me on Facebook LIVE at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1.


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Intimacy – Newly Released

I repackaged for worldwide distribution the album Intimacy, which has 20 songs reflecting on relationships. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, Gumroad, and many other sites. Check this link for details: Intimacy on HearNow.com.


Heartfelt Worship – Coming Soon

February 15th will be the release of my newest album Heartfelt Worship. I remastered 17 songs of mine with full band from the two discontinued albums Heartfelt Praise and Here To Worship. You can hear clips of each song at Heartfelt Worship on HearNow.com.


Concert with Reggie Facebook LIVE

On February 21 (Sunday) – 5:00pm, I’ll be doing another online concert sharing songs from the Intimacy album that has been re-released) It will be an encouraging time with songs emphasizing “experiencing intimacy with God and others.” It will be at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1


Coming Events

Merry Christmas! My Christmas Music Is Available.

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey No Comments

Just last week, my first Christmas album has been released and just today it is available digitally on iTunes, Pandora, Amazon, Apple Music, Deezer, and more. Click on this link to hear how it sounds and find out how to get it:


New Christmas Album – https://reggiecoates.hearnow.com/i-wish-you-a-mary-christmas


The cover picture is actually taken from the Christmas tree in our living room that Sherri made to look so festive and beautiful. My son, Austin, designed the cover and back of the CD. I’ve been wanting to have a Christmas album for years that includes some of my songs and some familiar carols encouraging faith, hope, peace, and worship. I hope you enjoy the music and the message in these songs. The song Mary Christmas is fully written out in music notation and you can get it by clicking HERE.


I gave a Christmas concert on Sunday, December 13. It was very encouraging to hear how it touched your hearts, especially the exhortation to “Be still and know that I am God” from Mary Christmas. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, you can watch it on YouTube.com at:


Reggie’s Christmas Concert – https://youtu.be/MrUfoSszURM


Hope you are enjoying a relaxing vacation and fulfilling Christmas joy! On behalf of me, my family, and the Heartfelt Music® Ministry Board of Directors may you have a Merry Christmas and a meaningful close to 2020.

December Update 2020

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I Wish You a Mary Christmas

Some years ago, I wrote a Christmas song, Mary Christmas, with a new slant. It refers to Martha in Luke 10 who was so busy with her preparations that she missed the most important thing, which her sister Mary understood: Worshiping Jesus is more valuable than serving Him. God’s priority is to be intimate with us in a loving relationship, so let’s slow down and worship Him through all our responsibilities, heartaches and delights.

Reflecting on 2020, there have been many positive things happening with Heartfelt Music Ministry. We just produced a new Christmas album, which will be released December 16 for worldwide distribution, I Wish You a Mary Christmas. This is a collection of familiar carols and two of my Christmas songs mostly performed simply with acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, and voice. We also repackaged for worldwide distribution the album Intimacy, which has 20 songs reflecting on relationships, to be released December 16. We refreshed our website, started our own Hearfelt Music and Ministry, Inc. Facebook Page, and have produced nine free streaming concerts and worship experiences to encourage you during these difficult times. We thank God we’ve been able to accomplish so much!

I’d like to thank the many people who generously donated to Heartfelt Music! Would you consider a year-end gift to enhance the impact or our ministry? You can donate to Heartfelt Music through Pay Pal Giving Fund with no fees taken out. If you buy anything on Amazon.com, go through Amazon Smile and we receive a portion of your purchase without costing you anything extra. Same with eBay.com with eBay GivingWorks. If you purchase anything on eBay and list Heartfelt Music as your Charity, we receive a contribution at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!


New Christmas Album Dec. 16

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I recorded my sixteenth album, which will be released December 16th worldwide. It will be available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Gumroad, and many other sites. Check the Heartfelt Music website or our new Facebook Page for details.


Giving to Enhance Our Giving

In order for us to provide our services and resources at a reasonable and affordable cost, we need your help. By partnering with us, you are empowering our goals and gifting exponentially. Easily donate with no fees through Pay Pal Giving Fund.


Home Christmas Concert with Reggie

On Sunday, December 13 at 5:00pm, I’ll be giving a Christmas concert and carol sing, celebrating the miracle of Jesus’ incarnation and sharing songs from my new album, familiar carols and two of my own songs. Hope you can make it! My Facebook account is at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1.


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November Update 2020

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A Time to Be Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving! I pray this weekend will be a personal refreshment as you reflect on how amazing God is. In the midst of such a difficult time this pandemic is producing, we can look to God’s consistent character, His unfailing understanding of our unique situation, and His powerful presence to transform any circumstance into something meaningful and miraculous.

Have you noticed that decorating for Christmas has started so early this year? We have our Christmas trees up already. We can also start early focusing our attention on Jesus who invaded this earth to bring us abundant life. As we celebrate family, friends, food, and holiday enjoyment, show hearts of gratitude. We have a lot to be thankful for! May God revitalize your spirit and give you peace as you look to Him in all you do.

Reasons to Give Thanks

“I will give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1. And from my song Here to Worship, “You deserve our praise. In so many ways we honor You with deep felt devotion. You deserve our love. Can’t stop thinking of your wond’rous grace, Your loving compassion. Thank You, Lord! Praise You, Jesus!”

Giving Tuesday, Amazon & eBay

December 1 is Giving Tuesday. You can donate to Heartfelt Music through Pay Pal Giving Fund. If you buy anything on Amazon.com, go through Amazon Smile and we receive a portion of your purchase without costing you anything extra. Same with eBay.com with eBay GivingWorks. If you purchase anything on eBay and list Heartfelt Music as your Charity, we receive a portion of it.

Home Concerts with Reggie

I will be offering another online concert and worship experience Sunday, November 29 at 5:00pm. Join me as I share inspirational stories and my music. I’ll be taking requests! Then, on Sunday, December 13 at 5:00pm, I’ll be giving a Christmas concert and carol sing, celebrating the miracle of Jesus’ incarnation. Hope you can make it! My Facebook account is at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1.

Coming Events

Keep in Touch through Social Media

July Update 2020

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Enjoy the Music

As the Concert Coordinator for Mount Hermon’s Summer Concert Series, I didn’t want to let COVID19 stop us from enjoying music from incredible artists this summer. Working with Mount Hermon’s leadership and the artists themselves, we’ve put together four Saturday online concerts. I know it’s not the same as being in beautiful Mount Hermon, but you won’t have to worry about travel or traffic. You can enjoy each concert from the comfort of your own home! We will be offering virtual concerts on four Saturdays in July, 7:00pm, through Mount Hermon’s YouTube Channel: Mount Hermon TV. We hope these will encourage you and your family.

We will begin the series this Saturday, the Fourth of July, with a special program including Veritas, Phil Keaggy, Nichole Nordeman, and Phillips Craig & Dean, giving you a sample of what you’ll experience with them next summer (Click on their names to visit their websites). On Saturday, July 11th, Point of Grace will be leading a worship set and a special concert set with some of their most popular songs. On July 18th, Buddy Greene and Jeff Taylor will share their music from past highlighted concerts. Then, on July 25th, Steve Green and Dick Tunney will share a concert they just recorded a couple of weeks ago. Join us online each Saturday in July at 7:00pm!

On Sunday, July 12 at 5:00pm, I’ll be streaming another informal worship hour so we can sing and worship God together. My Facebook account is at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Worship with Reggie Online

I will be offering another online worship experience July 12, 5:00pm! I will be singing hymns and spiritual songs to uplift you and your family, songs that are personal and popular, fun and faith-filled. Join me on Facebook LIVE at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1 You can view past times by clicking HERE.


Summer Concert Series Online

Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center will share four online concert programs during July, so you can enjoy them in the comfort of your own home! You can watch them every Saturday evening in July at 7:00pm on their YouTube Channel – Mount Hermon TV. Our first one is this Saturday, the Fourth of July.


Songs Written Out with Guitar Tabs

I’ve just uploaded nine songs fully written out in music notation and guitar tablature at Gumroad.com! CDs, music books, and free downloadable songs are also available. The songs are: Ain’t Nobody, My Prayer for You, Slow Me Down, I Can’t See the Future, Isaiah 12:2, Morning Come Lately, Windows, Remember, and Mary Christmas.


Upcoming Events

July 12 (Sunday) – 5:00pm-6:00pm
Online worship experience with me. Join me in worshiping our great God with inspirational music on Facebook LIVE. My Facebook account is at https://www.facebook.com/reggie.coates.1


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