May Ministry & Personal Update

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments

Relationships & Worship Matters

The book Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin covers many relevant issues on worship. On the Heartfelt Music website, under the category of Worship Matters book, I summarize the book in four parts. In Part 4, Bob reminds us that worship ministry is always about people. It is very important to keep in mind at all times that people are so important! God is all about relationships. Because of His deep love for us, God sent His Son to die for people, to heal relationships, and draw us all closer to Him. Relationships are messy and there are so many variables which make it hard to have a “cookie cutter” answer in solving problems. “But I know this,” says Bob, “the church doesn’t need leaders who love to lead people in worship but don’t love the people they’re serving.” It’s not just selecting the right songs that pleases God, but God is more interested in how we treat others. Take stock of your relationships and love them like Jesus would.


Phil Keaggy is Coming!

Saturday, June 23, guitar master and concert artist Phil Keaggy will be coming to Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, which begins the Summer Concert Series. Invite every guitar player you know!


Austin Coates is Getting Married!

Austin, my youngest son, is getting married this month to Lindsey Doran. Sherri and I are so excited for them and are full of joy in the midst of all the preparations. They met at George Fox University in Oregon.


Brandon Coates is Getting Married!

Brandon, my oldest son, is getting married in September to Kristin Campbell. Sherri and I are so blessed to know both Austin and Brandon have found wonderful and beautiful soul-mates. They also met at college, San Jose State University.


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March Ministry Update

Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments


Worship Matters

I will be giving a concert at Gilroy Presbyterian Church this Sunday. It’s a musical three part series we’ve been having once a month to enhance our love for the Lord and express worship through music. The theme is Music in Faith and it starts at 6:30pm. I would love to see you!

The book Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin covers many relevant issues on worship. On the Heartfelt Music website, under the category of Worship Matters book, I summarize the book in four parts. Part 2 covers “The Task” of worship leading.  Bob beautifully gives a working definition of the purpose in worship leading with the following sentence:

A faithful worship leader
magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit
by skillfully combining God’s Word with music,
thereby motivating the gathered church
to proclaim the gospel,
to cherish God’s presence,
and to live for God’s glory.

May you be reminded to magnify the greatness of God and live for His glory in all you do!


Reggie in Concert at Gilroy Pres.

I will be doing a concert at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020, Sunday, March 18, at 6:30pm. This is the third of three monthly Sunday Evening Worship Series. This Music of Faith concert begins at 6:30pm. It will be just me with guitar and vocal tapestry. I’d love to see you!


Easter Sunrise Service at Mount Hermon

An Easter sunrise service, open to the public, will be conduced at the summit of Mount Hermon on Easter Sunday, April 1, at 6:30am. Reggie Coates will be leading a time of worship and Randal Kay will share an Easter message. Breakfast is served immediately following the service.


Praise & Worship

Heartfelt Music has me involved in many things lately, which takes a lot of time and energy. But, everything works together and overlaps in the area of praising and worshiping God. Leading worship in churches; training others to sing praises through private lessons; teaching at conferences; organizing summer concerts at Mount Hermon…I love what I do!


Coming Events

March 18 (Sunday)
Music of Faith Concert with Reggie at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. It begins at 6:30pm. It will be just me with guitar and vocal tapestry.

March 30 (Friday)
Good Friday Service at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020. It begins at 7:00pm. I’ll be leading music at this meaningful time of reflecting on the cross of Christ.

April 1 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at Mount Hermon’s Easter Sunrise Service, at the cross near Ponderosa Lodge, 37 Conference Drive, Mount Hermon, CA 95041. Breakfast is served after the service.

April 1 (Sunday)
I’ll be leading worship at the main service on Sunday, 10:00am.  Gilroy Presbyterian Church, 6000 Miller Ave, Gilroy, CA 95020.


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Worship Matters Book Insights – Part 1

Think About It No Comments

Worship Matters book

The book by Bob Kauflin called Worship Matters is very helpful for any ministry to gain clarity on the ultimate priority of God:  Worship.  I agree with Matt Redman’s comments, “Bob loves God, values theology, and cares about people.  This mix is found throughout this wonderful and helpful book.  Worship Matters will inspire you as a worshiper and spur you on as a leader of worship.” This blog post is a forum where you can comment and interact on the book.  Anyone can join in and add to the insights.  The book is divided into four sections which we’ll take some months to explore.

  • Part I – The Leader
  • Part II – The Task
  • Part III – Healthy Tensions
  • Part IV – Right Relationships

In this post, let’s dive into Part I on The Leader. A leader is anyone in front of others who is influencing them (singers, readers, drummers, etc.).  I like how Bob describes many of the little things that consume us as leaders:  what people think, attitudes, musicians not showing up, and even technical things going wrong.  However, the most important thing is giving worth to God.  Worship matters to God because He is the one ultimately worthy of all worship.  It matters to us because we are created to worship God.  It also matters to leaders because it is one of the greatest privileges to lead others to encounter the greatness of God.

The next four chapters identifies four important aspects of leaders:

  • My Heart:  What Do I Love?
  • My Mind:  What Do I Believe?
  • My Hands:  What Do I Practice?
  • My Life:  What Do I Model?

What are you doing with your heart? We live in a culture obsessed with idols.  Bob explains how he was seeking his own glory and went through a major depression because of it.  He discovered he could lead others in worshiping God while he was worshiping something else in his heart.  God has made it clear “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37).  Bob states that “what we love most will determine what we genuinely worship (p. 25).”  As we value and love God more than anything else, we will respond in appropriate worship from our hearts.

What are you doing with your mind? If you truly know God, you will want to know more about Him.  What do we believe about God?  Have you taken time and energy to know Him and know about Him?  It’s important that we get our minds engaged by developing our theology and docrine through Scripture.  As a young Christian, I was encouraged to memorize Scripture which has helped me in my understanding and in my leading.  I can share the “thoughts of God,” which have eternal significance rather than my random thoughts.  Some think that studying about God shouldn’t be hard…they would rather spend more time on a cool “lick” than dig deeper into a topic like “glory.”  Some think they can know God better through music than through His Word…though music truly moves us, truth transforms us and gives music its meaning.  Some think theology and doctrine cause problems…instead, theology and doctrine rightly applied will solve problems.  Mind and heart belong together.  May we be as familiar with the Word of Truth as we are with our instruments (or more so).  “If we do so, there’s a strong possibility people are going to walk away from our meetings more amazed by our God than by our music” (p.32).

What are you doing with your hands? What you practice will develop who you are.  Skill is important as God has commanded in Psalm 33:3, “…play skillfully with a shout of joy.”  There’s a difference between trying and training.  If you are one who trys hard, you may get better, but it will be almost by accident.  If you are one who trains hard, you will get better faster as you intentionally work with disipline and initiative.  Skill is a gift of God for His glory.  It must be developed.  It is not an end in itself, but helps us focus on God and serve in many ways.  We not only need to be skilled in our craft (singing, media, sound engineering, etc.), but we should develop other important areas like leadership, communication, and technology.  Let us give ourselves to the diligent practice and careful attention necessary for biblical leadership.

What are you doing with your life? God wants us to be a good example to others, not only “up front,” but in our daily lives.  Paul told Timothy to “set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).  In speech, we must be very careful with what comes out of our mouths.  Last year, a young drummer on a worship team had to step down for a season because of some bitter and inappropriate words on his social media blog.  In our conduct, we must be above reproach.  What we do makes a difference as people are closely watching us.  We must build our reputation so people can trust us.  This trust is what gives us the connection to people to genuinely lead them.  In love, we demonstrate the greatest commandment of God:  loving God first and then others as ourselves.  In faith, we truly believe Jesus is alive, God is present, the Spirit is at work right now!  Lack of faith can hinder your ministry.  God promises to “reward those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).  In purity, means our character makes a big difference.  Christ demonstrated on the cross how serious God is for us to be pure.  How are you handling your sexuality?  Your anger?  May we model the Christ changed life in how we live daily.

What do you think?  Your comments are welcomed and encouraged no matter how big or small.  Thanks.

Worship Matters Book Insights – Part 2

Think About It No Comments

Worship Matters bookWe’ve been reading the second part of Bob Kauflin’s new book called Worship Matters.  Part 2 covers THE TASK of worship leading.  Bob beautifully gives a working definition of the purpose in worship leading with the following sentence:

A faithful worship leader
magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit
by skillfully combining God’s Word with music,
thereby motivating the gathered church
to proclaim the gospel,
to cherish God’s presence,
and to live for God’s glory.


There is a wealth of practical and helpful insights in this section.  Yet, it is a little intimidating to try and summarize it in a few paragraphs here.  I’ll give you ten points that I think are significant.  After reading them, add comments, questions, or other points you think are significant.

  1. Leading people to praise God involves energy, intentionality, and thoughtfulness (page 59).
  2. We want people to leave in awe that God would speak to us – encouraged by His promises, challenged by His commands, fearful of His warnings, and grateful for His blessings (page 63).
  3. We need to remember that our access to God is not based on last week’s performance, today’s practices, or tomorrow’s potential.  Rather, we’re accepted “in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6) and need have no fear of rejection as we come before God’s throne (page 74).
  4. We need the Holy Spirit’s power when we worship God… Three attitudes are indispensable in this area – desperate dependence, eager expectation, and humble responsiveness (page 82).
  5. A faithful worship leader combines the Word of God with music to magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ (page 96).
  6. Throughout history, God has inspired music to be a primary expression of our hearts to His, yet it is so easy to argue about.  Music wars have been fueled by publishing houses, revivalism, charismatic outpourings, cultural shifts, sound amplification, electronic instruments, and of course, our own sinful hearts (page 98).
  7. The selecting of music is of utmost importance.  If someone was born in our church and grew up singing our songs over the course of twenty years, how well would they know God, based on the song’s content (page 119)?
  8. A worshiping community is made up of individuals whose lives are centered around the Savior they worship together each week.  A worshiping community expects to encounter God’s presence not only on Sunday morning but every day.  A worshiping community recognizes that passionate times of singing God’s praise flow from and lead to passionate lives lived for the glory of Jesus Christ (page 127).
  9. As we help people understand the relationship between God’s love for us in Christ and our daily struggles and challenges, their love and appreciation for the gospel will grow.  The result will be a joyful, gospel-centered community that demonstrates and proclaims the good news of God’s grace to a lost and hopeless world:  God’s grace forgives!  God’s grace redeems!  God’s grace restores! (page 134).
  10. Genuine worship changes lives and inspires us to live for God’s glory:  making us humble, secure, grateful, holy, loving, and mission-minded (page 144-149).