Reggie’s Encouraging Christmas Music

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Christmas is a beautiful time to reflect on Jesus and be encouraged through music, family, friends, with hopefully some time to relax a little. Last Sunday, I did a short concert to share some personal songs and familiar carols. The year before, I put together a Christmas sing-a-long for families to enjoy together with words on a screen. In 2020, I recorded a Christmas Album which is available on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, YouTube, etc. Visit to find out more about this album (as well as my other 7 albums).


Home Concert – Christmas 2024 (22 Minutes)


Christmas Carol Sing with Reggie Coates (30 Minutes)

Have a meaningful and merry Christmas!

July Update 2023

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Living a Balanced Life

Here we are in the middle of summer and it sure is flying by. I’m continuing to lead worship at various churches in the Bay Area and weekly train musicians and worship leaders in-person and through Zoom. I’m so grateful to help others excel in their musical and ministry endeavors.

There are four Saturdays left of the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series. All the concerts are free, but you must register through iTickets. Veritas had to move to July 29, with Michael O’Brien, because of a family emergency. Here’s the new line-up:

I did a Summer Home Concert through Facebook Live which is now available on my YouTube channel at I played all the songs on my latest album, Encore, and wrapped it up with My Prayer for You. I hope it encourages you!

I’ve been hearing recently that more and more people are experiencing anxiety, emptiness, and despair. More pastors are feeling lonely; care workers are feeling discouraged; and teachers are feeling less valued. One way to personally work through this disheartening trend is by living a balanced life. How are we doing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Stephen Covey, in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, gives 4 personal habits for us to keep in mind to help us stay balanced and victorious in life. These have been very inspiring for me.

1)  Be Proactive [Habit 1]
Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow.
2)  Begin with the End in Mind [Habit 2]
Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.
3)  Put First Things First [Habit 3]
Prioritize your life. Make sure you put the important things in your life before the many little things that can keep you from what matters most.
4)  Sharpen the Saw [Habit 7]
Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. Make regular time to reload physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our relationship with God is vital in maintaining a balanced life: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). God loves us deeply and wants us to enjoy an abundant life! May you experience intimacy with Jesus in a fresh way this summer!

Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers and support for Heartfelt Music® Ministry. We couldn’t do this ministry without you.


Upcoming Events

  • July 16 & 30 (Sundays)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. It is located at 5150 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95124, (408) 266-4412. The service is at 10:00am.
  • July 23 (Sunday)
    I’ll be leading worship at San Ramon Presbyterian Church. It is located at 12700 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583, (925) 543-7772. The service is at 9:00am.
  • August 3 (Thursday)
    I’ll be playing instrumental guitar music during an Ice Cream Social at Saratoga Retirement Community, 14500 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA  95070, 6:30pm-8:00pm.


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July Update 2022

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His Love Endures Forever

Psalm 100 is such an inspiration for us to worship the Lord with gladness! It’s only five verses long, but is loaded with expression and motivation to praise his name. Knowing that the Lord is God, who made us, and deeply loves us, his people, we can respond with shouts of joy, joyful songs, thanksgiving and praise. “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations (Ps. 100:5).”


Come to one or all three of the remaining Mount Hermon Summer Concerts, produced by Heartfelt Music Ministry. Each concert is on Saturday starting at 6:30pm in the Conference Center auditorium. Go to to get more information. Even though the Phillips, Craig & Dean concert is “Sold Out,” come anyway as we’ve discovered that 20% of the people who have registered for tickets don’t show. We’ll fit you in!


Michael O’Brien is an American Christian musician and worship leader, who is an amazing vocalist and pianist. He has released eight solo albums since 1990. He was a touring member of the Heritage Singers before becoming a full-fledged member of NewSong in 1999. He is a Dove Award winner and received a Grammy Nomination for his songwriting. For the last few Christmas seasons, he has toured with the Foto Sisters who joined us at the beginning of our summer concert series. Michael places a high priority on family and will share the miraculous journey of his marriage. Come join him for his first time with us at Mount Hermon as a solo artist. Come join us this Saturday, July 16th.


New Songs & New Album

I’ve been writing songs this summer for a new album called Encore. One song, Hold Me, uses three capos and asks God to renew my heart today. Another song, You Pick Me Up, is for my grand-daughter and is an upbeat appreciation of her cuteness.


Summer Concerts at Mount Hermon

The Mount Hermon Summer concert series is each Saturday, July 16, 23, and 30, 6:30pm. You can sit inside or outside. All concert programs are open to the public without charge. Even though the Phillips, Craig and Dean concert is sold out, come anyway!


Listen to Reggie’s Music

There are seven albums of mine you can listen to through You can hear the songs on Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, YouTube, and more. If you’d like to purchase my music on CD or digitally, go to our product page at


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November 2021 Update

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A Positive Perspective

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this weekend is a relaxing and refreshing respite for you. There’s so much to be thankful for. Though there’s been a tremendous amount of hardships and struggles over this last year, it’s essential to keep a positive perspective. “I will give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High” Psalm 9:1.

I was so thankful to lead worship in-person last month and do music for a special memorial service at Saratoga Retirement Community last week. I’m looking forward to doing more events in-person in 2022. I’ve been sharing online with Home Concerts and Worship through Facebook LIVE, which now is on my YouTube channel. I’ll be creating a special Christmas video to show Sunday, December 12th, full of carols from my Christmas album I Wish You a Mary Christmas, and inspirations to focus on Jesus’ incarnation.

Check out below a Grateful Heart Devotional Video, how you can help Heartfelt Music® during Giving Tuesday, November 30th, and Two Special Product Bundles we are offering now.

We appreciate your continued prayers and support for Heartfelt Music Ministry! We continue to influence others toward intimacy with God and toward artistic excellence.


A Grateful Heart Devotional Video

I create the weekly online devotional videos for the VCS Conservatory of the Arts. I want to share this week’s video called A Grateful Heart. I hope you are encouraged by the three speakers and an inspiration by Sarah Young from her book Jesus Calling. You can watch previous devotionals by viewing the playlist HERE. Spiritual nourishment is of utmost importance to have a daily positive perspective.


November 30th Giving Tuesday

November 30 is Giving Tuesday. You can donate to Heartfelt Music through Pay Pal Giving Fund. If you buy anything on, go through Amazon Smile and we receive a portion of your purchase without costing you anything extra. Same with with eBay GivingWorks. If you purchase anything on eBay and list Heartfelt Music as your Charity, we receive a portion of it.


Two Special Product Bundles

There are two special Bundles available starting today: a CD BUNDLE: Get seven physical CDs for $40.00! Also, a WRITTEN MUSIC BUNDLE: Get eleven songs fully written out in music notation and tablature for $20.00! You will get the physical written music for my new song Ruminate on Grace from the new album Instrumental Guitar – Vol. II and ten other songs from my other albums.


Upcoming Events

December 12 (Sunday) – 5:00pm
Reggie Coates Online Christmas Special on his YouTube channel. Join him as he shares inspirational stories and music highlighting his Christmas album I Wish You a Mary Christmas. The link will be on the Heartfelt Music YouTube channel and facebook page.

December 7 (Tuesday) – 7:00pm
The Valley Christian High School Worship Team, led by Reggie, will be singing Christmas carols at a Mount Hermon Community private dinner in Mount Hermon.


February Update 2021

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Encouraging Impact & Productivity

Thank you so much for your prayers, involvement, and support for Heartfelt Music Ministry. We are moving full speed ahead to accomplish our goals. Here’s what we are striving towards:


  • Encourage Intimacy with God
  • Empower Excellence in Artistry
  • Express Truth through Positive Music
  • Increase an Optimistic Influence
  • Infuse a Christ-Centered World View


A young person who attended my Christmas concert online in December, sent me the most encouraging email. He stressed what an impact one line made for him in my song Mary Christmas, “Be still and know He is Lord,” from Psalm 46:10. In the wake of this global pandemic, national upheaval, crazy weather, and personal concerns, it is so refreshing to stop for a significant amount of time and reflect on how God is still Lord through it all.


We just released for worldwide distribution the new album Heartfelt Worship. I remastered 17 songs of mine with full band from the two discontinued albums Heartfelt Praise and Here To Worship. You can hear clips of each song at Heartfelt Worship on It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, and other sites. You can purchase physical CDs at our website. I’ll be doing a home concert this Sunday, on February 21st emphasizing the importance of being intimate with God and caring for others. Join me on Facebook LIVE at our Heartfelt Music Page on Facebook.


The New Heartfelt Worship Album

I’ve just released my newest album Heartfelt Worship. I remastered 17 songs of mine with full band from the two discontinued albums Heartfelt Praise and Here To Worship. You can hear clips of each song at Heartfelt Worship on It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, other sites. You can purchase physical CDs at our website.


New Instrumental Album

This week is Winter Break at Valley Christian Schools, which has given me time to write completely new guitar instrumental songs. It will be called Instrumental Guitar, Vol. 2. We’re aiming to get it out early May. There are easy listening fingerstyle songs, upbeat songs like Abundant Sunshine, and some jazzy songs. I’ll share one new song this Sunday called Ruminate on Grace.


Concert with Reggie Facebook LIVE

This Sunday, February 21 – 5:00pm PST, I’ll be doing another online concert sharing songs from the new Heartfelt Worship album and the re-released Intimacy album. It will be an uplifting hour with songs emphasizing “experiencing intimacy with God and others.” It will be on the Heartfelt Music® Facebook page at



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January Update 2021

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Intimacy Album Cover Heartfelt Worship Album Cover Reggie Performance Image

Experiencing Intimacy with God

As all of us have been experiencing tough times this last year, we do have the opportunity to connect with God more and sense His deep love for us and desire to be close to us. This is what gives me peace and joy knowing He loves me in the midst of unprecedented health risks, weather extremities, personal challenges, and national conflict. All these things are not outside of God’s purview and He will have His way. We can trust Him, cling to Him, and love Him with all our hearts. Be encouraged! He is working all things out for good (Romans 8:28).

I re-released for worldwide distribution the album Intimacy, which has 20 songs reflecting on relationships. Check this link for details: Intimacy on I’ll be doing a home concert on February 21st emphasizing the importance of being intimate with God and caring for others. Join me on Facebook LIVE at


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Intimacy – Newly Released

I repackaged for worldwide distribution the album Intimacy, which has 20 songs reflecting on relationships. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, Gumroad, and many other sites. Check this link for details: Intimacy on


Heartfelt Worship – Coming Soon

February 15th will be the release of my newest album Heartfelt Worship. I remastered 17 songs of mine with full band from the two discontinued albums Heartfelt Praise and Here To Worship. You can hear clips of each song at Heartfelt Worship on


Concert with Reggie Facebook LIVE

On February 21 (Sunday) – 5:00pm, I’ll be doing another online concert sharing songs from the Intimacy album that has been re-released) It will be an encouraging time with songs emphasizing “experiencing intimacy with God and others.” It will be at


Coming Events

June Update 2020

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Summer Concerts

On Sunday, June 28 at 5:00pm, I’ll be streaming another informal concert hour from my home. I’ll take you on an inspirational faith journey sharing my life and songs. On Sunday, July 12 at 5:00pm, I’ll be streaming another informal worship hour so we can sing and worship God together. My Facebook account is at Looking forward to seeing you there!


Many of you have enjoyed the Mount Hermon Summer Concert Series every summer. This year, we want to continue bringing you encouraging music through seven amazing artists with our concerts online. I know it’s not the same as being in beautiful Mount Hermon, but you won’t have to worry about travel or traffic…you can enjoy each concert from the comfort of your own home! Because of the pandemic, all of the artists have agreed to move their live concerts to next summer on the same weekend as previously scheduled for this summer. Now this summer, we will be offering virtual concerts on four Saturdays in July, 7:00pm, through Mount Hermon’s YouTube Channel: Mount Hermon TV. We hope these will encourage you and your family.


We will begin the series on the Fourth of July with a special program including Veritas, Phil Keaggy, Nichole Nordeman, and Phillips Craig & Dean, giving you a sample of what you’ll experience with them next summer (Click on their names to visit their websites). On Saturday, July 11th, Point of Grace will be leading a worship set and a special concert set with some of their most popular songs. On July 18th, Buddy Greene and Jeff Taylor will share their music from past highlighted concerts, even an outstanding harmonica solo from Carnegie Hall. Then, on July 25th, Steve Green and Dick Tunney will share a concert they just recorded a couple of weeks ago. Join us online each Saturday in July at 7:00pm!


Facebook LIVE with Reggie

I will be offering another online concert June 28, 5:00pm, and another online worship experiences July 12, 5:00pm! These will be online music and worship experiences to draw you closer to the Lord! Join me on Facebook LIVE at


Summer Concert Series Online

Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center will share four online concert programs this summer, so you can enjoy them in the comfort of your own home! You can watch them every Saturday evening in July at 7:00pm on their YouTube Channel – Mount Hermon TV.


Available Products

There are CDs, music books, and free downloadable songs available at Visit our website Product page to get digital or physical products. You can get Reggie’s products through and You can also listen on Spotify.


Upcoming Events

June 28 (Sunday) – 5:00pm-6:00pm
Online concert experience with me. Simply guitar and voice as I take you on a faith journey through my songs on Facebook LIVE. My Facebook account is at

July 12 (Sunday) – 5:00pm-6:00pm
Online worship experience with me. Join me in worshiping our great God with inspirational music on Facebook LIVE. My Facebook account is at


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A Healthy Spiritual Perspective

Think About It No Comments



Sometimes we are so influenced by the voices around us that we forget the truth about ourselves and God. When I was in Bible school some years ago, the late Dr. Ray C. Stedman taught on the difference between thinking carnally (in the flesh) verses thinking spiritually (in Christ). Here are some beliefs that will help you toward a healthy spiritual perspective.


  • To believe that God loves you only when you are working hard for His glory.
  • To believe that, though born again, you are still “human” and cannot be expected to react to pressure or danger in any other way than with anger or fear.
  • To believe, that God has stated in Scripture the objectives He expects the church to accomplish and it is up to Christian leaders to find ways and means to fulfill them.
  • To believe that Christians best exercise in­fluence in the world through large numbers, great wealth, political pressure, and large and impressive buildings.
  • To believe that Christian achievements should be publicized as widely and loudly as possible through any and every media.
  • To believe that competition with other Christians for honor, power, finances, or followers is necessary for success in ministry.
  • To believe that the enemies of true faith are hateful people who must be opposed by every possible means.
  • To believe that God chooses specially-talented leaders whom other Christians are expected to follow loyally and without question.


  • To believe that you are, by virtue of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, no longer what you once were.
  • To believe that by His transforming Spirit you are now all that Jesus is — a beloved son or daughter of God, loved and lovingly being trained by the Father.
  • To believe that, though what you once were (the flesh) seeks continually to reassert its control over you, you are under no obligation to obey it.
  • To believe that when you do succumb to its lies you are not changed in essence and have but to admit your wrongness and regret its hurt, to be restored immediately to the sense of God’s love and power.
  • To believe that when you so walk with God, He uses the spiritual gifts He has given you to accomplish eternal results through ordinary words and deeds.
  • To believe that Jesus is Lord of all your life and is continually opening opportunities for ministry for you in everyday matters and is directly controlling whom you are with and what happens to you.
  • To believe, that the world, the flesh, and the devil oppose your spiritual growth by clever and subtle lures and pressures, which, apart from a close companionship with Jesus, you are helpless to resist.
  • To believe that you are fulfilling your true purpose for living when, by hearing God’s words, praying to Him, and serving others, you glorify your Father in heaven.