January Happenings & Update

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Crossroads Bible Church BASS Church Workers ConventionSpiritual Emphasis Week

Twenty-Sixteen Blessings

The Coates family had a very relaxing break for the holidays. Now I’m back in the fast lane with 15 private students, teaching at Vally Christian School, working on a Masters Degree through Full Sail University, helping with the Mount Hermon Community, and leading worship every Sunday at various churches. I’m excited! It feels like God has tailored everything just so I can do the very things I love. During the first weekend of March, I’ll be at the Bay Area Church Workers Conference (BASS) teaching workshops and leading worship with Peter Neumann Friday and Saturday. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement. Pray with me anticipating significant new developments for Heartfelt Music Ministry in 2016. May God richly bless you throughout this new year!


This Weekend at Crossroads Bible Church

This Sunday, January 24, I’ll be leading worship with Crossroads Bible Church in San Jose. Services are at 9:00am (Traditional) and 10:45am (Modern). I’m looking forward to working with some of Jane Liddle’s awesome musicians.


The BASS Church Workers Training

March 3-5, Peter Neumann and I will be leading worship for the Friday and Saturday general sessions and teach training workshops throughout the weekend. Jane Liddle will be leading worship Thursday night. There are over 300 workshops for every church worker.


Spiritual Emphasis Week with VCS

This week is spiritual Emphasis Week at Valley Christian School. Please pray for transformed lives for the whole student body. There has been a steady maturing throughout the year. We hope this week makes a significant difference in the lives of each student.


Fun Social Media Involvement

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December Ministry Journal

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Amazon Smile Support Donations

Merry Christmas!

The Heartfelt Music Ministry board and I wish you the best of holidays, a very Merry Christmas, and a meaningful New Year celebration! This past year has been filled with inspirational ministry opportunities and I’m looking forward to 2016 with even more ministry endeavors designed by God specifically for Heartfelt Music Ministry.

If you are thinking of gifts, I have a number of albums available for download at Gumroad.com and iTunes.com; plus physical CDs at cdbaby.com and our website at HeartfeltMusic.org (Gift certificates available). Look me up on Spotify.


Fun Social Media Involvement

Keep in touch and share your thoughts. Click on the icons below:


Support Heartfelt through any purchase on AmazonSmile

Many of you order products on Amazon. Amazon Smile is the same as Amazon only a percentage of what you buy goes toward Heartfelt Music Ministry. Most products purchased through Amazon can be purchased at the same discounted price through Amazon Smile, but you are also supporting us. CLICK HERE and try it out!


Financial Support

We would be honored and so grateful for you to choose us as your ministry/missions organization in giving an end-of-the-year gift or monthly financial support. Since we are a nonprofit 501(c)3 ministry, your tax-deductible gifts propel this ministry and open doors for us to give, local, national, and international support of other missions organizations. Thank you for your support!


Special Christmas Eve Service

Accenting the birth of Jesus, there will be a special Christmas Eve service on December 24th, 6:00pm, at San Jose Christian Reformed Church. I will be leading the music. We will be taking a look at the whole story of our history with a special look at Jesus’ birth. Culminate your Christmas advent with worship, singing carols, candle lighting and celebrating our Lord. He deserves all the glory, honor and praise!  You are welcome to join us.


Coming Events

December 13, 20, 27 (Sun), 10:00am
Leading worship with San Jose Christian Reformed Church, 5150 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124.

December 24 (Thu), 6:00pm

Leading worship for a special Christmas Eve service with San Jose Christian Reformed Church, 5150 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95124.

August Happenings & Update

Ministry Journal No Comments


Fall Lessons Begin Indiegogo-Album 2 Valley Christian School

Still Learning

I hope I never say, “I’ve learned enough, now I can stop.” In order to be a great teacher, I must be a passionate learner. Putting myself in the students shoes and putting a high value on my own continued education is important. I’m continuing in the Masters program at Full Sail University and learning tons. The three classes I have completed so far have been compelling, challenging, and inspirational (Mastery: Personal & Professional Development; Executive Leadership; and Project & Team Management). In July, I completed the Sibelius training in order to write out music digitally. I also attended the National Worship Leader Conference to sharpen my skills at worship leading. I haven’t arrived! I certainly believe the saying, “The more you come to know, the more you discover you don’t know!” Yet, this is a truly enjoyable journey as I become more and more equipped to help others on their journey.


Fall Guitar Lessons Begin

I will be continuing private guitar lessons this fall and would love to help you get further along on your journey. On Mondays, I will be teaching private lessons from 4:00pm to 8:30pm at Bridges Community Church in Los Altos starting August 24th. I will be teaching at Valley Christian High School on Thursday afternoons 3:00pm-6:00pm starting September 3rd. On Fridays, I will be teaching every other week from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at my home in Mount Hermon starting September 11th. Let me know if you want to start.


New Guitar Instrumental Album

I’m aiming to record a new instrumental album and hoping you will help in some way. I’ve started a crowd funding page at Indiegogo.com which has perks and further explanation of this project. I have one song on YouTube.com you can watch called Abundant Sunshine. When it comes out is when the funds come in. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! It will cost about $700 for the whole project. Those who donate $10 or more will receive a digital download of my album Instrumental Guitar – Volume 1. Those who donate $20 or more will receive a digital download and a signed CD of my new album Instrumental Guitar – Volume 2. Those who donate $30 or more will have their names printed on the inside of the CD cover. In addition, all perks stack, so any one of the higher donations will receive all the perks before it.  These are just a small way to say thank you for your involvement.


Valley Christian School Begins

The Valley Christian School year is starting back up next week. I’m excited to work with the worship teams, chapels, and guitar classes. This year I will have three guitar classes. There are three worship teams, one junior high and two high school. The worship teams will be doing events outside of the school as well. My Mission Statement for life is to lead others toward intimacy with God and Valley Christian School is the perfect platform to do that (I consider it an extension of Heartfelt Music Ministry). It is very fulfilling for me to see students succeed.


Coming Events


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May Happenings & Update

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments

Reggie in Concert Full Sail University Phil & Reggie

Turning Points

I truly believe God has a plan for our lives. Throughout our days, there are key moments or major “turning points” that change our course. One of my major turning points was right after junior college when I had to decide whether to major in Architecture, like my dad, or music, which was my passion. I chose music. I’m excited about the path God has directed me on. I feel overwhelmingly grateful and deeply responsible for where God has placed me right now. What are some turning points in your life? Can you see God’s hand at work in them? Let me encourage you to stay close to God and He will guide you. “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

I’m performing a concert this summer at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Campbell, June 14, at 7:00pm. I hope you can come! There is an interactive workshop the same day at 5:00pm called Worship Infusion to enhance your worship lifestyle.

Thank you for your interest in Heartfelt Music Ministry. Many good things are going on and your prayers make a significant difference in support and blessing. I appreciate you!


Worship Infusion Workshop and Concert

I’ll be leading a Worship Infusion workshop and performing an acoustic concert at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Campbell, Sunday, June 14. Everyone gets involved in discussing three prominent areas of worship: The Heart aspect of worship (passion & purpose); The Art aspect of worship (promptings & process); The Hard aspects of worship (people & politics). Come strengthen your worship with God and share what you’ve learned along the way. Register for the workshop HERE. After the workshop, I’ll be performing a concert and sharing encouraging stories. Visit my YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/user/ReggieCoates/. The  workshop is $10.00-General, $5.00-Students, and the concert is free.


Masters Degree Highlights

I’m in my third week working on my Masters degree at Full Sail University. It is an intensive program that is both challenging and empowering. I’m really enjoying it! In the first week, we created a “Turning Point Video” (which you can see by clicking HERE) and began an excellent book by Robert Greene called “Mastery.” In the second week, I had to write an extensive research paper on someone who is a Master in their field. Can you guess who I chose? This week, I’ve integrated Instagram and Tumblr and will write out an in-depth review of my “calling.” The Tumblr account will be tracking with my Mastery Journey through Full Sail University. You’re welcome to follow along.


Phil Keaggy was Fantastic!

Valley Christian School brought Phil Keaggy in for a concert, training, and both the junior high and high school chapels in April. He was fantastic! Having someone of Phil’s skill level, genuine humility, and deep faith was inspiring (watch his “True Believers” video). The concert was well attended and I was excited to see many guitarists from the Christian Guitarist Conferences in which we had Phil nine out of the fifteen times as the Featured Artist. Some of the VCS students were able to spend an intimate training time with him playing his guitar and asking questions. Phil was so encouraging! Then, he performed for the 2000 VCS students during their chapels. They loved him!


Coming Events

June 14 (Sun), 5:00pm & 7:00pm

Teaching Worship Infusion workshop and performing a concert at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Campbell, 3151 Union Ave., San Jose, CA 95124 (408) 377-8930.


June 22-26 (Mon-Fri), 9:00am daily

Leading worship and fun singing with band at Community Presbyterian Church for their Vacation Bible School, 222 West El Pintado, Danville, CA 94526 (925) 837-5525.


June 28 (Sun), 9:00am & 10:45am

Leading worship with band at Community Presbyterian Church for their Sanctuary services, 222 West El Pintado, Danville, CA 94526 (925) 837-5525.




March Ministry Update

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Keep Learning!

It is so important to keep learning and never too late to go for more education. Earning a BA and Teaching Credential in Music has been such an advantage for me in performing and training others. To go a step further, I will be pursuing a Masters Degree in the coming months (more below). Next month, Phil Keaggy is coming to San Jose and tickets are now on sale for Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 (more below). The BASS Convention was a huge success last weekend (more below). Thank you for your continued prayers and care for Heartfelt Music Ministry.


Bay Area Church Workers Conference

It was a joy to be involved with the BASS Convention last week (the Bay Area Sunday School convention is training for church workers who volunteer their time in every area of church ministry). I am on the board and organize the workshops for the Worship, Music & Drama section. Peter Neumann was our Keynote for this section and did an outstanding job. I taught two workshops, Dynamic Guitar in Worship and Worship Organization with the iPad.


Masters Degree in Entertainment Business

I am very excited to continue my education in the field of Entertainment Business. Full Sail University has a wonderful 12-month program that will not only give me the most current and relevant education in Entertainment Business, but also land me a Masters Degree in the process. More than 30 years ago, Full Sail began as a dream to create a place where people could learn how to take their passion for entertainment and turn it into a career they love. This will help me in developing a new Contemporary Artist Program at Valley Christian School and give Heartfelt Music a cutting edge in equipping others for ministry.


Phil Keaggy Is Coming to San Jose April 14

Phil Keaggy is coming to Valley Christian School for a concert Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at 7:00pm. It’s open to everyone! Tickets are on sale through Vendini (CLICK HERE). Phil is one of the best guitar players in the world. Having someone of Phil’s skill level, genuine humility, and deep faith will inspire you and remind all who attend of God’s creative artistic beauty (watch his “True Believers” video). Heartfelt Music is joining with VCS to have Phil Keaggy share his passion in music and Christian faith. The concert is limited to 300 people, so don’t wait to get your tickets ($25 adults, $15 students). Tell a friend!


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February Ministry Update

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WorshipConsulting PhilKeaggyConcert VCSWorshipTeam

A Good Start for 2015!

We are over a month into the new year and off to a good start. January marked the restart of private lessons (20 students), ministry with Valley Christian Schools (click here to hear a remarkable song by the worship team), worship consulting with Trinity Presbyterian Church, and worship leading with Mariner’s Discovery Church (leading again this month). February continues to hold opportunities for Heartfelt Music to equip others and encourage in Christ.
In looking ahead, Phil Keaggy is coming to San Jose and tickets are now on sale for Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 (more info below).
I appreciate your prayers in ministry and personally. I am exploring getting a Master’s Degree in Entertainment Business to help at Valley Christian Schools and Heartfelt Music Ministry. Also, as President of the Mount Hermon Community, we hope the new Executive Director of Mount Hermon Conference Center is a perfect fit for the camps and the community. Their final decision on this person is going to happen more sooner than later. It is so important to get a strong Christian and experienced leader in this position. Please, pray for these things.

Upcoming Events

February 15 (Sunday), 9:00am

Leading worship at Mariner’s Discovery Church, 1619 Bixler Road, Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 354-1096


March 6 & 7 (Fri-Sat), Various Times

Teaching training workshops at the BASS Convention, Redwood Chapel Community Church, 19300 Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546


April 10-12 (Fri-Sun), the Weekend

Leading worship at Tonto Rim Conference Center Men’s Retreat, 353 N. Baptist Camp Road, Payson, AZ 85541


April 14 (Tuesday), 7:00pm

Hosting the Phil Keaggy Concert at Valley Christian High School, 100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA 95111. click here for tickets.


Worship Consultation

It has been a joy working with the worship team at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Campbell! With two services and multiple teams, they have a wide offering of music styles and sounds. Worship consulting is tailored and designed to develop the skill of the musicians and leaders, enhance the corporate singing of the church, expand understanding of group worship dynamics, motivate a lifestyle of intimate worship, inspire confidence and expression, and build “team” unity with good communication. The musicians play together while I make observations to apply the methods discussed earlier. I can come to your church in order to work alongside you, your musicians and enhance your ministry.


Phil Keaggy Is Coming to San Jose April 14

Valley Christian School is bringing Phil Keaggy in for a concert Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at 7:00pm. It’s open to everyone! Tickets are on sale through Vendini (CLICK HERE). Phil is one of the best guitar players in the world. Having someone of Phil’s skill level, genuine humility, and deep faith will inspire you and remind all who attend of God’s creative artistic beauty (watch his “True Believers” video). Heartfelt Music is joining with VCS to have Phil Keaggy share his passion in music and Christian faith. The concert is limited to 300 people, so don’t wait to get your tickets ($25 adults, $15 students). Get the word out!


Worship at Valley Christian High School

The worship team at Valley Christian High School is doing some outstanding ministry! The two High School bands have led the 1,400 students in worship during chapels every week. It’s been a delight to work with them, learn new songs, and see significant spiritual growth in the lives of the student body. You can hear and see a song they performed last week called Something New by the group For All Seasons on YouTube [CLICK HERE to view]. We just had our Spiritual Emphasis Week with Josh Riebock. His style of storytelling and being authentic was perfect to encourage the students and faculty all week.


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December Ministry Update

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Reaching the World Thank-youA Compilation of Compositions


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and yours from Heartfelt Music Ministry! We’ve had a full year of training, consulting, worship leading, sharing in concert, and encouraging others through quality music. May this holiday season be restful and renewing for you.

Take a look below at how Heartfelt Music is reaching across the nation and touching the world internationally. We have many products available for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Thank you for your prayers and support! We’d love to hear from you and find out how you became interested in Heartfelt Music Ministry.


Love to hear from you!:


Touching the World

I want to thank all of you receiving this eNewsletter every month and for staying involved with us. There are over 1,000 people from all over the world getting these monthly updates. I thought you’d like to hear how far this ministry reaches. Internationally, folks are reading this letter in places where I’ve ministered like Albania, Netherlands, Canada, and Mexico. Others are receiving this letter in places I’ve never been like Japan, Hong Kong, Ecuador, China, Australia, Germany, Spain, France, Macau, Philippines, Brazil, and Singapore. In the US, there are folks from over 25 states getting this. We are so thankful that through this eNewsletter we are actually touching the world!


Your Gifts Are So Appreciated

Making a donation to Heartfelt Music Ministry is a wise investment. Through quality training events, concerts/worship leading events, inspiring music products, and empowering consulting, we are effectively hitting our target of leading others toward intimacy with God. Your gift is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)3. As Bruce Blake, President of Heartfelt Music Ministry, has said, “We are very grateful for your support through prayer, attending events, and purchasing our products.  Some of you have been contributing monthly for years which is an important reason for our success in touching people’s lives. We would greatly appreciate any financial contribution you could make at this time.” CLICK HERE to find out more about contributing.


Music Products & Lessons

My latest albums, Here & Now and Instrumental Guitar Volume 1, are available on our website, CDbaby, and iTunes. Some other projects of mine available are A Compilation of Compositions, Heartfelt Celebration, Intimacy, Take It To Heart, No Greater Love, and Living in Jesus.

You can purchase a Gift Certificate for a friend or loved one to spend on any item. The Gift Certificate can even be used for private lessons.


I am currently holding private lessons at Bridges Community Church in Los Altos, Valley Christian School in San Jose (VCS), my home in Mount Hermon, Let me know if you’d like to start in January.


November Ministry Update

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Happy Thanksgiving ReggieDonations

A Season of Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! We have reason to have thankful hearts at all times because of Jesus, “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4).  In addition, this Thanksgiving season inspires us to have an extra sense of gratitude which is the perfect preparation for Christmas right around the corner. May this be a most meaningful Thanksgiving for you, your family, and your friends.

I continue to teach about 20 guitar students, lead worship at various churches, and train through workshops and consulting. I’m setting up January events now, so let me know if I can join you or your church in some way. Wrapping up a semester at Valley Christian School which has been a rewarding ministry experience. My albums and music are available at our product page, You can also download them at iTunes, CD Baby, Rapsody, Amazon and hear excerpts as well.


What I’m thankful for

There are so many things to be thankful for! I’m so thankful for my family who continues to inspire me and bring me joy; my friends both new and old who hold me accountable and spur me on to greater things; my co-workers at Valley Christian who work so hard to teach and equip a new generation of musicians and artists; for neighbors who are there when you need them; for all that God has provided; and for Jesus who continually brings eternal life to make living such an amazing experience! What are you thankful for? Take time to reflect, thanking God for all he has done for us. There may be some pretty difficult situations you’re facing, but God will bring you through as you lean on His love.


A Joyful Inspiration

As a special gift for you, click on the middle picture above and enjoy my latest instrumental called Abundant Sunshine.  May it be a joyful inspiration for you! Looking for gifts for loved ones?  Visit our products page and give a gift certificate, digital music, CD, or music book.  I have two free MP3’s available at https://gumroad.com/reggie. You’ll find my albums available there as well. Thank you for your support in this way!


Be a Vital Part of this Ministry

Any donation would be a great help to propel Heartfelt Music Ministry forward. Your gift is tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)3. Heartfelt Music comes alongside other non-profit organization and many are not doing well financially right now. We want to work with them even if it means we receive less financially. This is where your gifts come in. We can encourage others because of your gifts! Alongside Ministries in Albania, Mexico Outreach through Azusa Pacific University, and many churches that can’t afford an honorarium are examples of how your gifts have helped make our ministry possible. Would you consider making a donation and be a support in this way?


Coming Events

March 6-7Reggie will be teaching training workshops at the Bay Area Church Workers Convention (BASS) at Redwood Chapel in Castro Valley, CA.

April 10-12Reggie will be leading worship at the Men’s Retreat with Tonto Rim Christian Camp in Payson, Arizona.

April 14Phil Keaggy Concert at Valley Christian High School in San Jose, CA (sponsored in part by Heartfelt Music Ministry) Details and ticket sales coming in January.


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August Ministry Update

Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments


Click for Workshop Details The Abbey Coffee Lounge Reggie Coates


Seasons – The Change of the Fall

As summer is wrapping up for me and fall is just about to kick in, I’m so glad for each of the seasons of life. In the chorus of my song Seasons, God’s unchanging love is highlighted (click here to download the album Heartfelt Celebration):


 In the winter’s rest, the springtime’s beauty
The summer love, and the change of the fall
You’re the only reason that I’ve come this far
And through all of my seasons
Your changeless love holds on


I just came back from a family road trip to Canada. We visited friends, saw beautiful sites, and celebrated Sherri’s and my 30 wedding anniversary. What a great time! I’ll be posting pictures on Facebook.


Saturday, August 2, I’ll be teaching four training workshops similar to the ones I’ve taught at the National Worship Leader Conferences, the Christian Artists Seminars in the Rockies and the Netherlands, and the Bay Area Church Workers Convention (BASS). Get all the details by CLICKING HERE. (See below)


This week, I’m starting private lessons/coaching back up: Monday in Los Altos, Wednesday in Mount Hermon, and Thursday in San Jose. If you are interested in becoming the best you can be musically, motivated and encouraged, let me know and we’ll get started!


This month, I’ll be doing a concert at the Abbey in Santa Cruz (Aug 9), begin teaching at Valley Christian Schools (Aug. 11), and lead worship at Bridges Community Church in Los Altos (Aug 24).


Prayer is a critical part of all I do. It is God that radically changes lives and makes each event have an eternal impact. Thank you for praying for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. I would be glad to pray for you specifically if you’d like to email me your request. May you see God’s changeless love through all the changes this fall.


Four Intensive Training Workshops

Saturday, August 2, I’ll be teaching four training workshops: Creative Songwriting at 9:00am (learn the eight elements of songwriting); Leading Worship Effectively at 11:00am (this is helpful for every musician on your team); Dynamic Guitar in Worship at 1:00pm (for intermediate and advanced players); Improving Your Singing at 3:00pm. Get all the details by CLICKING HERE.


Performing at the Abbey in Santa Cruz

Saturday night, August 9, I’ll be performing a free concert at The Abbey Coffee Lounge (350 Mission Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 8:00pm-9:30pm), sharing some new songs on the new instrumental album I’m working on and some songs from my two latest releases. It’s a casual setting where you can have some delicious coffee or tea and chat with friends. It begins at 8:00pm. No cover charge.


Teaching at Valley Christian High School

The Valley Christian School year is starting back up next week. I’m excited to work with the worship teams, chapels, guitar classes, and symphonic band. My Mission Statement for life is to lead others toward intimacy with God and VCS is the perfect platform to do that (I consider it an extension of Heartfelt Music Ministry). The worship teams will be doing events outside of the school as well.



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July Ministry Update

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Reggie in Concert National Worship Leader Conference Reggie at VBS

Encouraging Music!

I hope your 4th of July weekend has been a relaxing one! June has flown by but has been a good start to the summer. The National Worship Leader Conference was such a blessing as this is the first time they came to San Jose (June 17-19). It was great to see a number of my guitar students there. The picture above was taken Tuesday night with Israel Houghton and band. It was a refreshing night of worship. I led music for Community Presbyterian Church‘s Vacation Bible School a week ago which was a total success. Two graduates from Valley Christian High School joined the band with me, Christian Kolb on keys, and Alyssa McCoy leading vocals and hand motions. We had a blast! There were over 425 kids and over 250 volunteers to help make it a fantastic experience for the kids. Sarah Scott did a wonderful job putting together the whole event. Many kids grew closer to Jesus!

July 6 (Sunday), I’ll be Leading worship at Bridges Community Church in Los Altos for their contemporary service, 10:45am.

I hope to see you at one of my concerts this week! I’ll be introducing a new song, Abundant Sunshine, which is going to be on my new instrumental album. I’ll be in Los Altos July 7 (Mon), Felton July 9 (Wed), and San Jose July 13 (Sun)..Looking forward to seeing you there! (see below).
I’ll be teaching summer guitar lessons this week only which is great for anyone who would like a one-time inspirational lesson. (see below).


Concerts This Week

I will be performing a series of concerts throughout the Bay Area this week. Entertaining guitar work with looping and effects, meaningful lyrics/stories both humorous and challenging, and clear vocal tapestry add to the evening of encouraging music. The first one will be in Los Altos at Bridges Community Church, July 7 (Mon), 7:00pm. The second one will be in the Santa Cruz area at Felton Bible Church, July 9 (Wed), 7:00pm.  The third one will be in San Jose at San Jose Christian Reformed Church, July 13 (Sun), 7:00pm. Hope to see you at one of these!


Discounted Guitar Lessons

This week, I will be teaching one-time discounted lessons throughout the Bay Area July 7-13 (Mon-Sun). All the available lessons are found on the Heartfelt Music Smart Events site. Sign up now to spur you on to greater ability and skill. I’ll be teaching in Los Altos both Monday (Bridges Community Church), at my home in Mount Hemon on Thursday (20 Pine Ave.), and in San Jose on Sunday (Valley Christian High School). Each lesson is 40 minutes long for $50.00 (usually 30 minutes). More than a “shot-in-the-arm,” these lessons are a shot-in-both-arms!



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