May Update

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Right in the middle of this month, a dear friend died of cancer.  Ron Miller’s example and testimony was such an example of God’s mercy and love.  He maintained such a sweet attitude throughout his life and even at the end in the last weeks.  He, and his wife Carol, were adult leaders while I was a Youth Pastor 20 years ago.  We’ve been at Creekside Community Church together for the last two years.  We will miss him greatly.
My Heartfelt Music Ministry activities have mostly been teaching private music lessons this month, but beginning in June I’ll be doing a lot more workshops, concerts, and worship leading across the nation. Mark your calendars to pray for the following events and come if you can.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry.  Here’s some of the events & workshops coming up:

  • May 31 – Jun 11 (Mon+) – Beginning Strumming and Finger-Picking, Music Dojo .com online courses  [].  Reggie will be teaching 5 beginning strumming patterns and 5 beginning finger-picking patterns over this two week course.  These are affordable lessons with email interaction with Reggie tailored to your schedule.



  • August 1 (Sun) – Boy Scouts of America 100 Year National Jamboree, A.P. Hill, VA [].  Reggie will be leading worship for the Protestant Sunday Service in the middle of their week-long conference.

  • August 30-September 2 (Mon-Thu) – Christian Songwriters Conference, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA [].  Reggie will be teaching songwriting workshops and judging for the songwriting competition at the conference.

April Reflections

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Easter was a nice shot in the arm to remind me to live anew in the power of the resurrection of Christ.  Right after Easter I took a two week vacation which was a renewing time for me personally and also a wonderful time with family.
I have to share with you an April miracle which encouraged our whole family.  My oldest son is going to college next year and I’ve been looking at getting him his own guitar to take with him.  Both of my sons have been playing a lot lately and making remarkable progress.  I found two really nice affordable guitars at Guitar Showcase, but the only way to buy them was to sell one of my guitars (My 1985 Ovation Collector’s Guitar, the first nice guitar I ever bought).  I put it on eBay for a few days.  No one bid on it, so I re-listed it for another few days.  A number of people were looking, but no bids.  After a couple of days, someone sent a message asking if I “wanted” to sell the guitar or if I “needed” to sell the guitar.  I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I answered honestly about how I really didn’t “want” to sell it.  I explained how the guitar had meaning to the whole family, but we “needed” to sell in order to buy the two guitars for my sons, so they could continue to develop their own ministry creativity.  Within an hour of my reply, the gentleman sent me another message saying, “I have just purchased the guitar through eBay.  Now I donate it back to your ministry.”  Praise God!!  You should have seen the excitement we all had…tears, dancing, laughter…and much thanks to this generous man and our loving God!  Now, my boys have their own guitars and have been playing like crazy while I continue to use the Ovation to God’s glory.

March Ministry Reflections

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March has been a full month with the Church Workers BASS Convention at the beginning of the month and the three events at the end of the month (Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday).  I sang in the BASS Vocal Ensemble with Tommy Walker and band.  It was good to help the Music and Worship workshop section improve by organizing the courses and instructors.  One participant had an encouraging word, “Reggie, I just wanted to tell you that my sister, Kelly Thrift, and I attended work amazing and informative  workshop on Band Interactive.  We absolutely loved it.  I got so much good information and ideas out of that workshop.  Just wanted to thank you for your time and the energy you put into the workshop.  Respectfully, Terrie”  The whole conference was a success and had a great turn out.

I began a group guitar course for beginning guitarists (grades 4-8) called Fun Guitar Class 2.  It is a continuation of the Fun Guitar Class 1 which just ended.  I’m continuing private guitar lessons in Alamo, San Jose, and Los Altos.  I performed and taught at San Ramon Valley Christian Academy’s middle school chapel the end of March.  It was received well and the students were so encouraging.


I grouped Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter into a three part emphasis called “Reliving Resurrection.”  On Palm Sunday we focused on Receiving Christ with the Jesus saying “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6).  On Good Friday we focused on Remembering Christ with Jesus saying “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35).  On Easter, we focused on Rejoicing in Christ with Jesus saying “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25).  Jesus is all about life!  May you daily live in His resurrection power.

February Ministry Reflections

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I want to thank the many of you who are praying for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry.  The Spirit is moving in and through a number of people I’m coaching and discipling.  It is very fulfilling to be used in a local way through Creekside Community Church in the Worship & Arts Ministry and working with the High School Minister, Middle School Minister, and Student Ministry’s Worship Intern.  It’s also fulfilling to have a broader ministry in training musicians through lessons and encouraging churches through Worship Leading and training workshops.
I’ve started two beginning classes for young guitarists during February in San Jose and Alamo.  I’m also continuing private lessons in Alamo, San Jose, and Los Altos.  I am proud of my students who take seriously their skill advancement and spiritual maturing.
This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I will be teaching worskshops and singing in the Vocal Ensemble at the BASS Convention.  This conference is for anyone who ministers in a church.  Luis Palau and John Ortberg are two of the main speakers.  There will be 13 classes in the Music & Worship section which are both practical and inspirational (for drums, bass guitar, guitar, keyboard, voice, worship leading, songwriting, and putting together a worship ministry).  Come bring your whole team!
A new music book was published this last month called Reggie Coates – A Compilation of Compositions.  It has 25 of my songs written out in tab for guitar and voice.  Some have been written out through the computer and others by hand.  It’s been coming in handy with my students as they learn my songs with a variety of guitar technique.

January Ministry Update

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Hoping you’re having a good start to the 2010 new year.  There are many developments  through Heartfelt Music Ministry, opportunities for you to be encouraged, and a few requests for prayer.  God is leading the way and opening doors for ministry and training others for ministry.


I will be doing an intimate concert this Sunday night at Creekside Community Church in Alamo (6:30pm-8:00pm) sharing stories through multiple guitars and voice with brand new songs and favorites too.  This Wednesday, I’ll begin two beginning guitar8 week courses for 5th-8th grade students called Fun Guitar Class 1.  One is in Scotts Valley (Baymonte Christian School, 7:30am) and the other in Alamo (Creekside Community Church, 5:00pm).  January 25th begins an online two week course called Essential Guitar Worship Series: Strumming and Finger Picking, Level 1 .  I’m also working on the continuing Level 2 course for intermediate guitarists.  Mark your calendars for the BASS Convention Thu-Sat, March 4-6, at Redwood Chapel in Castro Valley.  I’ve helped expand the Worship/Music workshops from 6 classes last year to 15 this year.  Key leaders involved for this year is Luis Palao, John Ortberg, and Tommy Walker.  This year, I’ll be singing in the conference vocal ensemble.  I’m continuing with private music lessons in San Jose, Los Altos and Alamo.  There are some openings in each location for lessons.  We have some good discussions on the Guitar Notes Christian Forum and welcome your input.


Continue praying for each avenue of ministry as it’s all about giving God the glory.

December Ministry Update

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I hope your Christmas season is full of meaning with faith-filled celebration of Jesus.  He deserves our worship!


Bruce Blake sent out a letter a few weeks back to invite you to help Heartfelt Music Ministry with a tax deductable year-end gift.  We appreciate the response so far.  Your donation anytime this month would greatly help.  Visit our website for more details


The Creekside Christmas presentation The Journey to Bethlehem – a Journey of Faith was fantastic!  It was a full house and the cast and crew did a great job, including a touching testimony and culminating message by our Lead Pastor.

Check out below the gifts available and the events coming up in January…


Three Great Deals for Christmas Gifts (Available through December 25th)

1) Two CDs for the price of one, $10.00 (Bundle includes Here to Worship with full band and Heartfelt Celebration with voice and guitar only).
2) Two lessons for the price of one, $85.00 (Includes two hour long lessons with notebook and lesson summary videos.   This is for those not currently taking lessons. )
3) Give a Gift Certificate.  You can purchase a Gift Certificate for a friend or loved one to spend on any item through Heartfelt Music Ministry, even lessons.
Go to to take advantage of these offers.

Mark your calendar:

Guitar Looping, January 7 (Thursday), 7:00pm-8:00pm, Guitar Showcase (Showcase Music Institute), 3090 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose, CA 95124, (408) 377-5864 [ask for Norri], $20.00 for non-SMI students. Guitar looping is the art of recording a short section of music on-the-spot and adding multiple parts on top of the original “loop.”  It makes it sound like a few guitars are playing at once, but it’s all coming from your one guitar.  Whether enhancing your performance on stage or using it to practice lead at home, Reggie will show you guitar looping techniques which will improve your playing.

Fun Guitar Class 1 (Grades 5-8), January 20, (Wed) Scotts Valley and Alamo:  (Every Wednesday for 8 weeks beginning January 20th), at Baymonte Christian School, 5000B Granite Creek Road, Scotts Valley; and Creekside Community Church, Alamo. These are beginning courses for children grades 5-8 who want to learn how to play guitar and experience the basics in music.  Students start developing modern guitar technique, essential musical listening skills, foundational understanding in reading music, and how to care for their instrument.  Sign-up with Heartfelt Music (925) 206-9895. The cost is $185 for the 8 week course which also includes the book Guide to Playing the Guitar (with CD) by Terry Burrows and a sturdy binder.

Reggie’s Concert, January 17 (Sunday), 6:30pm-8:00pm,  Creekside Community Church, 1350 Danville Blvd., Alamo, CA  94507, (925) 820-9031.  Acoustic & Electric Guitars with strong vocals and an uplifting message.  Original songs with a variety of effects to both entertain and encourage.  Bring the whole family!  (Love offering will be taken.)

Mary Christmas,


From the President of Heartfelt Music Ministry

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Dear Friends of Heartfelt Music Ministry:

Hello, I’m Bruce Blake, the President of Heartfelt Music Ministry.  In the ten years I’ve been serving as President, I’ve seen such a high impact of spiritual ministry through our non-profit organization and the lives affected by what we do.  Through quality training events, concerts/worship leading events, and inspiring music products, we are effectively hitting our target of leading others toward intimacy with God.

As many organizations have been hit by the drastic downfall in our economy, Heartfelt Music Ministry is also experiencing the “squeeze.”  December is a usual time to give an end-of-the-year gift to tax-deductible, not-for-profit organizations like ours.  On behalf of the Heartfelt Music Ministry Board of Directors (John, Bryan, Willie, Mike, and myself) and the Executive Director (Reggie), would you consider making a donation to Heartfelt Music Ministry and significantly helping us to move forward in ministry?

We are very grateful for your support through prayer, attending events, and purchasing our products.  Some of you have been contributing monthly for years which is an important reason for our success in touching people’s lives.  However, recently, it has been difficult to meet our monthly expenses.  We would greatly appreciate any financial contribution you could make at this time.

For the Cause of Christ,

Bruce Blake

President, Heartfelt Music Ministry

PO Box 3

Mount Hermon, CA 95041

How to Make a Donation

Here are two ways you can easily donate to Heartfelt Music Ministry:

1) Credit/Debit Card – You can donate using your Credit/Debit card by clicking on the Donate button below and going through the secure site at PayPal.




2) Check or Money Order – You can send a check or money order to:

Heartfelt Music Ministry
PO Box 3
Mount Hermon, CA  95041

November Ministry Update

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November has been largely full of preparing for our Christmas presentation with Creekside Community Church December 13th.  It’s called The Journey to Bethlehem – A Journey of Faith.  In addition to Christmas being about the arrival of Jesus, we are taking a look at the unique journey we take to get to Him, a journey of faith.  Through music, drama, children’s choir, multi-media, carol singing, and a compelling message, both believers and seekers will be enriched and encouraged.  I’ve been teaching private lessons and enjoying each student working toward their goals and getting better every time we meet.  I’ll be giving a workshop this Thursday at Guitar Showcase (Showcase Music Institute), in San Jose, on Creative Songwriting (7:30pm-8:30pm).  This Friday, the Mount Hermon Community will be holding a Christmas dinner in which I’ll be leading a carol sing with David Talbot.  Also, you’re invited to a concert of mine Sunday January 17th where I’ll be singing new songs and favorites as well.

A new music book, Reggie’s Songs Written Out, will be available December 1st with twenty of my songs written out. Ten of them in guitar tab, with melody and chord diagrams the way I play the chords (The songs include:  Ain’t Nobody, Radically Committed, No Greater Love, Amazing Grace, Cast Away, I Choose to Follow Jesus, Slow Me Down, Seasons, Isaiah 12:2, and Touch My Heart) and ten of them in sheet music, with melody and chord diagrams the way I play the chords (The songs include:  Celebrate, Christ Only Always, Draw Near to God, Go the Distance, I Lift My Love to You, Lord I’m Yours, On Christ, Shout, Shout for Joy, and Take a Stand). $15.00

Three Great Deals for Christmas Gifts (Available through December 25th)

1) Two CDs for the price of one, $10.00 (Bundle includes Here to Worship with full band and Heartfelt Celebration with voice and guitar only).
2) Two lessons for the price of one, $85.00 (Includes two hour long lessons with notebook and lesson summary videos.   This is for those not currently taking lessons. )
3) Give a Gift Certificate.  You can purchase a Gift Certificate for a friend or loved one to spend on any item through Heartfelt Music Ministry, even lessons.

Mark your calendar:

Creative Songwriting workshop, December 3 (Thursday), 7:30pm-8:30pm, Guitar Showcase (Showcase Music Institute), 3090 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose, CA 95124, (408) 377-5864 [ask for Norri], $20.00 for non-SMI students. Understanding the key ingredients to songwriting will open up a new world of flavors for each songwriter.  This seminar gives you practical ways to take your ideas and inspiration and craft them into a beautiful and expressive song.  Reggie will cover the eight elements of songwriting, working with music, working with lyrics, and how to combine them effectively.
Christmas Carol Sing, December 4 (Friday), 6:00pm-7:30pm, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center’s Dinning Room, Conference Drive, Mount Hermon, CA 95041, (831) 335-4466, $5.00.  This is an exclusive dinner for the residence of Mount Hermon Community.  Reggie will be leading Christmas carol singing with master pianist David Talbot.
The Journey to Bethlehem – A Journey of Faith, December 13 (Sunday), 6:30pm-8:00pm, Creekside Community Church, 1350 Danville Blvd., Alamo, CA  94507, (925) 820-9031, FREE.  As well as celebrating the arrival of Jesus, we are taking a look at the unique journey we take to get to Him, a journey of faith.  There will be child care 0-4 years and dessert following the presentation.
Reggie’s Concert, January 17 (Sunday), 6:30pm-8:00pm,  Creekside Community Church, 1350 Danville Blvd., Alamo, CA  94507, (925) 820-9031.  Acoustic & Electric Guitars with strong vocals and an uplifting message.  Original songs with a variety of effects to both entertain and encourage.  Bring the whole family!  (Love offering will be taken.)

October Ministry Update

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Touching people’s hearts and guiding them to Jesus is and has been the thrust of our ministry. I’m doing more discipling either by getting together one-on-one with individuals or small group workshops/lessons. I’m praying for each person and ask you to join with me in prayer to build God’s kingdom one life at a time.

I’m teaching an 8-week beginning guitar class for 4th & 5th graders in Alamo starting tomorrow. These students are precious and I wish you could see their enthusiasm (more info at ). I’m teaching private music lessons in Los Altos, San Jose, and Alamo which are going very well. I currently have 10 students excited to use their talents toward God’s glory (more info at ).

I’ll be training the worship team at First Baptist Church of Salinas October 24 with a workshop called Leading Worship Effectively and Team Building (more info at ). Then the next day, I’ll be teaching and leading worship in their services at 9:00am and 10:30am. You’re welcome to join us if you’re in the area (more info at ).

The ministry and people of Creekside Community Church is where I spend most of my time right now as the Associate Pastor. Investing in the Worship & Arts Ministry and four great guys is so enjoyable and very rewarding (Dustin, the Children’s Minister; Tim, the Middle School Minister; Sean, the High School Minister; and Dana, the High School Worship Intern. More info at ).

For those who support Heartfelt Music Ministry with your prayers, thank you so much. It’s God’s answers to your prayers that make this unique organization a powerful and high impact ministry to others. For those who support Heartfelt Music Ministry with your financial contributions, thank you so much too. Your gifts put feet on this ministry to enable us to do the work needed and continue to touch people’s lives (to donate and receive a tax deduction, go to and scroll to the bottom of the page).

I know these times are difficult for almost everyone, but keep looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb. 12:2).  We worship the God who daily offers hope and joy.

September Ministry Reflections

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Most of my ministry efforts has been with Creekside Community Church (Alamo).  But there has been a steady stream of meaningful ministry encounters with Heartfelt Music Ministry.  Besides private lessons and the monthly Christian Guitarist Fellowship,  June had me doing coffee shop concerts;  July had a Worship Conference in Castro Valley; August had a High School ministry reunion for Neighborhood Church in Castro Valley and the Mount Hermon Songwriter’s Conference; and the beginning of September had the last monthly Christian Guitarist Fellowship.  Thank you for your prayers through it all.

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