May 31, 2010
Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events
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Right in the middle of this month, a dear friend died of cancer. Ron Miller’s example and testimony was such an example of God’s mercy and love. He maintained such a sweet attitude throughout his life and even at the end in the last weeks. He, and his wife Carol, were adult leaders while I was a Youth Pastor 20 years ago. We’ve been at Creekside Community Church together for the last two years. We will miss him greatly.
My Heartfelt Music Ministry activities have mostly been teaching private music lessons this month, but beginning in June I’ll be doing a lot more workshops, concerts, and worship leading across the nation. Mark your calendars to pray for the following events and come if you can. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. Here’s some of the events & workshops coming up:
May 31 – Jun 11 (Mon+) – Beginning Strumming and Finger-Picking, Music Dojo .com online courses []. Reggie will be teaching 5 beginning strumming patterns and 5 beginning finger-picking patterns over this two week course. These are affordable lessons with email interaction with Reggie tailored to your schedule.
August 1 (Sun) – Boy Scouts of America 100 Year National Jamboree, A.P. Hill, VA []. Reggie will be leading worship for the Protestant Sunday Service in the middle of their week-long conference.
August 30-September 2 (Mon-Thu) – Christian Songwriters Conference, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA []. Reggie will be teaching songwriting workshops and judging for the songwriting competition at the conference.
April 6, 2010
Ministry Journal
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March has been a full month with the Church Workers BASS Convention at the beginning of the month and the three events at the end of the month (Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday). I sang in the BASS Vocal Ensemble with Tommy Walker and band. It was good to help the Music and Worship workshop section improve by organizing the courses and instructors. One participant had an encouraging word, “Reggie, I just wanted to tell you that my sister, Kelly Thrift, and I attended work amazing and informative workshop on Band Interactive. We absolutely loved it. I got so much good information and ideas out of that workshop. Just wanted to thank you for your time and the energy you put into the workshop. Respectfully, Terrie” The whole conference was a success and had a great turn out.
![BASS Vocal Ensemble 2010](
I began a group guitar course for beginning guitarists (grades 4-8) called Fun Guitar Class 2. It is a continuation of the Fun Guitar Class 1 which just ended. I’m continuing private guitar lessons in Alamo, San Jose, and Los Altos. I performed and taught at San Ramon Valley Christian Academy’s middle school chapel the end of March. It was received well and the students were so encouraging.
.![Reggie at Creekside](
I grouped Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter into a three part emphasis called “Reliving Resurrection.” On Palm Sunday we focused on Receiving Christ with the Jesus saying “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). On Good Friday we focused on Remembering Christ with Jesus saying “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). On Easter, we focused on Rejoicing in Christ with Jesus saying “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). Jesus is all about life! May you daily live in His resurrection power.
July 4, 2009
Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events
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Happy 4th of July everyone! As we celebrate our independence as a country, let’s commit anew our dependence on Jesus. What a collision of freedom and fulfillment!
There’s been some wonderful events in June with the Christian Guitarist Fellowship, an instrumental concert at Yellow Wood Coffee & Tea, and private lessons in both Danville and Los Altos. Also, I’m beginning my second year with Creekside Community Church and it is such a blessing. I oversee the Worship & Arts Ministry and work with the three pastors in the Student’s and Children’s ministries. I taught on Love (1 Corinthians 13:7 & 8a) in the main service last month and will teach on Trusting in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-8) July 26th. There’s a lot of ministry opportunities with good people to work with. Please, pray for God’s continued blessing.
Ministry Update & Coming Events
Tomorrow, July 5, is our 6th monthy Christian Guitarist Fellowship. Hope you can make it from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Creekside Community Church in Alamo. I know many are out of town because of the 4th of July weekend. But if you’re around glean from fellow guitar players and share with them what you’re learning. We have some good stuff planned!
One of the best (and most affordable) two-day training conferences is Friday & Saturday, July 24 & 25. The Lift Him Up Worship Training Conference is for all who are involved in the various aspects of woship. Some of the training workshops cover: Soundboard Techniques; Acoustic Guitar; Lead & Electric Guitar; Drums and Rhythm Section; Bass Guitar; Vocal; Worship Band Techniques; Platform Techniques; Worship Team Leading; The Meaning of True Worship; Genres of Worship; Prayer Worship; and Expressive Worship. I am one of the featured presenters and workshop instructors for the conference. Mark Kenoly and Kingdom Voice are also featured artists and instructors. The cost is very affordable at $25.00 per person for the two days of training and concert Saturday night at 7:00pm. For more information contact New Life Christian Church at (510) 889-1304 or visit .
Are you a songwriter? You won’t want to miss the Christian Songwriters Conference at the Mount Hermon Conference Center, August 31 – September 3 (Sun-Thu). Write, learn, eat, and play! Located in the breathtaking coastal redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains, this conference immerses you in songwriting with a close knit community of artists. Experience 3 plenary teaching sessions and 8 elective classes with experienced songwriters like Shane & Shane, Don Moen, Sara Groves, Charlie Peacock, Israel Houghton, and Joy Williams. I will be one of the reviewers for the songs submitted for competition and I’ll be teaching workshops throughout the week. For more info: .
In addition to private lessons in Los Altos and Danville, I’ll be an instructor with the Showcase Music Institute in San Jose (which is a part of Guitar Showcase) beginning in the fall. The cool thing about these lessons is that they will be twice a month with the addition of as many workshops as you’d like throughout the month. Each instructor gives one workshop a month which is open for all the students to attend for free as a part of the lesson package (since there are about 15 instructors, you could take up to 15 workshops). It’s great for those who want more than the hour a month I’ve been offering. I’ll tell you more as it gets closer. Let me know if you’re interested as there is limited availability. Check out their site: under Lessons.
Personal Update & Prayer Request
As a family, we’re doing really well. We love to spend time together and have a lot of fun when we do. Brandon has been busy doing things with new friends and attending camps and retreats. He continues to draw daily. Austin is enjoying summer with Tae Kwon Do, Gumdo, archery, gaming, and chess. Both of them ended the year very well scholastically with straitht “A”s. Sherri and I are very proud of them. Sherri continues to be the best mom and wife in the universe which keeps her busy. We’ve been affected by the economy, as many are struggling to make ends meet nowdays, so we’re having to change housing to something more affordable for us. Please, pray for our transition which may take a few months.
Your continued interest and involvement in Heartfelt Music Ministry is very much appreciated! Drop me a note on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace anytime. May God richly bless you throughout this month with all the unique things that summer brings your way.
~ Reggie
December 31, 2008
Upcoming Events
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The Christian Guitarist Fellowship is a monthly event for all Christian guitarists the first Sunday of each month, 2:00pm-4:00pm, at Creekside Community Church (1350 Danville Blvd.
Alamo, CA 94507, 925-820-9031 x111). Everyone is invited from beginners to advanced players, from rockers to alternative players, from acoustic to electric players, from teenagers to the ageless. There will be training with handouts, short demonstrations, time to jam with others, resources, and good relationship building with fellow guitarists. There is no charge for admission and no dues. That’s right, it’s free!
Our first time together will be Sunday, February 1, 2009, 2:00pm-4:00pm. Come join the first one and make a difference for future gatherings.
The Christian Guitarist Fellowship is sponsored by Heartfelt Music Ministry and Creekside Community Church in Alamo, CA. For 14 years, Heartfelt Music Ministry has held the Christian Guitarist Conference (and the Christian Guitar & Bass Conference) in Northern California and throughout the United States. The economy has made it difficult for most guitarists to justify going to a specialized guitar conference, so the Christian Guitarist Fellowship is the solution.
Invest in yourself and share your talent with others. For more information email [email protected] See you there.
July 14, 2008
Upcoming Events
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Next week, I’ll be leading worship for Silver Spur’s Teen Camp, Sunday through Saturday, July 20-26 (near Sonora, CA). A few friends will be joining me (two vocalists and a percussionist) for the week as we seek to draw the teens into a deeper experience of worship through music. Join us in prayer that the youth who attend will capture a renewed and deeper way to live with a lifestyle of worshiping God.