October 22, 2008
Ministry Journal
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One of my favorite things to do is help people grow stronger in the areas God is calling them to excel in. Both of the training days, in California October 11 and Virginia October 18, were packed full of empowering others in the areas of songwriting, guitar playing, bass playing, singing, worship leading, and living a lifestyle of worship. It is so fulfilling to invest in people who are anxious to learn new things willing to apply them right away toward God’s glory. During the concert in California, at Creekside Community Church (Alamo), I introduced a new sound for me with the “Talk Box” tool on the electric guitar during my new song Flame. The response was very enthusiastic. In Virginia, at New Life Community Church, the time with their worship team had a significant effect. Through rehearsal on Friday and training all day Saturday, they led worship with me in a powerful way on Sunday morning. It’s amazing to realize God is working consistently and powerfully in individuals clear across the nation. In both locations, I was able to see friends from years past and joyfully catch up with them. Thanks for your prayers.
September 30, 2008
Reggie's Journey
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Two months ago, the Coates family embarked on an all-encompassing move to Danville, California. It’s been a very good experience so far. I’m actively involved with Creekside Community Church and enjoying the ministry immensely. Sherri and the boys are actively involved in the church too which is one of the reasons we made the move. At home, we’re almost unpacked from all the boxes and the house we’re in is a tremendous blessing. Many of you know some of the trials we’ve experienced over the years, so you can understand the significance when I say, at this time in our life, we feel such a peace, a great sense of love, and a genuine joy about life. God has been leading and making a way for us which has been both comforting and faith-building. Brandon is a junior and Austin is a freshman in high school (time flies when you’re having fun!). Both of them are excelling in school. We’d love to hear from you when you get a chance. Thanks for your care for us. May you feel God loving on you daily.
September 27, 2008
Upcoming Events
I’ll be holding a Training Day at New Life Community Church, VA, Saturday, October 18, 2008, from 9:00am to 5:30pm. There will be five intensive workshops throughout the day. Then on Saturday evening at 6:00pm, I’ll be in concert with a meaningful message and inspirational music. It’s free!. See the Calendar Page to get more information.
OCTOBER 18, 2008 (SATURDAY) New Life Community Church 1449 Courthouse Rd. Stafford, VA 22554 (540) 659-5356
FIVE INTENSIVE TRAINING WORKSHOPS: • Creative Songwriting – 9:00AM • Dynamic Guitar in Worship – 10:30AM • Improving Your Singing – 1:00PM • Leading Worship Effectively – 2:30PM • Worship Infusion – 4:00PM
For details, registration, and payment options about each workshop CLICK HERE.
September 27, 2008
Upcoming Events
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I’ll be holding a Training Day at Creekside Community Church in Alamo, CA, Saturday, October 11, 2008, from 9:00am to 5:30pm. There will be five intensive workshops throughout the day. Then on Sunday evening at 6:00pm, I’ll be in concert with a meaningful message and inspirational music. It’s free!. See the Calendar Page to get more information.
Creekside Community Church 1350 Danville Blvd., Alamo, 94507 (925) 820-9031
FIVE INTENSIVE TRAINING WORKSHOPS: • Creative Songwriting – 9:00AM • Dynamic Guitar in Worship – 10:30AM • Leading Worship Effectively – 1:00PM • Improving Your Singing – 2:30PM • Beginning Bass Guitar – 4:00PM.
For details, registration, and payment options about each workshop CLICK HERE.
September 19, 2008
Ministry Journal
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The Worship Wayside Retreat in Oregon was truly refreshing. Seeing friends who’ve come to past training sessions and meeting new worship leaders hungry to learn was fun and inspirational. Conferees enjoyed the intimate feel and quality teachers over the two day event. I was very grateful for the encouragement I received from a number of those attending my workshops. Here’s one email I received:
“Hi Reggie, I just wanted to thank you for your part in the worship conference I attended last weekend at Trail Christian Fellowship. I appreciate you sharing your expertise to help others play skillfully unto the Lord. Thanks for the chord charts and finger exercises. I am very motivated to practice now and hopefully I can establish a good habit of regular practice to improve my skill, not just prepare a set of songs for the next sunday…Thank you, and keep up doing what you do. Your role is extremely important to the Body of Christ! God Bless You!” Jim Redd ( o )====:::
September 4, 2008
Ministry Journal
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The Labor Day Family Retreat at Sugarpine Christian Conference Center was a blast. Many lives were touched by the music and the message. The speaker was a mime who performs professionally. His comedy and drama presentations were so unique and meaningful. Some of the most fulfilling times were when conferees came up to me and commented on how their life was enriched through the years by my music (I was at this camp four years ago). Sometimes I wonder if any ministry continues after a great weekend like this. So, hearing from a handful of people about specific songs or CDs which have encouraged them or their children over and over again is so delightful for me. God is so good!
September 4, 2008
Upcoming Events
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The Worship Wayside Retreat is a refreshing get-a-way for anyone infolved with worship leading or in a worship band. It will be Friday & Saturday, September 5 & 6, 2008, at Trail Christian Fellowship in Southern Oregon. Last year, it was called the Christian Guitar & Bass Conference, but this year they’re including all instruments. I will be hosting the conference and leading some workshops. I’ll be joining some wonderful instructors like Adam Nitti and John Standefer. For more information visit their web site at http://www.trail.org/w-conf/
August 29, 2008
Upcoming Events
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This weekend is the Labor Day Family Camp at Sugarpine Conference Center. I’ll be leading worship for the four day weekend. A very skillful musician friend, Mike Ogdon, will be joining me for Saturday on Keyboard and vocals. There will be all ages there, so pray that the intergenerational dynamic would be inspirational and fun for all. I want those attending to not just like the music, but to have their hearts expanded toward God long term. Your prayers make a difference and I thank you for your involvement in God’s Kingdom work this way.
August 29, 2008
Ministry Journal
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The Mount Hermon Songwriter’s Conference was a success for all. There was a great turn out and the program was very well done. The best part was the people involved and their humble attitudes. When you get big named people like Paul Baloche, Joy Williams, Charlie Peacock and Don Moen, it’s refreshing to relate to them as experienced family members. I led two well attended workshops. I was able to encourage many participants which provided new friendships and some networking for some who are just beginning their journey of songwriting. The craft of songwriting is such a great tool to glorify God and help others creatively express their faith. Thank you for your prayers.
August 29, 2008
Reggie's Journey
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Since my family and I moved to Danville in August, we’ve been sorting through boxes, getting the “lay of the land,” starting school, and balancing personal life with Creekside Community Church and Heartfelt Music Ministry. It’s been so positive and a lively adventure for all of us! Transitions are difficult no matter how you cut it, but I’ve been so encouraged that all of us feel at “home” in the house we’re in and see God’s handiwork through it all. The boys have just started school which is specifically tailored for them. Sherri’s loving being so close to every store imaginable. I’m loving the facets of being a husband, father, and full-on pastor at Creekside. Pray that we would get settled into some routines and make a difference in this community.