May Update
May 31, 2010 Ministry Journal, Reggie's Journey, Upcoming Events No Comments.
Right in the middle of this month, a dear friend died of cancer. Ron Miller’s example and testimony was such an example of God’s mercy and love. He maintained such a sweet attitude throughout his life and even at the end in the last weeks. He, and his wife Carol, were adult leaders while I was a Youth Pastor 20 years ago. We’ve been at Creekside Community Church together for the last two years. We will miss him greatly.
My Heartfelt Music Ministry activities have mostly been teaching private music lessons this month, but beginning in June I’ll be doing a lot more workshops, concerts, and worship leading across the nation. Mark your calendars to pray for the following events and come if you can. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for me and Heartfelt Music Ministry. Here’s some of the events & workshops coming up:
May 31 – Jun 11 (Mon+) – Beginning Strumming and Finger-Picking, Music Dojo .com online courses []. Reggie will be teaching 5 beginning strumming patterns and 5 beginning finger-picking patterns over this two week course. These are affordable lessons with email interaction with Reggie tailored to your schedule.
June 7 (Mon) – Joni and Friends’ Family Retreat, Mission Springs Christian Conference Center, Scotts Valley, CA []. Reggie will be doing a concert on their first night.
June 15-17 (Tue-Thu) – Regional Worship Leader Conference, Calvary Church, Albuquerque, NM []. Reggie will be teaching both the Electric Guitar and Acoustic Guitar training workshops.
August 1 (Sun) – Boy Scouts of America 100 Year National Jamboree, A.P. Hill, VA []. Reggie will be leading worship for the Protestant Sunday Service in the middle of their week-long conference.
August 30-September 2 (Mon-Thu) – Christian Songwriters Conference, Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center, CA []. Reggie will be teaching songwriting workshops and judging for the songwriting competition at the conference.
September 3-6 (Fri-Mon) – Labor Day Family Camp Weekend, Sugarpine Christian Conference Center, CA []. Reggie will be leading worship throughout the weekend.