Sample – Assignment Page
December 17, Current Assignment [CLICK HERE to view your Lesson Video Summary, you can view it at A link is sent to you because it is “unpublished” so only those with the link can view it.
- It was good to see your progress from our last time. I can tell you’re putting in extra practice. Have fun with the songs!
- Practice the following songs and techniques.
- Blackbird (Intro) by the Beatles
- Key of G
- Fingerstyle with two picking patterns
- T/2-1
- T/2-1-2-T-2-1
- Blackbird (Intro) by the Beatles
December 3, 2013
- Practice the following songs and techniques.
- Your Name
- Moving from G to Bm7 and then to the new Em
- Moving from G to Bm7 and then to the new Em
- Never Let Go
- Strum #3 and strum variation with two down strokes at the beginning
- Strum #3 and strum variation with two down strokes at the beginning
- In the Secret
- Strum #3 and strum variation with two down strokes at the beginning
- Silent Night
- Finger pick in 3/4 time: T-1-2-3-2-1
- Key of A (and later in the week, G)
- Your Name
November 19, 2013
- Practice regularly the third position exercise (left-hand muscle memory and right-hand flatpick technique moving from string to string). As you practice all of the following, remember you are developing muscle memory to improve:
- Hand strength
- Finger independence
- Accuracy – Speed – and Endurance.
- Practice the Single Note Exercises in book (pp. 131).
- Practice the 12-barre blues in the key of A (pp. 148, 149).
- Keep familiar with the Contemporary Chords in the key of G, playing through familiar songs