March Update 2024
March 23, 2024 Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events No Comments
God’s Priority
As we approach the wonderful season of refletion on Jesus enduring the cross and raising from the dead…for all of us! In fact, everything Jesus did was because God’s priority is on people. “For God so loved the world (the people) that He sent His only Son..” (John 3:16a).
I was rehearsing at church before leading worship that morning, and in walked a guy I didn’t recognize at first. I asked if I could help him. He said he was looking for Reggie Coates. When he spoke, I recognized it was Bob Tharalson, the youth pastor who led me to Christ when I was 12 years old. He knew I was going to be leading that morning because of my newsletter and wanted to show up to encourage me. What a surprise…what a blessing! I’m so glad Bob took time to love me when I was in Jr. High. We continue to keep in touch and pray for each other.
Jesus put an amazing emphasis on loving people. This has been so important to me throughout my life. From the inception of Heartfelt Music Ministry, our Mission Statement has been to lead others toward intimacy with God and toward excellence in artistry. We’re all about encouraging people in Christ. Also, I love my family so much and keep them as a high priority.
Thank you for your continued support for Heartfelt Music Ministry! May God infuse you with his love and resurrection power!
The Man Who Led Me to Christ
When I was 12 years old, Bob Tharalson was my youth pastor. It’s because of him I gave my life to Christ. I saw Jesus in him and that gave me the faith to ask Jesus into my heart. I received an undeniable joy and my life has never been the same.
Easter Sunrise at Mount Hermon
For those who are local, the annual Easter Sunrise Service is at the summit of Mount Hermon’s 440-acre conference center in Mount Hermon, Sunday, March 31, 6:30am, with inspiring worship and message. Click here for more info.
Your Donations Are Empowering
The Heartfelt Music Ministry Executive Board (John, Mike, Willie, Bryan and I) want to thank those who have graciously given financially to this ministry. Your donations and encouragement have greatly helped us inspire others in Christ.
Up-Coming Events
- March 31 (Sun)
I’ll be leading worship at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center’s Easter Sunrise Service. It is at 6:30am. It will be located at the cross above Ponderosa Lodge, Mount Hermon, CA 95041. - April 14 (Sun)
I’ll be doing a live online concert from my home on Sunday, April 14, at 5:00pm. Here is the link: