December Ministry Update

4:23 pm Ministry Journal, Upcoming Events


We wish you a very…




…and a…




Teaching music at Valley Christian Schools, leading worship at Redwood Chapel Community Church, and teaching private guitar through Heartfelt Music Ministry has been such a blessing this fall.   I prayed at the end of last summer that God would place me in “high impact” ministries to continue to train and encourage His people and build His kingdom.  He answered my prayer!  I feel so fortunate to do what I enjoy and see others use their gifts for God’s glory.


November had some added ministry with leading music for Mount Hermon’s Family Thanksgiving Retreat.  December culminated with a beautiful evening at Redwood Chapel called Festival of Carols (I played guitar), a series of concerts with Valley Christian School’s Conservatory of the Arts groups at the California Theater downtown San Jose, and completed my first semester at VCS just yesterday.  2012 will have some nice things to look forward to:  Performing a series of concerts in January & February (more info to come); leading workshops at the BASS convention in March;  in April, I’ll be joining Bob Bennett for a concert in Atascadero as well as lead workshops for M0unt Hermon’s Christian Songwriter’s Conference.


I hope you get a break to relax over Christmas and New Years.  May God’s incarnation make a significant impact on you this year as you make room for Jesus in your heart like never before.  2012 is almost here!  ~ Reggie & the HMM Board

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