We’re Making a Big Move

5:41 pm Reggie's Journey

I’ve just taken a new pastoral position at Creekside Community Church in Alamo (near Danville and Walnut Creek in California) and we’ll be moving at the end of this month.  This is a huge move for us since we’ve lived in Mount Hermon for 14 years.  I’m very excited about the church, my ministry involvement,  and what it means for my family.  We’ll be living only 5 miles from the church which means no more commuting.  I’ll still be working with Heartfelt Music Ministry, but I’ll be more involved with this local church in the East Bay.  It is clearly a “God-send” and already we can tell God is at work to build His Kingdom in a significant way.  Would you pray for me and my family’s transition, move, and ministry with new people?  There never a dull moment when we let God lead the way!

2 Responses
  1. Jim Brumme :

    Date: July 20, 2008 @ 4:47 am

    I went to the Creekside C C website. Looks like a good situation. I’m guessing that you will be the Worship Pastor. I’m also assuming that they will allow you the freedom to continue with Heartfelt. Is that so?

  2. John Chevalier :

    Date: August 3, 2008 @ 9:12 pm

    Reggie! What a great opportunity. I too, checked out the church’s website. I can;t believe that you are coming down off the mountain. Errr.. physically, I mean! 🙂 Let’s talk soon, I’d love to catch up. Blessings… jc

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